The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,763 Never tired of looking at each other 2

Li Yanan met Su Tong and Guo Tao at the door, chatted for a few words, and then came in.

"Sister Li!" Yang Fei happened to see Zheng Daqiu off and met Li Yanan at the door.

Li Yanan smiled sweetly: "You didn't even tell me when you came back."

"Sister Li is busy with the art museum. I'm afraid I'll disturb you. I'm still thinking of visiting you in two days."

"I'm afraid the plum blossoms will fade by the time you come to visit, so it's safe for me to come to you."

"Haha!" Yang Fei made a gesture of invitation, "Please."

"I came here specifically to see the plum blossoms. I saw the plum blossoms in your yard from a long way away."

"This year's plum blossoms bloomed early and beautifully."

"Qiao doesn't fight for spring, she only repays spring when it comes."

The two looked at each other and smiled, then came to the plum tree.

The plum branches stretched very wide, and the sharp branches covered a corner of the small courtyard.

A few plum blossoms stick out from the wall.

The wind blows, and the faint fragrance is refreshing.

"You planted so many peach blossoms in Peach Blossom Village, but you only planted one plum tree in your yard. Throughout the winter, the scenery here is the most beautiful."

"If Sister Li likes it, you can plant some plum trees in the art museum."

"Plum blossoms are a very cool flower. One tree is enough, but too many will not be beautiful. Can I take one off and take it home?"

"That's Plum Blossom's honor."

"Zi Feimei, how could you know that it feels honored?"

"It's not me, how can I know that I can't feel its honor?"

"Oh, I'm just asking for trouble by fighting with you."

The two looked at each other and smiled in tacit understanding again.

"I want this branch!" She pointed to the branches on the tree and said, "This one has many buds. If you go home and put it in a vase, you can still expect the flowers to bloom."

Yang Fei followed her instructions and helped her break off the plum branches and said, "Put it in my living room first, and you can take it away later."

"Well, thank you."

"It would be vulgar to say thank you."

"An ancient poem says: Two people will never tire of looking at each other, only Jingting Mountain. I think what the poet mainly wants to express is this word "respect". Only when two people respect each other can they never tire of each other."

"Given Sister Li's beauty and beauty, I don't think I'll ever get tired of watching her."

Li Yanan looked at him and said quietly: "I would like to have the same person, and we will never be apart until we grow old together. If you have two minds, it is better to make a decision as soon as possible."

Yang Fei smiled awkwardly.

Li Yanan took the plum branch, closed her eyes, smelled it, and said, "If it snows one day, I will come to your house to paint plum blossoms."

"Maybe it will snow tonight!"

"Weather forecasts are never accurate."

"It wasn't the weather forecast, it was me who predicted it."

"That's even more inaccurate."

"How about it's accurate?"

"If it's accurate, I'll thank you."

"How can you thank me?"

She smiled, did not answer, turned and walked towards the living room, then suddenly turned back and said, "Has the wedding date been set?"

Yang Fei said: "It's decided."

"It won't change again, will it?"



"Su Tong is very good, really, don't let her down."


"She is a good wife and mother. Maybe she doesn't understand your romance, but you will eventually understand that as time goes by, the greatest romance in life is for her to accompany you as you grow older."

Yang Fei couldn't help but be stunned.

"If you marry someone else, you will regret not marrying her. But if you marry her, you will not regret not marrying someone else. She is not without ability, she just put away all her abilities and is willing to be the woman behind you." Li Yanan said again.

"Sister Li, are you here to preach today?" Yang Fei smiled.

"Yes, I have wanted to talk to you for a long time. But I never got the chance." Li Yanan said, "You may not like to hear what I say, but I still have to say it."

"Thank you, Sister Li, I understand."

"Yang Fei, I understand you. You are a passionate seed. In your heart, Su Tong may not be beautiful enough or talented enough. However, just like this plum blossom, there is no need for too many colors to be moving. One tree and one branch are better than spring. Only if you know how to Only those who appreciate it know how good this plum blossom is."


"Forget it, stop talking, I'm thirsty and want to drink your good tea."

There is a special small tea room in the living room, and Yang Fei bought a set of tea sets to place in it.

Only certain people can be invited by Yang Fei to drink tea in the tea room.

The two drank tea and chatted.

Yang Feixiao asked: "Sister Li, is it time to resolve your lifelong issue?"

Li Yanan said: "I haven't considered this matter. The right person is not so easy to meet."

Yang Fei said: "You are still young! To be honest, you look cuter than a little girl."

"Don't you think it's cruel to use adjectives like cute for someone like me?"

"Ahem, Sister Li, Taohua Village is holding a folk tourism festival, and I would like to invite you to participate in the performance."

"Are you mistaken? What should I perform? I can't sing or dance."

"Performing elegant painting art. Beauty painting, I think this is a beautiful art in itself. With your fame, you can also attract many fans. CCTV's "Mountain and Countryside Changes" column team also Will come and take photos!"

Li Yanan is ice-smart, she is obedient, not only listens directly, but also listens backwards.

She immediately understood Yang Fei's intention and said with a smile: "You want me to attract fans through performances! That's okay. After the art museum opens, if no one comes to visit, how shameless will I be? Since you think If this show is important, it must be good. I trust your business acumen."

"That's right. The fragrance of wine is afraid of the deep alleys. Proper hype and publicity can allow the flower of art to bloom all over the land of China and spread to all corners of the country."

"You are the one who made me an artist. You have to be responsible for the rest of my life. I don't understand publicity... Oh, why are you laughing? Don't think wrongly. I mean, you have to treat me I am responsible for my artistic creation and promotion in the rest of my life, not for you to be responsible for me.”

She smiled in annoyance and said: "Forget it, the more you talk about it, the more confusing it becomes."

Yang Feidao: "After the art museum opens, it will become a quality education base for students across the province. You don't have to worry about no one coming to visit. The paintings you painted are hard to find now. As long as you have the energy to paint, someone will pay for it." Buy and collect. If others don’t want it, I want it! I’ll hide as much as you draw.”

"It's just a pile of paper. You have collected so many, and you're not afraid of folding them?"

"To put it bluntly, most artists' works don't become valuable until a hundred years later. I want to keep them for appreciation."

"You want to say that I'm dead?"


"I'm afraid you won't be able to wait that long. As the saying goes, good people don't live long, and bad people live forever. I'm a very bad person, so I guess I can live a long time."

"That's just right, I'm a bad guy too. We can get through life slowly."

"Oh, chatting with you will make my stomach cramp sooner or later. I never laughed when you were away. As soon as you came back, I seemed to have unleashed all the laughter I had been holding in."

The more the two talked, the more they became interested, their eyes facing each other, affectionate.

At this time, little Susu's loud cry came from outside.

Li Yanan was startled and panicked, as if her master had discovered her thief. She stood up and said, "It's getting late. I'm going back."

Yang Fei took her arm and said, "Stay for dinner."

Li Yanan looked back at him.

It seemed that no man had touched her arm for a long time!

Separated by two layers of cloth, her hands were trembling slightly.

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