The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,773: Happy to miss Shu


The abortion controversy has finally calmed down.

As the saying goes, if enemies don't get together, if they don't quarrel, they won't be a happy couple.

Yang Fei and Su Tong became more and more affectionate as they quarreled.

Time passes easily when you are idle.

It’s the twelfth lunar month in the blink of an eye.

Yang Fei began to prepare for the wedding.

Taking wedding photos, choosing a wedding dress, inviting relatives and friends are all complicated tasks.

It was the weekend, and Yang Jun and his wife came to the village for a gathering with their son.

The family was having dinner, and Yang Mingyi said to Yang Fei: "Should we go back to our hometown to hold the wedding? Or should we hold it in the provincial capital?"

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Grandpa, what Su Tong and I want is to do it in Taohua Village."

Yang Mingyi pondered: "Peach Blossom Village? This is not your hometown after all. How can there be any reason to hold a wedding in the woman's hometown? Most of our relatives, colleagues, and friends are in the provincial capital or hometown."

Yang Fei said: "Grandpa, in what era are you still paying attention to these things? I think Taohua Village is quite good."

Su Tong said: "I think what grandpa said makes sense. Yang Fei, how about we go to the provincial capital to do it?"

Wu Suying said: "The provincial capital is more trouble-free. Taohua Village is still a bit far away, and the guests will have to travel a little longer."

Yang Fei said: "You all think that the provincial capital is good, so I have nothing to say. It's a pity that the "Great Changes in Mountains and Villages" column came to Taohua Village on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month to shoot! I also want my wedding with Su Tong to be on TV Woolen cloth!"

Yang Mingyi said: "Since you have made an agreement with the TV station, let's hold it in Taohua Village. It doesn't matter whether it is on TV or not, but one cannot break one's word."

Yang Fei smiled and said, "Thank you grandpa for your understanding."

Yang Mingyi said: "Most of our relatives, friends and old friends don't have cars, so it's inconvenient to come here to have a drink. Do you want to find a way to solve it?"

Yang Fei said: "This is easy to handle. In the provincial capital and hometown, I will send a car to pick up all the people who come to the house. After having a drink, I will send a car to take them to the door of the house. I will never embarrass them."

Yang Mingyi smiled and said: "If you think so, that's naturally the best."

Wu Suying said: "You have many friends, but you don't know how many tables of wine you need to prepare? I'm afraid this villa can't accommodate them."

Yang Fei said: "It's best to serve wine in a hot spring hotel. The venue, kitchen, and chefs are all ready. No matter how many hundreds of tables we have, we can host it. The parking floor on the top floor has also been repaired. I went to see it. There are definitely enough parking spaces." of."

Wu Suying said: "There are hundreds of tables? Isn't this too luxurious? Dozens of tables are enough."

Yang Jun said: "Mom, what are you afraid of? He is the richest man, and he is not a member of the public family. Even if he hosts a thousand tables of wine, it is still appropriate. Not only will no one say anything about him, but he will become a legend forever!"

Xiao Yujuan smiled and said: "Hosting a banquet for thousands or ten thousand people, that's called arrogance! That's called pomp! Xiao Fei is now the richest man! He can afford it!"

Wu Suying said: "A hundred banquets is too much, and you still encourage him to hold a thousand banquets! Amitabha, you must not be so extravagant."

Xiao Yujuan said: "There are more than 100,000 people in Xiaofei's company. If they all come to have a drink, we can host a banquet for 100,000 people, not to mention a banquet for 10,000 people."

Wu Suying waved her hands repeatedly: "Absolutely not, absolutely not!"

Xiao Yujuan said: "Mom, this is a wedding banquet, and all the people here are relatives and friends.

Moreover, everyone who comes will receive red envelopes, so Xiaofei will not lose money. "

Wu Suying said: "That's even worse."

Yang Fei said: "This is what I think. No matter how many people come, we will accept them, and we will open a table of wine for every person who comes. In addition, no matter how much money they come, we will return them all, and give each person a red envelope and a red envelope." Cigarettes, a pack of wedding candies. Others, like towels, washbasins, glutinous rice cakes, etc. are too complicated, so just skip them!"

Su Tong said: "This is also the result of my discussion with Yang Fei. We don't rely on weddings to make money, so we don't have to let others look down on us."

Wu Suying said: "This is good, this is good."

Yang Jun said: "That's incredible! If you do this, a wedding will cost a lot of money! You have set a precedent, and later people will not dare to get married and have a banquet. Who can afford it?"

Everyone laughed.

Wu Suying smiled and said: "Other people are other people's families, and each family has its own methods!"

Yang Mingyi said: "This is exactly the reason. If ordinary people have to compare themselves with the richest people, then they are overestimating their abilities. If the richest people behave like ordinary people, they will be scolded for being pretentious and extravagant!"

Yang Fei laughed and said, "Grandpa is really keeping up with the times. He even learned new words like pretending to be cool."

The whole family laughed heartily.

After dinner, everyone sat and chatted, and discussed some details of the wedding.

Su Tong said: "My sister-in-law just said that if everyone from the company came, there would be 100,000 people. Although this is a bit exaggerated, it is reasonable. We must make a good deal now, who will come and who will not. Come. Otherwise, what will we do if tens of thousands of people really come?"

Xiao Yujuan smiled and said: "Yes, we can count the number of relatives and friends. But the people in this company cannot be counted. We really need to be prepared in advance."

Su Tong said: "We can't issue a notice saying that when the boss gets married, only workshop directors and above will come, but ordinary workers don't have to come?"

Yang Fei said: "That's definitely not possible. In fact, one-third of the people need to go to work, and some people have already taken vacation. It is estimated that there will not be too many people coming. Ordinary workers generally do not come to drink. This The number of people who came can be roughly calculated.”

Su Tong said: "Where are the people from the Southern Chamber of Commerce? How many will come? If all the directors come, there will be hundreds of people!"

Yang Fei said: "This is really a troublesome thing. I can't tell them to come or not, I can only wait for them to come or not!"

Su Tong said: "How about this? We can just send out invitations to all the people we think may come. We need to send out invitations to the wedding, so we can call and contact them, so that we can probably confirm the number of people." "

Yang Fei said: "It's okay to prepare dozens more tables of meals. The ingredients are needed anyway, and the rest can be digested in the hotel or factory cafeteria."

Xiao Yujuan smiled and said: "Just sending out invitations and contacts is a big project. Xiaofei, you have to bring your secretaries over to help. We have personnel in the company and the chamber of commerce. I don’t understand, if someone is not thoughtful, I will offend someone.”

Yang Fei said: "Sister-in-law is rightly concerned. The secretaries can help me complete the task of posting the post without coming to the village.

He had time to call Chen Mo.

Chen Mo said to him resentfully, "You seem to be too happy to miss Shu, right?"

Yang Fei chuckled and said, "I'm going to Shanghai after the Chinese New Year. I'll have to bear all the trouble for you in the company."

"You are so big-hearted! Don't you know that now is the critical moment to lay out Europe and compete for world hegemony?"

"I know, I've been working for seven or eight years, so just let me rest for a while. Nothing big will happen in these two months."

"Can't you tell me something big? SARS and Procter \u0026 Gamble are going to cooperate!"

Yang Fei was shocked: "SARS is cooperating with Procter \u0026 Gamble? Why didn't I know? Who did you listen to?"

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