The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,778 An epoch-making new product!

Gao Qin heard Jiang Wen's report and asked, "I wonder what price Yang Fei will pay?"

Jiang Wendao: "But I didn't hear this. It was said to be technical."

Gao Qin said: "What kind of technology is so rare for Procter \u0026 Gamble? Are you willing to lure a wolf into your house?"

Jiang Wendao: "Meili Group still has some good technologies. I know this very well. Yang Fei is very willing to invest in research and development, and he often has some unexpected and wonderful ideas. When it comes to daily chemicals, Yang Fei is really It’s second to none and unmatched.”

Gao Qin smiled and said: "I think you are about to become a fan of Yang Fei! Then pay attention and see if you can get their technology?"

Jiang Wendao: "This is difficult. I am an idle person now and can't reach the core."

Gao Qin said: "Just think of a way. If you need something, just call me on this phone."

Jiang Wen responded, put down the phone, but kept shaking his head.

Get the technology?

It's not that simple!

On this day, Yang Fei invited people to his home for dinner.

He Hongzhe and Jiang Wen were both present.

During the dinner, Jiang Wen listened to the conversation between Yang Fei and He Hongzhe, saying that the group's research institute had developed a new laundry product.

Jiang Wen then asked seemingly unintentionally: "Boss, has the company released a new product?"

Yang Fei said, "It's laundry products."

Jiang Wen was surprised: "Laundry products? Isn't it just laundry detergent, washing powder, soap? Are there any new products?"

Yang Fei said: "Mr. Jiang, you don't know something. We have developed a new product. It's not washing powder, not laundry detergent, and certainly not soap."

Jiang Wen asked: "Is it a technological breakthrough? Is there a change in the formula?"

Yang Fei said: "If it is just a technical change, it is still a change of the soup without changing the medicine. Our product this time is epoch-making and creative."

Jiang Wen was secretly surprised and said, "Oh? Such a big change?"

"Indeed," He Hongzhe said with a smile, "It's like the transformation from washing powder to washing liquid!"

Jiang Wen raised his eyebrows and asked: "What kind of laundry product? I racked my brains and can't think of it! How can I change this? It's either washing powder or laundry detergent. I can't come up with a new one. Shape come?"

He Hongzhe said: "Before the boss invented laundry detergent, who would have thought that laundry detergent existed?"

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Mr. Jiang, now that we have the powder and the liquid, we can also have new forms! It's just that most people can't think of it."

Jiang Wen patted his head and said, "I really can't think of it."

Yang Fei laughed and didn't say any more.

Jiang Wen then tested He Hongzhe: "Mr. He, do you know what the new product looks like?"

He Hongzhe smiled and waved his hand and said, "I can't say, this is the group's top secret. Mr. Jiang, if you want to know, just ask the boss."

Yang Fei said: "Mr. Jiang is not an outsider, so it's okay to tell you. But it must not be passed on to outsiders."

Jiang Wen said hurriedly: "That's natural. If I hadn't heard, it would be fine. I only heard half of what you said, and I was stupid and couldn't guess. I would inevitably feel uncomfortable in my heart, as if there were ten thousand chicken claws scratching at you.


Yang Fei laughed and said, "This new product of ours is something most people would never guess. It's a laundry tablet!"

"Laundry tablets?" Jiang Wen's eyes lit up and he asked, "A solid laundry product? Is it the same as soap?"

Yang Fei said: "Of course it's different. Soap can't be thrown into the washing machine and used to wash clothes. But our laundry tablets can."

"Oh, really? When this new product came out, it was really an epoch-making new product. It came out of nowhere and shocked the world!" Jiang Wen said overjoyed, "I just don't know how to produce it? "

Yang Feidao: "Laundry tablets are developed using nano-super-concentrated technology. It is a new multi-functional ecological washing product. Compared with traditional methods, it can greatly improve the product's decontamination ability. It is also phosphorus-free, no additives, and no Hurt hand."

"So many benefits? The advantages are obvious!" Jiang Wen laughed.

Yang Feidao: "The benefits don't stop there. When the laundry tablets come into contact with water, they can quickly decompose and dissolve, releasing small nano-scale clean molecules, which can purify stubborn stains deposited on clothes more deeply and thoroughly."

"Wonderful, wonderful!" Jiang Wen applauded, "That's great! I can't believe that our company's researchers can actually develop such a new product that is unprecedented and unprecedented!"

Yang Fei said: "It is true that there is no one before, and there may be some who come from behind."

Jiang Wendao: "What do laundry tablets look like?"

Yang Fei said: "I happen to have a few boxes of samples here, let me show them to you!"

He told Su Yingying to bring it to Jiang Wen.

Not only Jiang Wen felt strange, but even Wu Suying and others felt strange after hearing this.

Laundry tablets?

Can you also throw it into the washing machine for laundry use?

Wu Suying asked with a smile: "Xiao Fei, what are the benefits of these laundry tablets compared with washing powder?"

Yang Fei said: "There are many benefits! One is convenience. The laundry tablets are made of nano-super-concentrated technology. They are small in size, light in weight, easy to store and carry, and very convenient and fast to use.

The second is green and healthy. The laundry tablets adopt a green and natural formula, which ensures that they do not contain fluorescent whitening agents and other ingredients that are harmful to human health and the environment. They are also gentle and non-irritating, unlike traditional washing products that are highly alkaline and do almost no damage to clothes. is zero.

The third is multi-function in one. In addition to cleaning functions, laundry tablets also have functions such as sterilization, care, and fragrance retention, eliminating the need for additional investment in disinfectant, softener, perfume, etc.

Fourth, it is economical and affordable. One box of laundry tablets can wash the same amount of clothes as seven or eight kilograms of laundry detergent, but the price is less than half of it. The price is extremely affordable. "

Wu Suying said: "So many benefits? Do you no longer need to buy washing powder and laundry detergent in the future? Just use laundry tablets?"

Yang Fei smiled and said, "Mom, this is our new product. I'll give it to you to try out later. If it works well, my family will use it in the future."

While talking, Su Yingying brought a box of laundry tablets.

Jiang Wen took it and opened it, but it was blue and thin. It smelled of washing powder and was as soft as a sponge.

Reach out and pinch it, it's a bit sticky.

Yang Fei said: "This is a laundry tablet. Throw it into water and stir it a few times and it will dissolve. So it can be put into the washing machine to wash clothes."

Jiang Wen patted his thigh and said: "It's like a thin piece of soap! It has the portability of soap, the decontamination ability of washing powder, and the environmental protection of laundry detergent. This product is really amazing!"

Yang Fei said: "This is our magic weapon! You are not outsiders, just talk about it here. Before it is officially launched, you must not spread it randomly. If we are kicked out by other companies, then our work will be in vain. "

Jiang Wendao: "How can it be so easy? Even if others know it, it will be difficult to work out the formula."

Yang Fei smiled and said: "The formula of this product is actually easy. However, not everyone can come up with this kind of creativity."

Jiang Wendao: "Oh? The formula is easy?"

Yang Fei said: "Easy."

He didn't say much, and Jiang Wen didn't ask much. He just lowered his head to study the laundry tablets in his hand.

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