The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,771 The man is so lonely and haggard

Yang Fei turned to leave.

"Yang Fei, listen to my explanation!" Su Tong cried.

Yang Fei said: "Have you given the child a chance to explain?"

With that said, Yang Fei walked out angrily.

Su Tong chased him out and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Yang Fei! Yang Fei!"

When Wu Suying and others heard the quarrel, they were all alarmed and asked repeatedly: "What happened? Xiaofei, where are you going?"

Yang Fei walked out the door without looking back, and only said: "Ask her!"

Wu Suying chased out the door, but Yang Fei had disappeared. She had to turn around and ask Su Tong: "Why are they arguing again?"

"Mom! I was wrong." Su Tong covered his face and cried.

"Why are you wrong? What did you do?" Wu Suying asked.

Su Tong knew that he couldn't hide it, so he had to tell the truth about his abortion.

"Mom, I shouldn't have had an abortion privately. This time, Yang Fei will definitely not forgive me." Su Tong said sadly, with tears flying down his face, "I asked for it."

Wu Suying took her hand and said with a kind face: "My son, why didn't you tell us about such a big thing? You went to the hospital alone, what if something went wrong? Call me. Wan Maomao, just like giving birth to a baby, you also have to confine yourself! Oh, tell me, are you stupid? It’s been so long, why didn’t you tell me? "

"Mom, I have nothing to do every day. It's not much different from confinement. After the surgery, I stayed at home every day for a week! I didn't go out until I felt better. My body is fine. , I know it myself.”

"You are young and don't know what is good! Only when you are older will you know the pain! After the next delivery, you must make up for the confinement, otherwise your health will suffer." Wu Suying said, "Go back to your room and rest, don't cry. , crying is not good for your health.”

"Mom, Yang Fei doesn't want me anymore, what should I do?" How could Su Tong hold back from crying?

"I'm on your side in this matter. Don't worry, I'll go talk to Xiao Fei!"

Su Tong could hardly believe his ears.

She was afraid that Wu Suying would not agree to the abortion, so she did not dare to speak out.

"Mom, you really don't blame me?"

"Your idea is right. Of course it is good to have a daughter, but it would be even better to have a son." Wu Suying said, "I don't know how to change the policy now, although neither you nor Yang Fei are serious. In terms of economic establishment work, family planning matters are not strictly controlled in rural areas now. However, Xiao Fei is a public figure after all. If he gives birth to three, four or even five children, he will definitely be criticized. If the third child is born, he will definitely be criticized. It would be best if the second child is a boy. It doesn’t matter whether we have another child later. A son and a daughter, what a good thing!"

Su Tong couldn't laugh or cry. She didn't know whether she should be happy because she got Wu Suying's support, or whether she should cry because of her mother-in-law's patriarchal thinking.

Wu Suying said: "Tomorrow I will ask someone to buy some bird's nests and abalone to replenish your health. I still have ginseng at home. Last time Liyuan went to the Northeast on a business trip and brought back a few good ginseng sticks from there. It will be just right for you." you eat."

Su Tong's nose felt sour, and she felt guilty and moved at the same time, and said: "Mom, it doesn't have to be like this. I'm still young, so I don't need to take supplements like this. You can keep the tonics. Give grandpa the wild ginseng."

"I'm in good health!" Yang Mingyi also came over and said, "I run in the mountains every day and my health is great. You have had a miscarriage, so you must take good care of yourself.

If your health is not good, how can you prepare for the next child? "

Su Tong was only worried about one thing and said depressedly: "I don't know if Yang Fei can forgive me."

Yang Mingyi waved his hand and said: "Don't mention the past anymore! People have to look forward! When he responds, I will talk to him! Don't worry. You are little Susu's mother, and you will always be ours. The grandson’s daughter-in-law of the Yang family!”

Su Tong has been in the Yang family for so long, and this is the first time he has received strong support from so many Yang family members, and he can't help but feel a little flattered.

And she also understood more clearly how important giving birth to a boy was to herself and the Yang family!

Especially with Xiao Yujuan giving birth to a boy, Su Tong's pressure was even greater.

With the support of so many elders, Su Tong's confidence in Yang Fei's change of heart has increased again.

Let's talk about Yang Fei leaving the house.

It's cold outside, it's late at night, and I don't know where to go.

We know each other all over the world, how many close friends can we have?

The capital is covered with crowns, but this person is alone and haggard.

He suddenly thought of the store opened by Zhu Lin, which was open 24 hours a day. It was just the right place to kill some time without disturbing anyone.

When Mouse saw Yang Fei going out, he followed him out without asking Yang Fei and drove the car over first.

Yang Fei got in the car and said he would go to the tea, wine and book bar.

Zhu Lin was right, there were many more people in the bar at night than during the day.

When Yang Fei arrived, more than 70% of the passengers were already seated.

Most of the seats are double seats, but there are also many single seats.

Yang Fei ordered a glass of wine and found a seat.

Mouse bought a cup of tea and found a seat facing inward near the bar to sit down.

Yang Fei walked inside with the wine glass in hand, and suddenly heard a voice: "Yang Fei!"

It's Li Yanan.

She naturally moved inside and gave up her position.

"Sister Li, you are here too!" When Yang Fei saw it was Li Yanan, he sat down next to her.

Li Yanan had a book spread out in front of her and a glass of wine.

Yang Fei said: "This is a good place to relieve your guilt."

Li Yanan said: "Yes, I have been a customer here since the first day it opened. I come here to sit for a while almost every day. If you stay at home alone for too long, you will feel out of touch with society, so come here to sit and sit. , although I am still lonely, there are many people, it is lively, and I can feel the breath of life, which makes me understand that I have always been alive."

This is very heartbreaking.

Yang Fei was angry at first, but when he heard what she said, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "I never thought that a god like Sister Li would feel lonely. It's time for you to consider finding a companion."

Li Yanan said: "Loneliness is a state of mind, and it has nothing to do with the large number of people and the small number of people."

Yang Fei asked: "Are artists particularly able to endure loneliness?"

Li Yanan said: "This is inevitable. Artistic thinking and creation require an absolutely quiet environment. Over time, people will naturally fall into loneliness. Of course, except for artists such as film, television, opera, etc., their working environment is completely different."

Yang Fei said: "I am a person without artistic ability. It is difficult for me to imagine what it feels like when a person devotes himself wholeheartedly to artistic creation."

"I forget both things. Really, there is only the object of creation. When I start painting, I often paint for most of the day, without eating, drinking, or even moving."

"It's too scary!" Yang Fei laughed, "If you ask me to sit still, it's okay for an hour, but for more than two hours, I won't be able to hold it in any longer."

Li Yanan said: "Haven't you ever written a book? That is also artistic creation. You don't have experience in this area, right?"

"Writing a book? I always write a little bit every day. I type on the computer very fast. If I am stuck in writing all day, my brain will freeze and I probably won't be able to write anything."

At this time, the person sitting in the front row turned around and said, "Hey, can you speak a little lower? I'm disturbing everyone's reading!"

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