The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1803 Yang Fei bids, the more expensive the better!

The starting price of Buddhist beads is not expensive, only 30,000 yuan.

Perhaps because the prayer beads are more practical and ornamental, there were surprisingly many bidders.

The price soon exceeded 50,000.

Yang Fei couldn't help but glance at Fu Heng.

Fu Heng shook his head gently: "It's not worth the price."

Yang Fei said: "Mr. Fu, why do so many people want to buy it? Logically speaking, none of the people participating in this auction are rookies. Don't they all know how much this string of beads is worth?"

Fu Heng said: "Boss, do you suspect that there is something wrong with my valuation of cultural relics?"

Yang Fei waved his hand and smiled: "Nothing. I just think, are these people crazy?"

Fu Hengdao: "Due to the atmosphere at the auction site, coupled with the auctioneer's unremitting bragging, normal people will be mobilized to consume and pay more than usual to buy these auction items. This kind of Buddhist beads can be bought in antique shops If so, you can definitely negotiate the price. At most, it’s more than 30,000 yuan, so you can almost win it.”

Gao Qin smiled and said: "The words of the auctioneer and the scales of the vendors are the most untrustworthy."

She also wanted to take a picture of this string of beads, but after raising her hand five or six times in a row, she saw that the price had jumped to 68,000, and she couldn't help but shake her head and give up.

Fu Hengdao: "The auctioneer's introduction is generally realistic, but he will make some sensational remarks to attract others to bid. There are many people in the venue, you raise your hand, I will raise my hand, and there are always people who make impulse purchases."

As he was talking, Yang Fei suddenly raised his hand and directly quoted: "Eighty thousand!"

Fu Heng said in surprise: "Boss! This string of Buddhist beads is not worth 80,000! For 80,000 yuan, you can buy two strings outside."

Yang Fei smiled and said: "It's okay, I was just thinking of buying a bunch of Buddhist beads as a gift!"

Fu Heng said: "Then you can go to the store outside to buy it!"

Yang Fei said: "This bunch is good, just buy this bunch."

Fu Heng could only smile bitterly!

Alas, who told Yang Fei to be rich!

Money is so willful!

Who can do anything to him?

Fu Heng is a master figure in the antique world. He knows exactly what kind of antiques he has seen.

But in business hype and worldly management, he is not as agile as Yang Fei.

Yang Fei bought this string of beads to give as a gift.

If you buy it in a cultural toy store, it may only cost half the price, but no one knows how much you paid for it.

Such large-scale public auctions will be reported in newspapers.

The transaction prices of the auction items will be reported tomorrow.

Yang Fei gave the beads to others, and the recipients knew how much they were worth when they saw them.

Antiques are no better than daily necessities. Daily necessities have a price. Everyone will know how much it is worth when they see what you give them.

The same cannot be said for antiques. How do ordinary people know how much they are worth?

Giving gifts is a science.

Although it is said that sending goose feathers from thousands of miles away is light on gifts but heavy on friendship, the most important thing in gift giving is the intention.

But one million and one hundred dollars are felt differently by others.

Yang Fei had this idea, but Fu Heng couldn't understand it.

Fu Heng could only sigh that Yang Fei was rich.

Spend whatever you want!

After Yang Fei quoted 80,000 yuan, the auctioneer's tone became as sweet as honey, his voice became waxy, and he loudly announced Yang Fei's quotation to the audience.

This time, someone refused to give Yang Fei face.

"Okay! This gentleman has raised his sign! It's 81,000 yuan! This string of Buddhist beads from the late Qing Dynasty is an ancient relic that the eminent monk has held for decades. The eminent monk holds it and chants hundreds of times every day! Wearing it on the body can ward off evil spirits To avoid disasters and place it in the study or office, it can attract wealth and good luck! Don’t miss this opportunity, it will never come back again! Who else is bidding?”

"Mr. Yang Fei made a bid, eighty-two thousand yuan!"

Chen Mo glanced at the bidder, curled his lips and said, "It's that foreign devil again!"

Yang Fei handed the sign to her: "You lift it! No matter how much it is, just take it down!"

Chen Mo stuck out his tongue slightly, pursed his lips and smiled: "You are the only one who dares to say such big words! You are the only one who says such big words, and others don't find it awkward!"

Yang Fei chuckled.

The other bidders wisely withdrew, leaving only Chen Mo and the bearded foreigner bidding.

Chen Mo and the bearded foreigner, you lift once, I lift once, the two sides compete with each other.

The auctioneer's voice got louder every time:

"Ninety thousand!"

"Ninety-six thousand!"

"One hundred thousand!"

Bidding is all about momentum.

When you hesitate, others will hesitate.

Chen Mo has a very calm temperament, neither impatient nor impatient. He holds up the sign gracefully and slowly puts it down.

But every time, she raised her placard immediately after the foreigners bid, not too early or too late!

When the bearded foreigner was about to lift again, the lady next to him held down his hand.

The lady shook her head at him, indicating that she should stop arguing.

The bearded foreigner was unconvinced, clenched his fists and snorted coldly.

The auctioneer looked over and loudly promoted the benefits of the beads, hoping to inspire foreigners to bid again.

However, although the foreigners had an angry look on their faces, they were no longer agitated and no longer raised their cards.

The auctioneer said a lot of words to praise the beads. Seeing that the foreigners were not fooled, he stopped talking and announced the results.

When the auctioneer shouted for the second time: "The eminent monk in the late Qing Dynasty holds the consecrated Buddhist beads, one hundred thousand! The second time!"

Suddenly a clear female voice said: "120,000!"

With a sound of "Wow!", everyone in the audience looked at the bidder.

Chen Mo also took a curious look and sneered: "It's that little girl!"

Yang Fei said: "What little girl?"

Chen Mo said: "That's the little girl who bid with you before!"

Yang Fei didn't know who the little girl was, so he just said: "Continue!"

After the beautiful girl raised her price, she deliberately looked towards Yang Fei with a provocative look.

Chen Mo glared back bitterly and said, "This person did it on purpose!"

Yang Fei said: "Never mind her! Keep going!"

Chen Mo pouted and said: "120,000! It's so expensive!"

Yang Fei said: "It's okay! The more expensive the better!"

Fu Heng, who was next to him, originally wanted to advise him not to bid anymore, but when he heard him say such heroic words, he swallowed the words that came to his mouth.

Chen Mo had no choice but to obey the order and raise the sign again.

After her bidding, the girl immediately raised her placard again.

Gao Qin said: "That woman gave up long ago. After seeing you bidding, she deliberately raised the price. Mr. Yang, I suggest you give up and take other pictures, right? You now If you give up, you can still cheat her, otherwise if you continue to compete, she will cheat you."

Yang Fei said: "It's okay, isn't it just a few hundred thousand? I can afford it. I bought this to give away. If the price is low, I won't be able to give it away. The higher the bidding price, the better."

Gao Qin rolled his eyes: "..."

I have seen rich people, but I have never seen anyone as rich as Yang Fei!

This richest man really makes people jealous when he plays with antiques!

When Yang Fei didn't call for stop, Chen Mo kept holding up the sign and bidding with the girl.

There was a lot of discussion in the audience. The auctioneer was too excited and shouted too hard. His face turned red and his voice became hoarse.

The hand of the beautiful girl holding the sign was a little sore. She was too lazy to add one thousand, one thousand, and just shouted: "150,000!"

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