The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1963 Han Yiyi the Savior

Yang Fei looked at Wang Lei and asked: "Mr. Wang, how much do you like my office? Do you come to report every day?"

Wang Lei sneered: "Yang Fei, last time you said that your people arrived at Sibao Daily Chemicals first, so I believe you for the time being! What about this time? It was obviously me who negotiated with Sibao Daily Chemicals first, and there was progress. After that, you sent someone to mess up my situation! How else can you argue?"

Yang Fei said: "Oh, you can't blame me for what you said. If you want to ask questions, you should ask Sibao Daily Chemical!"

Wang Lei asked: "What do you mean?"

Yang Fei said: "They asked us to go. Do you think Sibao Daily Chemical is so stupid that it only talks with your family? I'm afraid it's not just our two families! As the saying goes, if one family has a girl, hundreds of families want it! Now everyone wants to buy it Sibao Daily Chemicals, isn’t he selling the company as a treasure?”

Wang Lei was stunned and speechless for a moment.

Yang Fei said: "This is buying something, the one with the highest price gets it. Maybe it's not you or me who buys it in the end?"

Wang Lei frowned and said coldly: "You have so many fallacies!"

Yang Fei said: "You must blame me, it doesn't matter!"

His contemptuous expression showed that he didn't take Wang Lei seriously at all.

Wang Lei said in a deep voice: "I don't care about this matter! But, Yang Fei, why do you want to disturb my woman? Huh?"

Yang Fei said: "Your woman? Who is she?"

Wang Lei said: "Huh! Don't pretend to be confused because you understand! You know who you have been looking for!"

Yang Fei said: "Haha, you mean, the woman who was abandoned by you in the beginning? The woman who was pregnant with an unknown child, was kicked out of the house by her parents, had no one to rely on, and had no money to eat? The woman who came to you to ask for food? The woman you kicked out because of your money? Is she actually your woman? "

Wang Lei's face turned red, and all the blood in his body seemed to rush to the top of his head!

He said angrily: "Yang Fei, don't bully others too much!"

Yang Fei laughed and said: "If I say anything wrong, you can refute me. Why are you so angry? Is it interesting?"

Wang Lei said: "You clearly know that she is my woman! But you dare to find her!"

Yang Fei said: "I didn't look for her. It was your former secretary Zhang Chuhan who looked for her. Zhang Chuhan is a kind-hearted woman. She pitied that woman! She gave her 10,000 yuan. You should know this, right? ?”

This is also the foreshadowing laid by Yang Fei!

When he asked Chen Mo to find the woman, he also asked Zhang Chuhan to accompany him, just to silence Wang Lei today.

Wang Lei said: "You are just a weasel giving New Year's greetings to a chicken! Do you think I don't know? You went to find her to trick her, and to cause trouble with me, right?"

Yang Fei said calmly: "You think I have nothing to do? Looking for trouble with you? I have never looked for you even once! And you? You keep looking for me, how many times have you looked for me? Huh? Who are you? Who are you looking for to cause trouble? I want to ask you!"

Han Yiyi said: "Yes, our boss sent someone to find that woman just to help her. The boss didn't use her to do anything illegal! Besides, is that woman yours? Do you have the nerve to say this? ?"

Wang Lei said: "What does it have to do with you? Do you have the right to speak here?"

Yang Fei said: "She is mine.

She is a senior executive of the group and this is my office. Of course she has the right to speak! But it's you. Do you have a say here? Mr. Wang, please leave without sending me away! "

Wang Lei said: "Yang Fei, this matter can't be settled so easily! Do you think I don't know your intentions? You will give her money for no reason? Today, I must settle this account with you!"

Yang Fei said: "Wang Lei, you'd better get out right away! Otherwise, I will call security. You have seriously affected our normal office work! Please don't bother us again in the future! We have different opinions and don't conspire with each other!"

Wang Lei got angry, pointed at Yang Fei, kept pointing, and said: "You went to find my woman first! You have to figure it out!"

Yang Fei grabbed a folder, threw it at him, and said in a deep voice: "Put away your dirty hands! Don't disgust me here! Get out!"

Wang Lei had experienced the pain of a folder and knew the pain of a folder hitting someone. He quickly jumped back and yelled: "Okay, Yang Fei, you were the one who moved first! Hit me, who is afraid of whom?"

His shout was a signal to people outside: "Hit!"

There was a noise outside, one from you and one from me, one louder than the other.

"Ho ho ho!"

"Hit, hit, hit!"

Wang Lei's bodyguards and Yang Fei's security guards confronted each other. The atmosphere was very tense. A big conflict was about to break out!

Mouse, Ma Feng and others were already on guard. They each stood firm and raised the sticks in their hands.

As long as the other party dares to take action, they will beat the dog with sticks.

The tense situation here also alerted the security guards of the beautiful building.

In an instant, dozens of security guards rushed up from below, and together with Mo Zi and the others, they formed a two-sided attack on Wang Lei's bodyguards.

Wang Lei's bodyguard was not stupid. When he saw this situation, he knew that there were few people on his side and he would definitely not be able to defeat him.

It’s just a salary, there’s no need to work hard, right?

If you lose your job, you can find it again. If you lose your life here, you will never get it back!

Therefore, although Wang Lei brought many people, no one dared to take action.

If they don't take action, they won't bully others.

What's more, Yang Fei inside hasn't issued an order yet!

At this moment, the situation inside is completely different from the stalemate outside!

After Wang Lei finished shouting, he rushed towards Yang Fei.

Yang Fei stood behind the desk, his steps unsteady, and his hands clenched into fists.

He seemed to be taking it lightly, but in fact he was already on full alert!

While observing Wang Lei's charging posture, he considered the best counter move!

"Yang Fei, I will beat you to death today!" Wang Lei raised his fist!

Before Yang Fei could make a move, when Wang Lei rushed to the desk, Han Yiyi next to him suddenly stretched out a foot. She didn't see any movement, but quietly put her foot in Wang Lei's way.

Wang Lei only has eyes for Yang Fei!

Who would have thought that the frail Han Yiyi would come to the rescue?


Wang Lei hooked Han Yiyi's feet, and he couldn't stand firmly and fell forward!

And in front is the desk!

It's too late, it's faster than that!

Wang Lei had no time to react, and his head hit the hard desk firmly.

Han Yiyi groaned: "You stepped on my foot!"

Yang Fei smiled and shook his head: "Clown!"

Wang Lei screamed in pain, and a big bump bulged on his forehead!

He put his hands on the ground and raised his upper body, but he felt dizzy and immediately fell to the ground again.

Yang Fei said: "Hey, Mr. Wang, just admit your mistake. Why do you need to do this five-body investment and kneel down and bow nine times? I'm not your ancestor, I can't afford it!"

Han Yiyi pursed her lips and smiled: "Boss, he fell. He probably fell hard and couldn't get up!"

Yang Fei said: "Then go outside and call someone in and carry him out!"

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