The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1736 I bet my youth on tomorrow!

Qiu Ying entered the cafe and walked to the second floor.

The upstairs is full of booths, and there are many people sitting there.

Qiuying saw Yang Fei at a glance.

Yang Fei sat facing her, saw her coming up, and waved to her.

They come, the security.

Qiuying straightened her waist, smiled slightly, and walked over.

Seeing Yang Fei get up, Qiuying quickened her pace a little.

She saw Yang Fei stretching out her hand, and she also extended her hand towards Yang Fei with a smile.

Who knows, Yang Fei didn't shake hands with her, but hugged her directly.

Qiu Ying froze.

Before she could react, Yang Fei had another intimate kiss with her.

Qiu Ying subconsciously wanted to push him away.

But Yang Fei's movements were so fast that she had no time to react normally.

Yang Fei let go of her and said with a smile, "Sit down and talk."

Qiu Ying blushed, and told herself, don't misunderstand Yang Fei, he has received a Western-style education, and Westerners are popular with hugging and kissing.

She sat down as she said, and said, "Mr. Yang, you called me, what's the matter?"

"I invite you to drink coffee." Yang Fei handed over the menu, "Whatever you want to drink, order by yourself."

Qiuying's heart was beating wildly, and she asked, "Is it just coffee?"

Yang Fei smiled and said, "Of course you can also order something to eat."

Qiuying couldn't help but chuckled, but then restrained her smile and said, "I've already eaten."

Yang Fei asked, "What kind of books do you usually read?"

"I usually like to read magazines. Friends, readers. There are also foreign literary masterpieces, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Gone with the Wind, I have read them all."

"very good."

The two drank coffee,

while chatting.

Yang Fei is indeed very easy-going, with witty and elegant conversation, neither vulgar nor hands-on, and the drink is coffee, not asking her to accompany the wine and sing, so Qiu Ying's vigilance slowly relaxed , talking and laughing.

After chatting for about an hour, the two ended their conversation.

Qiuying was still worried about whether Yang Fei would ask too much next time, who knew that Yang Fei would send her back to school directly.

Really just had a cup of coffee?

Qiuying interpreted this meeting as Yang Fei's deep understanding of herself.

Many of the questions Yang Fei asked seemed simple, but in fact they were all intentional, which was helpful for a comprehensive understanding of Qiu Ying.

And Yang Fei's extensive knowledge and strong memory also left a deep impression on Qiuying.

In the next day's newspaper, the news that Yang Fei was dating a beautiful woman appeared again.

This time the news was even more exciting.

Because it distributed a photo of Yang Fei dating a certain beauty.

The photo captured Yang Fei's front face.

Beauty only has a back view.

Especially the photo of Yang Fei hugging the beautiful woman is even more thought-provoking.

Many people began to speculate, who is this woman?

When a person's wealth has accumulated to a certain level, he will indeed become a star and become the object of attention of the world.

After the meeting that day, Yang Fei invited Qiu Ying out again.

Qiuying didn't think much, and came out immediately after receiving the call.

It was still the Mercedes-Benz saloon that picked her up.

Qiuying was at school and didn't see the report in the newspaper.

She didn't even know that she had become the darling of the media and the talk of the citizens after dinner.

Today, Yang Fei invited Qiu Ying to have dinner together.

During the banquet, Yang Fei still talked and laughed happily, every word was pearls.

Qiuying was teased by Yang Fei from time to time and pursed her lips into a smile.

After dinner, Yang Fei invited her to sit at home.

Qiuying had already relaxed her guard, but at this moment she couldn't help becoming nervous again.

However, she couldn't find any reason to refuse.

Yang Fei smiled slightly: "I happen to have the book we talked about just now. It's the original book I bought from abroad. It's hard to find in China. I can lend it to you."

Just borrow books?

Qiuying's heart is in a mess.

She shyly followed him into the car.

In fact, she couldn't say no to it.

After all, up to now, Yang Fei has not done anything, and it can be seen that he has unreasonable thoughts about her.

If she refuses, it means that she is doubting Yang Fei.

With her kindness, she couldn't do such a thing.

Arriving at Yang Fei's residence, Qiu Ying breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that she was worried that she would be alone with Yang Fei, and if he made other excessive demands, she didn't know what to do.

But she was overthinking.

There is one person in the family, and it is a woman.

Bei Yi enthusiastically invites Qiu Ying to sit down, and makes her tea.

Qiu Ying thought she was Yang Fei's girlfriend, but later found out that Bei Yi was just an employee, taking care of Yang Fei's daily life temporarily.

Yang Fei took the book and handed it to Qiuying.

Qiu Ying flipped through the exquisite original English book in her hand, and she felt that she really treated the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Yang Fei sat on the sofa and asked her: "Miss Qiu, would you like to play the role of the heroine in "The Thing of First Love"?"

Qiuying's hand, which was flipping through the book, suddenly stopped.

Because she was too nervous, she slipped her fingers and almost tore the pages of the book.

"Mr. Yang, can I really play the heroine?" She asked expectantly but anxiously.

Yang Fei said: "Your temperament and appearance are in line with the heroine image of this drama."

"If Mr. Yang is willing to use me, then of course I will."

"However, you have to be prepared. If you don't agree, it's fine. Once you agree, you must go all out to play this role well."

"Of course, I will do my best."

"The filming cycle of this drama is about eight months. You need to follow the crew all the way. Therefore, your studies will be greatly affected. You have to think about this clearly."

"It took so long?" Qiu Ying hesitated.

She was a little confused.

One aspect is academics.

One aspect is career.

How many people can't wait for such an opportunity in their lifetime!

If you can become famous in one fell swoop, of course it is easy to say.

It doesn't matter if you study or not.

But what if it doesn't work out?

So what to do?

Studies have also been delayed!

This is tantamount to betting on your own future!

Yang Fei said: "You don't have to reply me now. I'll give you three days to think about it. After three days, if I don't receive your reply, I will treat you as a waiver."

Qiu Ying pursed her lips, her face was as hot as fire.

She boldly asked: "Mr. Yang, if I agree to act, can I sign a contract with your Huayi company? Become a signed artist?"

Yang Fei laughed out loud.

This laughter came suddenly and inexplicably.

Qiuying couldn't help being at a loss.

Yang Fei said: "I thought you would not bargain. It turns out that you also know how to think about the future. This is very good."

Qiuying's pretty face was flushed, and she said: "Mr. Yang, if I agree to act in this movie, I will almost delay my studies for a year. It is equivalent to dropping out of school. Of course, if I can become a signed artist of Huayi, it will be equivalent to If I found a job in advance, then I am willing to give up my current studies for the sake of acting career."

"Aren't you going to discuss it with your family? You can make the decision yourself?" Yang Fei asked.

"I can make the decision. This is my chance. No one can change my mind. I am willing to bet my youth on my tomorrow!" Qiu Ying said firmly.

Yang Fei took a deep look at her, stretched out his hand, and smiled gently: "Miss Qiu, congratulations on becoming a member of Huayi!"

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