The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1735: Facing the sky

Even when Yang Fei came home after practicing, he couldn't calm down at this moment.

Bei Yi saw that the boss was angry, and said, "Boss, we can sue this newspaper for defamation and rumours!"

Yang Fei thought about it, and said with a smile: "From another perspective, we can also think that they are helping us promote it for free."

Bei Yi said: "Is this still propaganda? They are talking nonsense!"

Yang Fei said: "Do you know what a star is?"

"Star? It should refer to those who are relatively famous or outstanding in a certain field. Boss, you are a star."

"To put it bluntly, a celebrity is an object of interest, a figure that people pay attention to and discuss, and a center of topic."

Bei Yi blinked, thought for a while, and said with a smile, "The boss is right."

Yang Fei said: "We want to promote a newcomer, but we are short of topics! This newspaper has helped me!"

While he was talking, Jin Dabao called.

"Master Fei, have you read the Evening News? There is an article on it, it's nonsense, you're making up rumors! If I don't sue them for bankruptcy, I will write the words Jin Dabao upside down!"

Jin Dabao was really angry.

Without waiting for Yang Fei to answer, he said angrily:

"The girls must have revealed it last night! They spread rumors wantonly after losing the election. I will definitely find her out and teach her a lesson!"

Yang Fei smiled and said: "I just watched it. Don't be so angry, I think this is a good time to hype."

"Hype?" Jin Dabao said, "This is negative news, why hype?"

"As long as there is a topic, it can be hyped. Qiu Ying is a newcomer and has no reputation at all. If we want to promote her to the audience, we need topics to hype. I am still thinking, what kind of topic should I find! Now it is good, someone Send the subject to the door."

"Fei Shao, how do you plan to hype it?"

"Since citizens like to read gossip, it's fine to follow their preferences."

"Follow the hype of this report?"

Yang Fei said: "However,

In this report, we must take the initiative. "

He thought about it for a while, and then he thought about it: "That's good, you find two entertainment reporters to follow me. As for me, I will ask Qiuying out for coffee tonight. The entertainment reporter photographed me and Qiuying together After taking photos of me, I sent them to the newspapers and continued to hype the topic of me being in a beauty pageant.”

Jin Dabao said: "Will this be counterproductive? Your reputation will be ruined."

Yang Fei said: "It doesn't stink. You just listen to me and do it."

Jin Dabao said: "Okay, when the reporter writes the article, I'll ask them to send it to you for review."

Yang Fei said: "Okay, please help me make an appointment with Qiuying."

Jin Dabao's efficiency is good.

Within half an hour, he made an appointment with the reporter and Qiu Ying.

After leaving last night, Qiu Ying felt like a dream, feeling that all this was too unreal.

When she participated in the casting contest held by Huayi Company in Huacheng, she was dragged by her classmates.

She wanted to come back after watching the excitement, but she was accidentally selected by the judges.

After passing the primary election, there were several knockout rounds in a row. She could do nothing but dance, but she was lucky to pass each time.

Last night, Yang Fei, the big boss of Huayi, chose the candidates himself.

Qiuying felt that compared with those professional actors, she really had no advantage at all.

However, luck favored her again.

The richest man, Yang Fei, who was usually only seen on TV and newspapers, only glanced at her and left her behind.

At that time, Yang Fei knew nothing about her.

After leaving the Arc de Triomphe, Qiu Ying still didn't know why Yang Fei caught her at a glance?

However, she felt that Yang Fei must be dissatisfied with her after the conversation last night.

Maybe there will be no follow-up?

The star dream is easy to think about, but difficult to walk through!

How many people graduate from professional institutions each year?

How many people went to Beijin and Hengdian to find their dreams?

How many people can succeed?

And Huayi is one of the biggest existences in the film and television industry!

If Huayi doesn't sell it, it will be a blockbuster and a masterpiece!

Qiu Ying felt that she was lucky to be able to play a supporting actress in Huayi's new movie.


I really dare not think about it.

Therefore, she did what she had to do, and no longer had too much hope for Huayi.

Just as she was about to go to evening self-study, her cell phone rang.

When she saw that it was Mr. Jin calling, she quickly answered it.

"Qiuying? What are you doing? I have called you several times and you have not answered!" Jin Dabao's thick voice seemed to burst her eardrums.

"Boss Jin, I was just taking a shower, and I didn't bring my mobile phone with me in the dormitory." She answered cautiously like a primary school student who has done something wrong.

"I have sent a car to your school, you come out!"

"Huh? Where are you going?"

"What are you talking about? Just come out!"

"Boss Jin, I..."

Before Qiu Ying finished speaking, Jin Dabao had already hung up the phone.

She gritted her teeth and thought about it, then turned and walked towards the school gate.

Sure enough, there was a luxurious Mercedes-Benz car parked at the school gate.

A white-collar woman wearing glasses stood elegantly by the car door and looked at Qiu Ying: "Miss Qiu, please get in the car."

"You recognize me?" Qiuying asked.

"I've seen your talent show. You dance beautifully." The girl with glasses smiled slightly, "I'm the secretary of the president's office of Huayi Company. My name is Zhang Wenfang. You can call me Sister Zhang."

"Sister Zhang, are you President Jin's secretary?"

"I'm the secretary of the president's office, and I'm responsible to Boss Yang."

"Yang Fei?"

"Yes. Get in the car, please."

The interior of the car is dazzlingly luxurious.

Qiuying sat awkwardly.

Zhang Wenfang asked, "You don't have makeup on?"

Qiu Ying said: "I just took a shower, and I'm going to study by myself in the evening, I haven't had time to put on makeup."

Zhang Wenfang said: "Do you want to put on makeup? I have a makeup bag here."

Qiu Ying shook her head: "Don't do it. Too much cosmetics are not good for the skin."

Zhang Wenfang smiled slightly: "It's nice to be young. Without makeup, the skin is moist and elastic."

Qiuying smiled shyly, seeing that Zhang Wenfang was very easy-going, she relieved her nervousness, and asked, "Sister Zhang, is it Yang Fei who wants to see me?"

Zhang Wenfang said, "Yes."

Qiu Ying's restless heart was even more difficult to calm down.

She clasped her fingers tightly together and asked in a low voice, "Sister Zhang, can I not go?"

"Not going?" Zhang Wenfang laughed, "Why not?"

"I..." Qiuying wanted to say, but couldn't.

Zhang Wenfang smiled sweetly and said, "Are you afraid that the boss will steal you?"

When Qiuying heard the hidden words, she trembled slightly with fright, and her face changed.

Zhang Wenfang giggled and said, "You are so cute, no wonder the boss chose you. Go, don't be afraid. The boss is very nice. I have served three media companies, Huayi is the most reliable one, and Boss Yang is also the best boss."

However, she still failed to answer Qiu Ying's difficult problem.

Qiu Ying wanted to say something else, but the car stopped.

The car door was pulled open from the outside, and the person who opened the door put his hands on the roof of the car, respectfully asking Qiu Ying to get out of the car.

Zhang Wenfang said: "Miss Qiu, you go up, the boss is waiting for you on the second floor."

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