The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,765 Family Storm

Yang Fei couldn't help but laughed.

At this time, Su Tong walked in and asked with a smile: "What is so funny?"

Yang Fei said: "Ask our mother."

Su Tong looked at Wu Suying with a smile.

Wu Suying said: "I told Xiaofei that you must hurry up and have a second child, at least two boys!"

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Senior sister, listen to this, do you think it's funny?"

Of course, Su Tong didn't dare to laugh, and just said: "Mom, we know what to do about having children, but why do we have to have two boys? It's not up to Yang Fei and I to decide whether to have a boy or a girl."

Wu Suying said: "How can Xiaofei inherit such a large family property if he doesn't have two more boys? Having two boys is equivalent to double insurance!"

When Su Tong heard this, he couldn't help but frown slightly and said, "Mom, you and I are both women, how can you favor boys over girls?"

Wu Suying said: "Oh, Su Tong, I don't mean anything else. But think about it, this woman will always get married. If she doesn't have a son, who will inherit Yang Fei's family property?"

Su Tong said: "Mom, your concept is too old-fashioned. I don't agree with it. Our daughter is also our child."

Wu Suying said: "It's true that it's a child, but it's also true that you want to get married, right? Daughters and sons are just different. Don't believe it? Go home and ask your parents, can they give you half of your family's property?"

Yang Fei said: "What do I want from her family's property? Then who do I become?"

Wu Suying said: "Don't interrupt! Su Tong and I are arguing."

Yang Fei said helplessly: "Mom, you have to be reasonable. Besides, no one can decide whether it's a boy or a girl."

Su Tong said: "That's right, what if I just can't give birth to a boy?"

Wu Suying said: "I don't care, I have to have a boy anyway!"

Su Tong was also angry: "Then if I can't give birth, are you still going to ask Yang Fei to divorce me and ask him to marry someone else?"

Wu Suying said: "I didn't say such a thing!"

Yang Fei waved his hands and said in a deep voice: "Okay, don't talk anymore! Eat!"

Yang Mingyi washed his hands and came out and said, "You're so good, what are you arguing about? Let's eat."

Everyone was silent now.

After dinner, Su Tong hugged little Su Su and said, "I'm going back to my parents' house."

Yang Fei said: "I will send you off."

Su Tong didn't answer and went out directly.

Wu Suying said: "Hey, you haven't even passed the door yet! You dare to show me your face? What if you wait until you have passed the door? Xiaofei, don't chase her!"

Yang Fei said: "Mom, why do you think you are doing this?"

"I'm doing this for your own good! What if you don't have a son to inherit your billions of assets?"

"If I don't have a son, I can pass it on to Xiao Susu! If it doesn't work out, I can pass it on to Xiao Junjun, or donate it all! What the hell is this?"

"No!" Wu Suying said, "Your property can only be passed on to your son! No one can!"

When Yang Fei saw that his mother was really angry, he said, "Mom, we are all young, and it is not impossible to have a son. Why are you so anxious?"

With that said, he went out.

Yang Liyuan remained silent.

After his son left, he said to Wu Suying, "Just stop saying a few words! Look how angry Su Tong is!"

"Is she angry? I'm still angry! Why do you only care about her? If your son is facing her, you may not be facing her too?"

"It's unreasonable!" Yang Liyuan stood up, "I'll go back to the provincial capital tomorrow to live with Xiaojun and his family!"

"Let's go! I'm leaving too! We can't stay here anymore!" Wu Suying said, "I'll pack my bags and go!"

Yang Mingyi said in a deep voice: "Everyone, sit down! Everything is going well for the family! As a family, what can't we talk about? Xiaofei and the others didn't say they won't have a son! What are you in such a hurry for?"

Wu Suying said: "Dad, I am thinking about Xiaofei."

Yang Mingyi waved his hand and said: "Okay, Xiaofei is smarter than us! We can't help him with his matter, but we don't want to cause trouble! Su Tong is Xiaofei's chosen one, and I think this girl is good! She will be there soon She is about to get married to Xiaofei. After marriage, she will be the mistress of this family. We have to treat her better."

Wu Suying didn't dare to contradict her father-in-law, so she just let it go.

Let's talk about Yang Fei sending Su Tong and his daughter to her home, and said with a smile: "Don't take my mother's words seriously."

Su Tong said: "I just came home because I was afraid of quarreling with my mother. You go and do your work. I'll play for a while and then go back."

Yang Fei hummed.

Su Tong said to his mother: "Mom, I am going to marry Yang Fei soon."

"That's a good thing. A good thing!"

"Mom, how much dowry will you give me?"

"We will send as much as Yang Fei brings. Anyway, we don't need a penny from you."

The customs here in the Southern Province are like this. When you get engaged, the man will give you a certain amount of dowry, and when you get married, the woman will give you a dowry. There are very few families who make money by marrying off their daughters.

Su Tong smiled and asked: "What about the family's property? How much can I share?"

"The family's property?" Mother Su was stunned, "Isn't this your brother's? If your daughter gets married, what property will you share?"

Hearing his mother speak so naturally, Su Tong's heart hurt like a needle pricking her.

She didn't really want to divide the family property.

She just wanted to ask her mother and hear what she had to say.

Unexpectedly, Mother Su blurted out without thinking.

Su Tong's heart suddenly felt cold.

Mother Su said: "Yang Fei is so rich, how can you still fight for your brother's money?"

Su Tong said: "I won't argue, I'm just asking casually."

Mother Su said: "Look at any daughter in the world who would compete with her brothers for property?"

Su Tong forced a smile and said: "There is such a custom in the provincial capital. Daughters and sons are the same and can divide the family property."

"Is there still such a custom?" Su's mother shook her head, expressing her incomprehension.

Su Tong said: "I heard what my classmates said when I was in school, but I don't know whether it is true or not."

"Unless she is an only child, how is it possible? Who would leave their family property to their daughter? Then why raise a son?" Su's mother's concept has obviously been deeply ingrained for a long time.

Su Tong suddenly felt sad.

She asked: "Mom, in your eyes, women are just machines for giving birth to sons?"

"Only giving birth to a son? That's too fun, right? In addition to being able to give birth to a son, you also need to be able to do housework! Look at me, giving birth to you two siblings doesn't count. The food, chickens, ducks, pigs, and sheep at home are all , cattle, what kind of things am I not working on? And the grains and vegetables in the fields, what kind of things are not growing by me? Of course, life is getting better now, and I don’t have to do a lot of farm work. But I also worked so hard to get here. ah!"

Su Tong realized that what Wu Suying said today was probably not a spur of the moment, but had been planned for a long time, and it was also very important!

Mother Su asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Su Tong shook his head: "Mom, I'm fine."

"Yang Fei has returned to the village. Why hasn't Su Yang come back?"

"Mom, Su Yang is helping Yang Fei with work! How can we play every day?"

"Tianniu is just playing!"

"Su Yang's job is different from Tieniu's. Tieniu and the others are bodyguards. Su Yang is now learning to run and manage the company!"

"Oh, I just missed him."

Su Tong smiled bitterly. No matter how long she was outside, she never saw her mother say she missed her.

This is the difference between a son and a daughter!

This is reality!

Su Tong couldn't help but worry, what if he really couldn't give birth to a son?

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