The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,784 Qiao

After hanging up the call from Guo Xiaoli, Yang Fei thought of Li Juan inexplicably.

The words he replied to Guo Xiaoli came from Li Juan.

After returning to the room, it was already past two o'clock in the morning.

Yang Fei was still not sleepy.

He couldn't help but send a message to Li Juan: "I'm getting married, will you come?"

I thought she had already gone to bed.

But she immediately texted back: "Do you want me to come?"


"Aren't you afraid that I will make a big fuss and prevent you from getting married?"

"Haha, you can't. If you wanted to make trouble, you would have made it already."

"Oh, he is indeed a close friend. The one who knows me well is Yang Fei."

"I think I'd be happy if you could come."

"I have arrived at Peach Blossom Village."

"Where are you?"

"Stay in a B\u0026B hotel, and I'll see you tomorrow. No, it should be today, and I'll see you after dawn."

"Since you are here, why don't you come to me?"

"I know you are busy, so I won't cause any trouble to you. Just treat me as an ordinary guest."

"You are a distinguished guest."

"Is she coming?"


"You asked knowingly."

Of course Yang Fei knew in his heart that she was asking Chen Ruoling.

"She won't come." He answered firmly.


"What's there to be sorry for?"

"I thought there would be a lot of fun tomorrow!"

"Haha, don't worry, it will definitely be lively tomorrow."

"When I say lively, I don't mean there are many people or dramas. But when she comes, she will make a wedding for you and accomplish what I wanted to do but didn't do."

Yang Fei was speechless.

It took a long time before he replied: "Your idea is very poisonous!"

Li Juan replied: "Life is about making a big fuss and then leaving quietly."

Yang Fei was speechless.

Li Juan sent a message: "I'll give you a chance to choose. Come out to me now."

"What are you looking for?"

"Take me far away and fly high, let's go to the world freely."

"Haha, stop making me happy."

"I know you don't have such courage. Then I'll give you another choice."

"Which one are you playing again?"

"Come out and I'll stay with you all night."


"You know, I want you to have one last crazy night before getting married. I do it voluntarily and don't ask you for anything."

Only then did Yang Fei understand what she meant and replied: "Sleep well! Good night!"

Li Juan replied: "Look at Qi'ao, where the green bamboos are growing. There are bandits and gentlemen, who are like quarrels and discussions, like polishing. They are seductive and arrogant, and they can't be quiet at last."

Yang Fei looked at it, slowly closed his eyes, and stopped replying to the message.

The continuously cloudy weather suddenly cleared up on the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month.

Get up early in the morning,

The sky is clear and the sky is bright and clear.

Warm sunshine shines on the door of the reservoir villa.

There is a wedding couplet written by Jiang Wen on both sides of the door.

The first couplet says: One yang is moving at the beginning, two surnames are Ke Xie, three are blessed with four beauties, and five generations are prosperous.

The second couplet says: After the six rites are completed, the seven sages gather together and play the eight-note song. The nine are as perfect as Xianluanhe.

Yang Fei went to bed late but got up early, getting up at half past seven.

His clothing, hair style, and makeup are all handled by professionals.

When the auspicious time came, Yang Fei walked out of the reservoir villa surrounded by everyone.

The surrounding area has already been crowded with people watching the fun.

When they saw Yang Fei coming out, someone started shouting: "Boss Yang is here! Boss Yang is here!"

When Yang Fei saw a camera, he asked Su Yingying: "Is that from the "Great Changes in Mountain Country" column? Why are there so many cameras?"

Su Yingying replied: "Boss, yes. In addition to the Shanxiang Changchun column, there are other media to shoot."

Yang Fei smiled and said, "You're making me a star. That's not a good look."

Su Yingying said: "Who told you to be so popular? Everything related to you is news."

Yang Fei laughed.

After walking out of the covered bridge, Ma Feng led the horse over and asked Yang Fei to get on the horse.

Yang Fei had practiced equestrian, and he easily mounted the horse with a graceful and handsome movement, which attracted a lot of applause.

"So handsome!"

"This red outfit is so eye-catching!"

"It would look better if I had long hair!"

"When you wear a hat, it doesn't matter whether your hair grows or not."

"This horse is so beautiful! Here is the real Prince Charming!"

"Tsk tsk, Su Tong is so lucky. How can he marry the richest man?"

"Please, before Yang Fei became the richest man, he and Su Tong were together! This can only show that Su Tong has a vision!"


As soon as the horse takes a step, firecrackers, gongs and drums sound together.

The sedan chair lifts up.

Pairs of "servants" in festive costumes followed closely behind, carrying boxes of betrothal gifts.

Everyone watching the excitement found it strange.

In this day and age, not many people hold retro weddings.

Yang Fei is still the first in Peach Blossom Village.

Everyone pointed and laughed. After talking about the groom's benefits, they started gossiping about the betrothal gift.

"Oh, look! A pig, a sheep, and a cow! These three animals are incredible! Others just cut off a little meat for fun, but Yang Fei just carried it over!"

"What's this! These are just for luck and tradition. The real value lies behind. Look, there are shining gold objects in the heavy open box! Other people only have three kinds of gold and hardware. Yang Fei is Have you prepared three or five boxes of gold jewelry?”

"Oh my god, there are gold bricks! Here we come with the gold bricks!"

"One box, two boxes, three boxes! Three boxes of gold bricks!"

"More! There are many boxes coming from behind!"


"It's all money! It's so dazzling!"

"Oh my god! Is this box probably worth 100,000?"

"One hundred thousand? How could it be only one hundred thousand? There is at least one million in this box!"

"One million? Ten boxes, that's ten million?"

"Otherwise? Yang Fei is the richest man! What does this little money mean to him?"

"The marriage of the richest man is really extraordinary! So rich! So inhumane!"

The people carrying the money passed by, and behind them there were people carrying boxes and carrying burdens. There was an endless stream.

The box at the back was covered, and there was no telling what was inside.

"How much betrothal gift is Yang Fei going to give?"

"You should be like Boss Yang when you have a baby!"

"I want to marry Boss Yang if I give birth to a daughter!"


Yang Fei was riding on a tall horse, wearing a big red flower and an ancient dress. The red clothes made his face look like a crown jade.

He bowed his hands to the crowd from time to time.

The bodyguards such as Mouse and Ma Feng were always guarding them carefully as if they were facing a powerful enemy.

Although there are hundreds of bodyguards scattered everywhere, and there are also bodyguards mixed in with the crowd, it is too big to handle the large number of people!

In such a grand wedding, there must be no mistakes!

Su Tong's house is not far from the reservoir. When he heard the sound of firecrackers here, he knew that Yang Fei was setting off.

The sisters of the Su family quickly closed the door tightly and said with a smile: "We will never let Yang Fei in until we give out a big red envelope!"

Su Tong said: "We are having a Chinese wedding, why are you making such a fuss?"

The sisters all laughed and said: "Su Tong, whether it is Chinese or Western style, the red envelopes and wedding customs cannot be missing, right?"

Su Tong smiled helplessly and allowed them to make trouble.

Anyway, Yang Fei had prepared enough red envelopes. When the red envelopes rained down, he was not afraid that they would not open the door.

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