The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,772 I wish to pay my respects to Chen again

Li Yanan said sorry, and then looked at each other and smiled at Yang Fei.

The two naturally moved closer and their voices became much lower.

"Why are you out drinking alone so late? She doesn't care about you?" Li Yanan asked.

"I just had a fight with her." Yang Fei sighed slightly.

"Did you make her angry?"

"Why did your first reaction be that I made her angry? Not that she made me angry?"

"No way? What could she possibly do to offend you?"

Yang Fei was silent.

"Did she really offend you? What happened?"

"Forget it, there's nothing to say." Of course Yang Fei would not tell the truth, and the family scandal should not be made public!

Li Yanan said: "It is said that women mature earlier than men, and she is two years older than you. Logically speaking, she should be more sensible than you. In terms of life experience, you are from the city, and she is from the countryside. . You are the richest man and she is a common person. From the disparity in status, she should tolerate you. In terms of personality, you are strong and she is gentle. In any case, she should not make you angry. "

"She usually has a good temper, but she did something wrong and I can't forgive her."

"Unforgivable? Isn't that too harsh? What heinous crime has she committed?" Li Yanan suddenly opened her eyes wide, covered her mouth lightly, and lowered her voice and said, "Did she cuckold you?"



"Of course not."

"It scared me! I didn't even think it was possible. What's the reason for that?"

"Don't ask, I won't tell you if you ask."

"Okay. Then I can only drink with you."

The two clinked glasses.

Before I knew it, it was already half past eleven in the evening.

Li Yanan usually goes home early, but today she stayed up so late because she was accompanying Yang Fei.

"Aren't you going home yet?" Li Yanan asked.

"I won't reply, you can."

"There are no overnight feuds between husband and wife. There are fights at the head of the bed and fights at the end of the bed. You can't help but go home, right?"

Yang Fei said: "I have no plans to go home tonight. You don't need to worry about me, just go back."

"Then where are you going to sleep? You can't just sit here all night, right?"

She really wanted to say, why don't you go to my place and spend the night? But when the words came to my mouth, I felt inappropriate, so I swallowed them back.

Yang Fei said: "No, I can just stay at the hot spring hotel for one night."

Li Yanan hummed, stood up and left.

Yang Fei was alone, drinking and reading, and unknowingly finished reading "Happy Heroes".

Looking at the time, it was already past three o'clock in the middle of the night.

Yang Fei yawned, stood up and came out.

The mouse quickly got up and followed.

Yang Fei smiled and said: "It's hard for you to follow me all the time. You go back. I'll stay at the hot spring hotel."

Mouse didn't want to ask any more questions and sent Yang Fei to the hot spring hotel before returning home.

Yang Fei stayed in the hotel for one night.

Because he slept late, he didn't get up until dawn the next day.

Su Yingying got the report from the hotel front desk,

Knowing that Yang Fei had checked into the hotel, he rushed over early in the morning.

Yang Fei walked out and saw Su Yingying standing outside the door.

"Boss, why did you come to the hotel to sleep?" Su Yingying asked with a smile.

"It's okay, I just want to experience the hotel's environment and services." Yang Fei said, "You don't have to follow me today. You can go about your own business."

"Boss, I have nothing else to do. My job is to follow you."

"Then prepare breakfast for me."

"Okay, boss." Su Yingying really thought that Yang Fei was just here to experience the hotel's services, so she diligently ordered her subordinates to prepare a sumptuous breakfast.

Yang Fei had breakfast at the hotel and asked Su Yingying, "Do you have any books to read?"

Su Yingying said: "I have some miscellaneous books in my office, I'm afraid you won't like to read them."

"No matter what book it is, bring me a few copies, or go to a bookstore outside and rent me a set of "The Deer and the Cauldron"."

"Boss, aren't you going home today?" Su Yingying asked.

"What? I'm not welcome to stay in the hotel?"

"Welcome!" Su Yingying didn't dare to ask any more questions and hurriedly went to get the book.

She first brought a few of her books over, then ran to a bookstore outside and rented a set of "The Deer and the Cauldron".

Yang Fei sat on the hotel balcony and read a book.

Su Yingying's cell phone rang.

Yang Fei said without looking back: "If it's Mr. Su's call, don't tell her I'm here."

Su Yingying agreed and then answered the phone.

"Yes, the boss is at the hotel."

Yang Fei heard Su Yingying talking to the phone.

He then asked: "Who?"

"Boss, it's the old man calling."

"My grandfather?"


"Did you tell him I was here?"


When she saw Yang Fei frowning, she couldn't help but panic and asked: "Boss, did I say the wrong thing?"

"That's not true. It's just that I can't rest in peace."

Sure enough, Su Tong came over after a while.

Su Yingying was not stupid. She had long sensed that there was probably a quarrel between Yang Fei and Su Tong, so she called "sister" and hurriedly left the room.

"What are you doing here?" Yang Fei asked Su Tong coldly.

"Yang Fei, I'm here to call you home."

"I have something to do."

"What can happen to you? You are clearly avoiding me. This is your home. If you want to leave, it's my turn to leave. What's going on if you leave?"


Su Tong came over, hugged him, and said, "Grandpa is right, let's not worry about the past, okay? We should look forward."

Yang Fei said in a deep voice: "Our present is made up of fragments of the past. Without the past, where would the present come from? I never believe in suddenly awakening and becoming a Buddha. I only believe that it is easy to change a country, but it is difficult to change one's nature. shift!"

Su Tong said: "Do you think I have a bad nature?"

Yang Fei was silent: "..."

Su Tong said softly: "Can you just forgive me this time? From now on, I will listen to you in everything, and you will do whatever you tell me to do."

"You have not sorry for me. The person who needs to forgive you has passed away to paradise long ago and will never be able to say the words to forgive you."

"Yang Fei, do you have to drive me crazy? I have put down all my dignity to beg you, but you still refuse to forgive me? Are you willing to have me die in front of you?"

Yang Fei looked at her.

It was obvious that she was not joking.

"Senior sister, you never understood why I was angry."

"Isn't it because I shaved off the child on my own initiative?"

"This is just one of them."

"What else can't be done?"

"Sister, I'm angry because you don't care about your body too much. You dare to have an abortion alone! Do you know how dangerous it is?"

Su Tong bit his lip, tears falling silently.

Yang Fei stood up, held up her chin, and said, "You are my woman, but you never cherish yourself! If something happens to you, how will you spend the rest of your life if you leave me and little Susu behind?" So many days?”

Su Tong's body trembled slightly.

Only then did she understand why Yang Fei was angry.

She finally understood how much Yang Fei loved her!

Yang Fei said: "What do you mean by husband and wife? There is an ancient poem by Feng Yansi of the Five Dynasties that says it well, at a spring banquet, sing with a glass of green wine. I would like to pay my respects to Chen Sanyuan again: first, I wish that my husband will live a thousand years; second, I wish that I will always be healthy; third, I wish that I will be like the swallow on Liang Shang. See each other year after year. This is the way for husband and wife to get along! Senior sister, do you understand?"

Su Tong couldn't bear it anymore, hugged Yang Fei, fell into his arms, and cried into tears.

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