The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,777 A soldier never tires of deceit

Jiang Wen said: "Director Gao, according to this letter, Meili Group and Procter \u0026 Gamble have reached an alliance. The purpose is obvious, and it is to deal with SARS!"

Gao Qin said: "If Procter \u0026 Gamble really cooperates with Meili Group, then SARS will be in danger."

Jiang Wendao: "We deliberately spread rumors that SARS and Procter \u0026 Gamble had cooperated, but it was just a fog bomb. In fact, SARS and Procter \u0026 Gamble have always been in a competitive relationship. How can there be any cooperation? What we said is nothing more than a rumor. I want Yang Fei to believe it and stop looking for cooperation with P\u0026G."

Gao Qin said: "Unexpectedly, Beauty Group has already contacted Procter \u0026 Gamble! Then our fog bomb will not only be in vain, but also a bit chaotic. I am afraid that you will also be exposed."

Jiang Wendao: "I'm fine. Although I released the words, I can also say that the information is wrong, so I can get through it. However, the cooperation between Beauty Group and Procter \u0026 Gamble is so hidden. If I hadn't accidentally discovered this letter, we would never have known it." How did you know? They concealed it so well, they must be making big moves! Director Gao, please be prepared for a rainy day."

Gao Qin said: "I have my own reasons. Why would P\u0026G cooperate with Beauty Group?"

Jiang Wendao: "In fact, P\u0026G has always cooperated with the Meili Group. P\u0026G's factories have also done work for the Meili Group! In the United States, P\u0026G and the Meili Group have also cooperated. Now for their own interests and the pursuit of the international market, they It is entirely possible for the two companies to join hands again."

Gao Qin said: "Mr. Jiang, when you go back, you can find out whether the news is true or false."

Jiang Wendao: "I want to go to Peach Blossom Village. For such a big matter, only Boss Yang can tell the truth. He is preparing for a wedding, and I should go and help. Even if I can't help, he is preparing for a wedding. I'm busy, so I still have to say something cheap."

Gao Qin smiled and said: "I can rest assured that Mr. Jiang will do things. Without you, Gao Yi would not have fallen so quickly. I would not have become the chairman of the board."

Jiang Wendao: "Director Gao, although you have become the chairman, you cannot take it lightly. Gao Yi also has a younger brother who is studying in the United States as a postdoctoral fellow and will return to China next year."

Gao Qin sneered slightly and said, "You mean Gao Qiang? A young man who is just starting out and a nerd who has been studying for thirty years. I am not afraid of him!"

Jiang Wendao: "Director Gao, don't underestimate him. Gao Qiang is better than his brother Gao Yi."

Gao Qin said: "Gao Qiang has just graduated. No matter how powerful he is, it is impossible for him to be the chairman immediately! At least he must be my deputy for a while! At that time, I will have my own way to deal with him."

Jiang Wendao: "Director Gao, what are your plans? Are you going to help the Gao family run this business well? Or are you going to take revenge?"

Gao Qin frowned slightly and said: "My thoughts are also very complicated. In the past, I only wanted revenge, but now I have new thoughts."

"What do you think? Tell me and I will help you with the details."

"I want to take this inheritance back to me!"

Jiang Wen was silent.

Gao Qin said: "Mr. Jiang, you have to help me."

Jiang Wendao: "I am greatly favored by your family. You don't need to tell me, I will help you. But,"

"Just what? Mr. Jiang just said it doesn't matter."

"Director Gao, let me tell you the truth. You have no brothers and no heirs. Even if you take this property away, it will still belong to someone else."

Gao Qin was startled.

She obviously wasn't thinking that far ahead.

Jiang Wendao: "Director Gao, you should also think about the future and leave a son and a half."

Gao Qin pursed his lips and said, "I have my own plan."

Jiang Wendao: "Director Gao, whatever you want me to do, just ask me. Jiang Wenwan will fight to the death in the face of mountains of swords and seas of fire."

Gao Qin said: "You complete the current task first, and we will talk about the future later. You have been out for a long time, and it is time to go back, so that Chen Mo and others will not become suspicious."

"I'll book a flight ticket now and fly to Southern Province tomorrow."

"Thanks a lot."

Jiang Wen suddenly came to Taohua Village, and Yang Fei was not surprised.

"Boss, marriage is a big matter and everything is complicated. If there is any use for me, I am willing to do my best." Jiang Wen said.

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Mr. Jiang came just in time. I have something to do, and it must be you."

"Please give me your instructions, boss."

"I know that Mr. Jiang is good at literature and calligraphy, so I asked you to write this happy event couplet."

"Deserves service."

"If you need to buy any materials, you can ask Ma Feng and the others to purchase them."

"Okay, boss."

"Mr. Jiang, is there anything going on in the company?"

"It's nothing big. Just one thing. I heard before that SARS and Procter \u0026 Gamble had reached a cooperative relationship. Later, when I inquired carefully, I found out that it was completely false and there was no such thing."

Yang Fei smiled and said: "I don't think it's possible. Procter \u0026 Gamble and SARS have been competing for decades. They are like old enemies. How can they cooperate just because they say they want to?"

Jiang Wen was secretly frightened, thinking that Yang Fei was not so easy to deceive, and he was glad that he was the first to expose this.

Yang Fei's phone rang.

While answering the phone, he said to Jiang Wen: "Drink some tea first, Lao Yan will call."

Jiang Wen stood up and said, "Shall I avoid it?"

Yang Fei waved his hand and said, "No need."

At the same time, he had already answered the phone.

"Old Yan, how was the conversation?" Yang Fei smiled heartily.

Seeing this, Jiang Wen sat down and drank tea with his head down.

Just listen to Yang Fei say: "Did Procter \u0026 Gamble send a letter to the company? Haha, I've never been in the company. It's okay, just negotiate it. Of course, I get married, and you have to come back! Okay, that's it."

Just after hanging up the phone, the phone rang again.

Yang Fei answered with a smile and started talking to the other party in English.

Jiang Wen's ears couldn't help but perk up and he listened carefully.

It can be heard from Yang Fei's conversation that the caller was a representative of Procter \u0026 Gamble.

Yang Fei and the other party were also talking about relatively specific cooperation.

Who is Jiang Wen?

Of course he could hear it.

From Yang Fei's words, Jiang Wen can be sure that P\u0026G has really reached a cooperation with Beauty Group!

Moreover, P\u0026G is willing to help Beauty Group complete its layout in Europe.

Of course, P\u0026G cannot help too much, but provides help in logistics.

Meili Group's domestic logistics is very good, but when it comes to foreign countries, it is a black eye.

P\u0026G has its own complete global logistics system, as well as long-term cooperation with third-party logistics companies.

Even if P\u0026G does not cooperate with Beauty Group, the latter can quickly find a partner.

By agreeing to cooperate, P\u0026G not only showed goodwill to the Beauty Group, but also received corresponding benefits.

The price that Meili Group has to pay is also very high. It is said that it is a new product technology.

Yang Fei was completely unprepared for Jiang Wen, and let the other party listen to all the contents of the phone call.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Fei looked as usual and was still talking to Jiang Wen about wedding planning.

Jiang Wen was thoughtful. After finishing the conversation, he immediately found a free moment, went to the wild, and called Gao Qin to report.

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