The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,764 Top priority

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Latest website: Li Yanan stayed after all.

She is very familiar with the Yang family. Usually when Yang Fei is not in the village, she often comes to the reservoir villa to play and discuss the creation of root carving art with Yang Mingyi.

So it didn't seem so out of the ordinary for her to stay at Yang's house for dinner.

Zheng Daqiu came as invited.

During the dinner, Yang Fei and Zheng Daqiu talked about the management of supermarkets.

Zheng Daqiu benefited greatly from this.

After the banquet was over, Zheng Daqiu sat down and then stood up to say goodbye, saying he would come back to disturb him tomorrow.

Li Yanan asked Yang Fei with a smile: "I see that you really spared no effort when teaching him. Aren't you afraid that you will starve the master to death if you teach the apprentice?"

Yang Fei said: "This is a narrow concept. There is endless business in the world. Not to mention the business in the world, even the business in the May Day Business District in the provincial capital is very big. Even if there is no Spring and Autumn Department Store, there will be other Department stores have moved in. Among all department stores, Spring and Autumn Department Store is exactly the least threatening."

Li Yanan said: "You are very confident."

Yang Fei said: "Confidence comes from strength."

Li Yanan pursed her lips and smiled and said, "It's time for me to go home. I've been disturbing you for a long time."

Yang Fei said: "I'll give it to you."

Su Tong went home, finished his meal, and then went to the village headquarters for a meeting.

As soon as the concept of the folk festival was put forward, it received a response from all the village cadres. Everyone thought that the concept of this tourism festival was very good, so they wanted to discuss the details as soon as possible.

Yang Fei sent Li Yanan home.

Li Yanan smiled and said: "Come in and sit down, I have some paintings for you."

"Haha, that's great." Yang Fei picked up the plum branch for her and entered her room.

Li Yanan first found a vase, inserted the plum branches, placed it near the workbench, and said, "The whole house instantly became elegant, and the fragrance overflowed."

Yang Fei chuckled, clasping his hands behind his back, looking at her new work.

Li Yanan showed Yang Fei some paintings.

"I didn't frame it. If you want to hang it, I will frame it for you. If you don't want to hang it and just store it, then there is no need to frame it."

Yang Fei slowly unfolded the painting.

His eyes lit up.

This is a "wedding painting", which depicts a Chinese wedding scene.

Li Yanan depicts the scene of a classical wedding through delicate brushwork and rich imagination.

The protagonists of the wedding were Yang Fei and Su Tong.

The groom is riding a tall white horse, and the bride is extremely beautiful in her phoenix crown and harem.

Yang Fei was surprised: "Sister Li, this gift is so precious! I was just about to take wedding photos with Su Tong, so you drew one for us."

"Of course the painting is not as good as the photo." Li Yanan said.

"Who said that? I think your paintings are more artistic."

Indeed, there are some scenarios that can be drawn through imagination, but are extremely difficult to realize in reality.

Yang Fei said: "Sister Li, I want to frame this painting and hang it in my living room."

"I'll give it to you after it's framed."

"That's okay, you are a professional, but you are better than me at how to frame it.


Yang Fei opened another painting. This was the winter scene of Peach Blossom Village that he had asked her to paint before. The painting was vivid and lifelike.

The meticulous structure of Gongbi is rigorous, the brush strokes are round and free, the colors are elegant and elegant, the freehand brushwork is vigorous and refreshing, the brushwork is gorgeous, natural, thick and agile, and complement each other.

Yang Fei praised: "Sister Li, this painting is a treasure!"

"As long as you like it. I have nothing to give you. These two paintings are just wedding gifts to you. Don't dislike them."

"This is the most precious gift I have ever received."

"Don't say that. Your wedding isn't here yet. You might get an unexpected gift then!"

"What other gift can be better than these two paintings of yours?"

"It's getting late. It's time for Su Tong to go home, right? I won't keep you here anymore, so go back quickly."

Yang Fei hummed: "Then I'm leaving. Come to my house to play tomorrow!"

"What are you playing?"

"Drinking tea, admiring plum blossoms, fishing, and soaking in hot springs are all fine. How about going to a scenic spot?"

"Hot spring? The two of us?" Li Yanan pursed her lips and smiled, suddenly feeling that these words were a bit too flirtatious, and pushed his shoulder awkwardly, "Okay, let's talk about it tomorrow, go back quickly."

Yang Fei said: "I haven't taken the painting yet. I'll take back the winter scene of Peach Blossom Village first."

Li Yanan gave him the painting and bit her lip as she watched him walk out the door.

She touched the arm that he had touched and slowly closed her eyes. All that flashed before her eyes was Yang Fei's masculine and resolute face, as well as his strong and powerful wrists.

"What's wrong with me?" Li Yanan shook her head and asked herself softly.

She took a shower and went to bed.

However, she couldn't sleep.

The more I miss Yang Fei, the more his image takes root in my mind.

Li Yanan's whole body felt as hot as fire.

I can't sleep anymore.

She got dressed, came to the workbench, lowered her head and smelled the plum blossoms.

She picked up the brush and wanted to draw, but what she wrote was the word Yang Fei.

Li Yanan was startled, and quickly crumpled up the piece of paper with Yang Fei's name on it and threw it into the trash can.

Her face was hot and her heart was beating, and she didn't know what to do for a moment.

She has been through this before, so of course she knows what is going on with her.

"No! Absolutely not!" She kept telling herself.

This night, Li Yanan was having a really uncomfortable time.

She rarely sleeps in.

No matter how late she goes to bed, the biological clock in her body will wake her up naturally when the time comes.

I woke up, but due to lack of sleep, I felt a little shaky.

On this day, Su Tong was still busy at the village headquarters.

People from the county and town came to hold a meeting and discuss the folk festival.

Without a clear meeting, this matter cannot be accomplished.

Yang Fei didn't care about her. This was his idea. He couldn't stand in the way, right?

There was still an endless stream of people coming to visit Yang Fei during the day.

Su Yingying is very competent as the temporary secretary.

She is familiar with the local cadres, and she also knows the big and small managers in the group. They are all decent in dealing with people, speaking and behaving. She is even more sophisticated than Chen Mo and others.

Yang Fei received a few people, but suddenly thought that Li Yanan didn't come and didn't care.

In the afternoon, Yang Fei went to inspect the daily chemical factory.

He Hongzhe accompanied Yang Fei and visited the workshop and office building.

What makes Yang Fei very satisfied is that after He Hongzhe took over Wei Xinyuan's team, he managed it very well and truly followed the rules of Xiao.

Nowadays, all the work in the daily chemical factory is on track.

Later managers only needed to implement step by step to maintain the high-speed operation of the factory.

And this is what Yang Fei wants to see most.

Companies and factories all operate because of rules and regulations, rather than relying on any one person.

After inspecting the factory, Yang Fei returned home. It was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Wu Suying prepared the meal and said somewhat unhappily: "Su Tong won't come back for dinner?"

Yang Fei said: "She's busy. I'm afraid it won't be finished for a while. We don't have to wait for her."

Wu Suying said: "What exactly do you think?"

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

"What else can happen? It's about the second child!"

"Oh, it's in the plan."

"Plan! Plan! Having a baby is the top priority! You have to hurry up! Pay more attention!"

"Mom, this is not something I can do just by thinking about it."

"Then try harder!"


"I don't care, you have to have at least two boys!" Wu Suyin was astonished.

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