The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,782 Preparing for the Wedding

After careful preparations, the wedding day of Yang Fei and Su Tong is finally coming.

Chen Mo and Ning Xin agreed that they were going to travel to Europe and could not come to the wedding.

When Yang Fei heard the news, he didn't say much.

To be honest, he couldn't bear to call them over to the wedding.

The two of them took the initiative to avoid him so that he wouldn't be too embarrassed.

Yang Fei and Su Tong have known each other for more than eight years and have been in love for eight years. From the age of 18 to now they are 26 years old, and Su Tong is already 28 years old.

It took our people eight years to win the war of resistance.

The love between Yang and Su also took eight years to come to fruition.

During these eight years, the two of them stumbled, quarreled, separated and reunited, and experienced too many stories.

Fortunately, the two persisted in the end.

After the New Year, people began to come to Taohua Village to congratulate Yang Fei and Su Tong on their wedding.

The news that Taohua Village was going to hold a folk festival was also aroused in the media. After the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, countless tourists flocked to Taohua Village from all directions.

At Yang Fei's wedding, in addition to relatives of the Yang and Su families, there were also colleagues of Yang Mingyi, Yang Liyuan, and Yang Jun.

The Chinese people pay attention to courtesy and reciprocity, so others will naturally return the wine that the Yang family drank before.

There are also some guests who are classmates of Yang Fei and Su Tong.

Yang Fei has many classmates, including those from the provincial school, Xingcheng No. 1 Middle School, and Tsinghua University.

In addition, the vice presidents and directors of the Southern Province Chamber of Commerce had called Yang Fei in advance and said they would definitely come over for a wedding drink.

Not to mention the senior executives of Meili Group, they will come here whenever they are free.

The villagers from Taohua Village will basically come. They are not only relatives and friends of Su Tong, but also fellow villagers of Yang Fei's second hometown.

According to previous statistics, Yang Fei's wedding was conservatively estimated to have about two hundred tables.

This is the first time the hot spring hotel has hosted such a large banquet.

This is the boss's wedding banquet, and the hotel staff naturally dare not neglect it. They started preparing for the wedding as early as a week ago, purchasing ingredients and decorating the venue.

Three hot spring hotels, the venue is enough.

All banquets are held at large round tables, each table can seat ten to twelve people, and two hundred tables can seat more than two thousand people.

The wedding was of course held at the Reservoir Villa.

The Reservoir Villa has a large hall. According to local customs, weddings must be held in the hall to worship heaven and earth.

When it comes to choosing between Chinese and Western weddings, Su Tong and Yang Fei have the same choice.

That's Chinese style.

For this reason, Yang Fei chose a tall white horse and transported it to Taohua Village.

On the wedding day, he would wear a Chinese dress, ride a white horse, and go to pick up the bride with a large sedan chair carried by eight people.

The day before the wedding, Yang Fei's family carefully discussed the details of the wedding to make sure there were no mistakes. All the people responsible for reception and etiquette were in place.

That night, the Reservoir Villa was brightly lit and stayed up all night.

Su Tong returned to his home.

Marrying Yang Fei is a natural thing and a matter of course.


When the wedding really came, she suddenly realized that her eldest daughter was no longer young and would really leave this family. From now on, she would belong to the Yang family.

Su Tong and his family were sitting at the table chatting. Su Yang and Guo Xiaoli were both there.

Of course, Su's mother was in favor of this marriage. What more could a husband ask for when he got a son-in-law like this?

However, Su's mother also had her own worries.

"Yang Fei is good at everything, but there is something wrong with him. He is two years younger than you! There is an old saying that it is better for a man to be ten years older than a girl to be one year older." Mother Su said while holding her daughter's hand.

When Guo Xiaoli heard it, she couldn't help but cough slightly, glanced at Su Yang, and said, "That's right! I don't understand why some men don't like young and beautiful girls, but prefer women who are older than him? "

The Su family's parents did not know about Guo Xiaoli's relationship with Su Yang.

The Su family's parents thought that Guo Xiaoli was Su Tong's classmate and that she came to the wedding out of favor with her classmates.

How did they know that this woman, who was the same age as their daughter, was the lover of their precious son?

Su Yang blushed and said: "Who stipulates that men must be older than women? I think it is good for women to be older. Men worry about hard work, age quickly, and their life span is generally shorter than women. Women are older than men, Isn’t it a perfect match? As the old saying goes, a female college student is holding a gold brick! My brother-in-law can make a fortune, thanks to my sister who favors him!"

Guo Xiaoli chuckled and said, "So, Su Yang, you haven't gotten rich just because you haven't found a wife who is three years older than you?"

Mother Su shook her head and said, "What do you know! Women are older than men, so they will definitely have more problems in the future!"

Su Yang asked unconvinced: "What's the problem?"

Mother Su said: "You are still young and don't understand!"

Su Tong said: "Mom, I don't care who is older and who is younger. I think as long as two people have feelings, have the same temperament, and can get together, it will be fine. It doesn't matter who is two or three years older. It's not a big deal. . And Yang Fei is very stable, calmer and more sensible than many middle-aged people!"

Mother Su said: "That's right, this kid Yang Fei is good at everything! I'm still dreaming, why did my family get such a good uncle? You don't know that with the help of this whole village, , who doesn’t envy my family?”

Guo Xiaoli smiled and said: "Auntie, not just the whole village? Women all over the country are envious of Su Tong! Yang Fei is the richest man, the diamond king! He is so handsome! He is really the Prince Charming in the eyes of all girls ! This Prince Charming will ride a white horse to marry your daughter tomorrow! Who do you think is not jealous of your family!"

Everyone laughed.

Su Tong said: "Mom, I have emptied the room on the back left upstairs. Don't put anything in it casually, and don't let anyone go in."

Mother Su said: "It's empty? What is it used for?"

Su Tong said: "Tomorrow when Yang Fei comes with the betrothal gift, ask someone to carry it to that room and put it away. We can clean it up later! If it can't fit in that room, ask them to put it in my room."

"You silly kid, how much can you give as a betrothal gift? Isn't it enough for one room?" Mother Su grinned.

Su Tong said: "Just listen to me."

Guo Xiaoli asked: "How many cars will come to pick up the bride tomorrow? Eight hundred cars? Six hundred cars?"

"I told Yang Fei that Yang Fei will ride a horse and I will take a sedan chair. Just send a few more cars to pick up my relatives. Don't have too many. Too much ostentation will ruin our luck."

Guo Xiaoli said with a pity look on her face: "You still believe this! It's hard to marry a rich man, why don't you take the opportunity to make a grand show? If I were you, I would ask Yang Fei to send more cars. The more, the better! The better! The richer the better! It’s this once in your life, why don’t you make it more grand?”

Su Tong said: "Everyone in the world knows who Yang Fei is and how much money he has. I don't think there is any need to show off. On the contrary, it is those people with half a bucket of water who need to sway. Don't sway too much, for fear of It’s like others don’t know he’s rich!”

Guo Xiaoli put her arm around her shoulders and said, "I really envy you. How could you have such a good eye and pick Yang Fei when you were in Nanhua Chemical Plant? I can't wait to go back to eight years ago. I will definitely take you Yang Fei from Grab it from your hands!"

Su Tong chuckled and said: "There's still one night left, I'll give you a chance! Go and grab it!"

The two laughed together.

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