The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,783 The Heart of a Daughter to Be Married

At night, Su Tong and Guo Xiaoli slept.

The two of them had endless things to say about each other.

Because Su Tong was getting married tomorrow, the one the two talked about the most was naturally Yang Fei.

"How are you feeling now?" Guo Xiaoli asked.

"Nervous and anxious." Su Tong said.

Guo Xiaoli said: "You are called the heart of a girl waiting to be married. It is the psychological reaction of panic when you are about to leave an environment you have lived in for a long time. However, your environment has not actually changed much."

Su Tong said: "Although I have been living in Yang Fei's house, I have always known that sooner or later, I will get married. But when this day comes, my heart still cannot calm down."

Guo Xiaoli said: "Yang Fei is so good, just snicker!"

Su Tong said: "Good or bad is relative. People who don't know, think that Yang Fei is tall, rich and handsome. If you are with him, you will definitely be happy."

Guo Xiaoli heard the smell and asked in surprise: "What's wrong? Are you unhappy with Yang Fei?"

Su Tong said: "Xiaoli, you are not someone else. There are some things I only want to say to you."

Guo Xiaoli said: "Which one of us is following whom? You and I don't have close relatives, so I have long regarded you as my biological sister."

Su Tong said: "That's what I think from the bottom of my heart. It's easier to talk to me if you have a sister! You know my brother very well. He is still a half-grown child. Don't say that he doesn't know my thoughts, but his matters are more important. I’m worried!”

Guo Xiaoli said: "Is Yang Fei not treating you well?"

"Okay, it's just too good, too good for me to bear. The ancients said that it is most difficult to bear the kindness of a beautiful woman. I think that for me, Yang Fei's kindness is too difficult for me to bear."

"Yeah! You can't get married with such a mood. Marriage is not about repaying a favor. You can't just marry him because he treats you well and you can't refuse. Marriage is a lifelong life, and you must love each other. . All love, if it cannot return to daily necessities and money, is a false bubble!"

"Actually, at the beginning, I didn't think that I would get together with him."

"You didn't like him when you were in the factory?"

"It's not about whether I like him or not. Of course I'm attracted to him. After all, he's sunny and handsome, and he's also a righteous man."

"Oh my God, you're not really getting along with him out of gratitude, are you? Just because he saved us that time outside the cinema?"

"No! But of course the story begins there. Oops, I can't tell you now!"

"Then do you like him or not?"

"Of course I liked him before. Now I want to marry him. He is little Susu's father. If I don't marry him, who will I marry? He is so good and outstanding, but I am not worthy of him, but he prefers If you want to marry me, what else do you think I'm not satisfied with?"

"Su Tong, I think there is something wrong with you. You have said so much, and it seems that you are just marrying him because you have to? So do you love him now?"

"What is love? I still can't figure it out. Do you know what love is?"

"Ah? What is love?" Guo Xiaoli couldn't help being stunned and said, "I think love is fate, love is touching, love is habit, love is tolerance, love is improvement, love is understanding, and love is a lifelong commitment. "

Su Tong smiled and said: "If you say so, then there is love between me and Yang Fei, so it must be love.

Do I have a fate with him? Of course, I was also moved, mostly by him. If I were used to it, I would have gotten used to having him. If you are tolerant, let alone that. I am tolerant and considerate of everything he does. Since you get married, it is a lifelong commitment. "

Guo Xiaoli said: "I read a book, and it said that love means liking a person to a very deep level. A person gives a lot of emotion to another person or thing. This is love. Love It refers to the sense of satisfaction and happiness that human beings actively give or consciously expect. Love is the positive energy projected by the human spirit. It means that people actively or consciously cherish, care for or satisfy others by themselves or in some way, which cannot be achieved independently. certain human needs.”

"Oh my God, Xiaoli, you are so amazing. You look like a poet! You speak so well."

"I just read a few more idle books."

"Xiao Li, according to what you just said, I think there is really love between Yang Fei and I. He values ​​me, takes care of me, and can satisfy my human needs that I cannot realize independently."

"What you said can only prove that Yang Fei loves you. Do you love him?"

"Do I love him?"

Su Tong was stunned by this question.

Guo Xiaoli picked up the phone and smiled: "I have to ask Yang Fei about this! See if he can feel your love for him! Do you think so?"

Su Tong said: "What are you doing?"

"I'll call and ask Yang Fei to see if he can feel your love for him!"

"Don't ask! It's so late!"

"He's getting married tomorrow and you're not with him. If he goes to bed so early, then there's something wrong with this guy!"

"What's your point?"

"Don't you want to hear what Yang Fei said about you? Don't you want to know if he can feel your love?"

Of course Su Tong wants to know.

So, she acquiesced to Guo Xiaoli's behavior.

Guo Xiaoli dialed Yang Fei's phone number.

The call was answered quickly.

"Xiao Li, what's the matter?" Yang Fei's calm and pleasant voice came over.

Guo Xiaoli chuckled and said, "Yang Fei, are you still not asleep?"

"Well, we're still chatting!"

"Coincidentally, Su Tong and I are also chatting. There is something I want to ask you, and you must answer me honestly."

"What's the matter? I feel like you want to dig a hole for me?"

"It's not a trap, it's just a problem."

"Okay, just ask! I'll just handle it carefully."

"You, don't be too nervous, I want your answer immediately."

"Oh. What on earth do you want to ask me?"

"Do you love Su Tong?"


"You answered so quickly? You didn't even have to think about it?"

"You said you wanted to listen to my first reaction."

"Then do you think Su Tong loves you?"

"Xiao Li, is this the second question?"

"Ah? Even if it's the second question, don't be so fussy about it. Tell me quickly, do you feel her love for you?"

"Does this need to be said? Of course she loves me."

"Are you so confident?"

"What a joke! If I don't even have this little bit of self-confidence, am I still called Yang Fei?"

"Then let me ask you another question..."

"What else? Didn't you say you only asked one question?"

"the last one."

"Ask! Satisfy all your curiosity!"

"What do you understand by love?"

"Do you want to ask about love or marriage? Don't ask me another question then."

"Ah? Marriage! Marriage!"

"Marriage is not only the continuation of love, but also the search for a relative."

"Oh? That's it?"

"Are you okay?"

"Actually, there are still problems."


"Okay, no more questions. I'm hanging up! See you tomorrow!"

Seeing her put down the phone, Su Tong asked, "What did Yang Fei say?"

Guo Xiaoli said: "What he said is very interesting. He said that marriage is not only the continuation of love, but also the search for a relative."

After Su Tong heard this, he couldn't help but feel crazy.

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