The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1804: Sell it for 10 million?


After the beautiful girl Price shouted out, there was another commotion in the whole place.

Many people pointed at the girl.

Chen Mo snorted coldly and said, "Isn't this person here to disrupt the situation on purpose?"

Yang Fei said: "No matter who she is, just raise the sign and that's it!"

Chen Mo: "..."

She raised her sign again.

Everyone's eyes turned to the beautiful girl.

Disappointingly, the girl stopped raising her sign and shrugged her nose at Chen Mo, with a look of pride and ridicule on her face.

Chen Mo was angry and helpless at the same time, and said: "She can afford to buy something for tens of thousands of yuan, but she has to pay it for more than 150,000 yuan! It's so annoying!"

When the auctioneer made the final decision and announced that Yang Fei had bid 151,000 yuan for this string of Buddhist beads, Yang Fei chuckled and said, "Fortunately, it's not too expensive."

Chen Mo said: "Of course it's not expensive for you. However, based on the value of this string of beads, I think it's expensive. Look at that person's pride! If it were me, when she quoted 150,000 , I will give up and make her mad!"

Yang Fei smiled and said nothing.

Yang Fei looked down on the next few items and did not bid.

The last auction item is a blue and white porcelain vase from the Yuan Dynasty.

This is a great finale and worth a lot of money.

Yang Fei asked Fu Heng for his opinion.

Fu Heng just shook his head slightly, saying that there was no need to take the photo, but he didn't say much about why.

Yang Fei was extremely obedient this time and really didn't raise his sign.

In this auction, Yang Fei bid for "Jade Seal of Qianlong", "Picture of a Lady by Lu Jiliang of Ming Dynasty", "Tadpole Inscription Stone from an unknown era", and "A String of Buddhist Beads from the Late Qing Dynasty".

The jade seal cost 2.5 million.

The portrait of the lady cost 880,000 yuan.

350,000 stones.

151,000 Buddhist beads.

For the four items, Yang Fei spent a total of 3.881 million!

Pay the money and get the goods.

Putting the four treasures together, they are just an inconspicuous little pile.

The jade seal is just a seal, no bigger than a palm.

The picture of the lady is a scroll, rolled up and not as thick as Chen Mo's forearm.

The stone is a little heavy, but not grand. It is not much bigger than the fish plate.

Needless to say about the Buddhist beads, these are not the skulls worn by Monk Sha, but beads the size of longan eyes, and they are not the 108 beads hanging around the neck, but hand-held beads.

There are 18 beads in total.

Yang Fei asked Fu Heng, why 18?

Fu Heng replied that Buddha beads are particular about the number of beads, usually one, one, one.

The 14 stars represent the fourteen fearless merits that enable all sentient beings to obtain.

18, commonly known as "Eighteen Sons", where the so-called "Eighteen" refers to the "Eighteen Realms", namely six roots, six dusts, and six consciousnesses.

The six roots refer to the six realms of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind;

The six dusts refer to the six dusts of color, sound, smell, fragrance, touch, and law;

The six consciousnesses refer to the six consciousnesses of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind.

After Yang Fei heard it, he only understood it slightly.

This string of prayer beads was to be given away, and he was afraid of making a joke, so he was willing to spend more time to understand it.

In Fu Heng's opinion, these four antiques were worth more than one million at most. Yang Fei spent so much money to buy them, which made him shake his head and sigh.

After the delivery was completed, the beautiful girl came over and fed Yang Fei.

Yang Fei ignored her.

The girl stepped forward and pulled Yang Fei's arm.

Yang Fei scolded: "Little girl, what are you doing? In public, how can you behave like this?"

The girl said: "Hey, I'm talking to you!"

Yang Fei said: "I don't have a surname! I don't know you either! What can you say?"

The girl curled her lips and was about to speak when the older woman behind her said:

"Luo Sheng, don't be rude!"

Luo Sheng turned around and pouted: "Sister Yu Xi, he is obviously being unreasonable! When I talk to him, he ignores me!"

"This is Mr. Yang Fei, the richest man!" Yu Xi said, reaching out to Yang Fei, "Hello, Mr. Yang, I am Luo Yuxi, and this is my cousin Luo Sheng."

These two sisters, one is as beautiful as a flower and the other is as beautiful as a jade. They are truly beautiful and fragrant, each with their own merits.

Luo Sheng has a lock of beautiful hair flying slightly, slender willow eyebrows, a pair of charming eyes, a straight nose, slightly red jade cheeks, delicate lips, and dimples as white as snow as crystal clear as jade, She has jade-like skin, a beautiful complexion, a petite figure, and is gentle and graceful.

Luo Yuxi's long black hair is as smooth as silk, with slender eyebrows, eyes like stars and bright moons, a delicate nose, slightly pink cheeks, red lips like dripping cherries, and flawless melon seeds. The face is shy and affectionate, the figure is light, refined and elegant.

When a man sees such beauties like them, he can't help but take a few more glances.

Even Fu Heng couldn't help but exclaim: "What beautiful sisters!"

However, Yang Fei only glanced at the two of them lightly, without even looking at them, and asked: "Is something wrong?"

Luo Yuxi smiled slightly, her slender hands stayed in front of Yang Fei, and said with a sweet smile: "Mr. Yang, are you so disrespectful?"

Yang Fei stretched out his hand, gently shook her hand, and asked, "Miss Luo, what do you want from me?"

Luo Yuxi said: "Mr. Yang, can you give us this Qianlong Jade Seal? How much did you pay for it, and I will add a 5% handling fee to you."

Fu Heng couldn't help but be secretly surprised after hearing this.

Yang Fei paid 2.5 million for this seal.

Five percent handling fee, that’s 125,000!

This woman has extraordinary moves!

And Yang Fei can make so much money by changing hands, which is considered amazing!

Fu Heng couldn't help but sigh, this businessman's purchase was indeed not something that an antique person could understand!

Luo Sheng said: "If you take the photo and resell it, you can make hundreds of thousands! You have made a fortune! We didn't want to raise the price too high just now, so we gave up bidding with you! We just wanted to wait for you to take the photo. After that, we’ll buy it back from you! I’ll give you an extra hundreds of thousands, and you’ll make a lot of money!”

Yang Fei chuckled and said, "I'm sorry, this thing was worth 2.5 million just now, but now it's worth 10 million."

Luo Sheng covered her mouth in surprise and shouted: "Oh my god, ten million?"

Yang Fei said: "Yes, ten million! In my opinion, this seal is worth ten million. If you want it, I will bear the pain and give it to you."

"You, you are a profiteer! You are raising prices on the ground!" Luo Sheng was frightened by Yang Fei's shamelessness.

Luo Yuxi said: "Mr. Yang, please don't take offense if my little sister is rude. We sincerely want to buy it, so please give us a real price."

Yang Fei said: "I also sincerely want to sell it. Ten million is the actual price."

Luo Yuxi said: "Mr. Yang is joking."

Yang Fei said: "I don't have time to joke with you! Goodbye!"

Seeing that he was about to leave, Luo Yuxi grabbed his clothes in a hurry.

Yang Fei looked back and sneered: "Sisters have the same virtues. Do they like to pull men around in crowded places?"

Luo Yuxi retracted her hand shyly, her pretty face flushed.

Luo Sheng rolled his eyes at Yang Fei.

Fu Heng couldn't help but smile. What a beautiful thing it was for such a beautiful woman to pull Yang Fei. Instead he scolded others!

This is no one else!

Luo Yuxi said, "Mr. Yang, if you don't want to give up the jade seal, that's fine. Can you give up the picture of the lady? The price is negotiable."

Yang Fei was so sophisticated, he could see through her thoughts at a glance.

He thought to himself, they just wanted to buy the jade seal, just to test me. What they really want to buy is this picture of a lady!

Yang Fei asked calmly: "How much can you offer?"

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