The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,770 Furious

Yang Fei was shocked when he heard this, but his face remained calm.

"Abortion?" Yang Fei chuckled, "When did it happen?"

"Just last month."

"Oh, last month."

"Yang Fei, are you unaware? Isn't it wrong for her to hide such a big thing from you?"

"I know." Yang Fei said lightly.

"Then why doesn't anyone accompany her? She goes to the hospital to have an abortion alone! Abortion is the same as childbirth, even more painful than vaginal birth! Fortunately, she is fine. If there is an emergency, even the person who takes care of her will No."

"I was in Shanghai at that time." Yang Fei pondered for a moment and said, "Zhu Lin, you just need to know this. Don't tell anyone else except me."

Zhu Lin said: "I know the depth, don't worry, even if it's rotten in my stomach, I won't tell anyone."

Yang Fei said goodbye and went home.

Su Tong has gone home and is sorting out meeting minutes in the study upstairs.

The Folklore Festival matter has been discussed and the meeting notice will be issued tomorrow.

The matter is serious and requires the cooperation of the whole village.

Yang Fei came to her side and put his hands on her shoulders.

Su Tong turned around and smiled: "You go back to your room first, I will be fine soon."

"You're busy." Yang Fei stood still.

Su Tong typed a few lines on the computer, then looked back at him and said, "Are you okay?"

Yang Fei said: "I went to the tea, wine and book bar today and met Zhu Lin."

"Zhu Lin?" Su Tong's hand froze and his expression changed.

Yang Fei said: "We had dinner at her house in the evening."

"Oh." Su Tong unnaturally lifted his hair.

Yang Fei said: "She told me that she met you in the hospital last month."

"That seems to be the case. I forgot to mention it to you." Su Tong forced a smile.

Yang Fei said: "Why did you go to the hospital?"


"Zhu Lin said, are you going to visit a friend?"

Su Tong forced himself to calm down and said with a smile, "Yes, I'm going to visit a friend."

"Who are you looking at?" Yang Fei asked.

Su Tong was so anxious that he couldn't tell a lie, so he flattered her: "Guo Xiaoli."

Yang Fei continued to ask: "What's wrong with Xiaoli?"

"Nothing serious."

"You're still going to see her if she's not seriously ill? She's an old friend of ours. I'll call and ask her."

"Yang Fei."


"It's so late, don't call her. By the way, Guo Xiaoli and Su Yang are friends!"

Su Tong wanted to divert Yang Fei's attention away, so he changed the subject to his younger brother and Guo Xiaoli:

"Su Yang said that after we get married, he will get married."

"Really? This is a good thing." Yang Fei said, "Sister, you must also know that after a miscarriage, you cannot live as a couple for at least three months."

Su Tong was startled and said, "I know."

"You know, why don't you pay attention?"

"I didn't have a miscarriage!"

Yang Fei's tone,

Suddenly he became fierce: "How long are you going to keep this secret from me? Don't we even have this little trust between us?"

Su Tong exclaimed, then he realized that his secret had been discovered by him a long time ago!

She stood up in horror, at a loss what to do, and wanted to hide it, but couldn't find a reason.

Yang Fei said: "Why abortion? You were pregnant, why didn't you tell me?"

Su Tong was ashamed and his face was red. He grabbed Yang Fei's hand and argued eagerly: "Yang Fei, listen to me, I..."

"So, is it true?"

"Yes, I am indeed pregnant." Su Tong lowered his head.

"Why do you want to abort it?"

"I didn't know I was pregnant at the time. I took a lot of medicine because of a cold. Later I found out I was pregnant and took an ultrasound. The doctor said there might be something wrong, so I aborted it."

"Sister, you are really not good at lying!"

"Yang Fei, don't blame me, okay? I can't help it."

"You can't do anything? Why can't you do anything?"

"Because, I did an appraisal and said it's a girl." Su Tong muttered.

Yang Fei's face was instantly livid with anger.

"Girl? Just because she is a girl, you aborted her?" He was furious.

"Yang Fei, I want to give you a boy."

"Even if you want a boy, what does it matter if the second child is a girl? At worst, you can have three more children! Why did you abort her? Don't you know she is also a life? You are killing someone!"

Su Tong burst into tears: "I'm sorry, Yang Fei."

"You hid your pregnancy and abortion from me, our mother, and everyone? Did you have this idea for a long time? So you had a plan in mind? You deliberately didn't say it out loud, that's why Do you want to identify the gender first? If it’s a boy, you’ll have the baby; if it’s a girl, you’ll secretly abort it and pretend you’re not pregnant?”

Su Tong bit his lip and said undeniably: "I do have such thoughts."

Yang Fei looked at her with incredible eyes: "Senior sister, you, you, you are actually such a person! You simply surprised me!"

Su Tong hugged Yang Fei and cried: "Yang Fei, I'm sorry for you. Just hit me!"

"You are not sorry for me. What you are sorry for is the daughter who was lucky enough to come to this world, but did not have the opportunity to meet her biological parents!" Yang Fei said coldly.

Su Tong said: "I know I was wrong, I know I was wrong. I'm sorry for her. Can you forgive me?"

"I can't forgive you!" Yang Fei pushed her away and said, "Do you know you are killing someone? Senior sister, I really didn't expect you to be such a person! I really misjudged you Oh! When did I, Yang Fei, say anything about favoring boys over girls? Have I ever despised little Susu? In my heart, my daughter is the cutest baby God has given me!"

Being pushed by him, Su Tong's body hit the desk.

She put her hands on her waist and said, "I don't blame you for hitting me. But, you said you don't care about having a boy or a girl - indeed, you don't care. Do you think I care? Do you think I want to abort her?" Don’t even look at it! Except for the two of us, who in this family doesn’t want me to have a boy? Do you know how much pressure I feel? If my second baby is a girl, I think your mother will kick me out. !”

"Ridiculous! When will it be their turn to take care of our affairs? I will ask them to go back to the provincial capital to live! Let's live separately!"

"Yang Fei," Su Tong knew that he could really do such a thing, so he quickly grabbed him and said, "Mom is not in good health, so don't be angry with her. She didn't say anything, I just interpreted her words this way. .Besides, I really want to have a boy."

"Haha, it turns out that you also favor boys over girls, but unfortunately you are also a girl!"

"Yang Fei, you don't know how much psychological pressure I'm under!"

"What pressure?"

"If I don't give birth to a boy, I'm afraid your feelings for me won't last long. I won't have any status in this family or in your heart."

"Hahaha!" Yang Fei smiled instead of being angry, pointed at her, and sneered, "Senior sister, you are a scholar! You are so ignorant! For the sake of your status, you strangled your own flesh and blood in your stomach. inside?"

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