The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1964 Get out!

Wang Lei sat up and gasped: "Okay, you two, beat me alone!"

Han Yiyi said: "Hey, Mr. Wang, it was obviously you who wanted to hit someone, but you just fell down! Neither the boss nor I moved. There is surveillance in the office. If you want to blackmail, you can't succeed. ! Also, you stepped on my foot and hurt it, but I haven’t sued you yet!”

Wang Lei stood up with his hands on the floor and said gloomily: "Yang Fei, if you have the guts, come out to Dantao. Don't let a girl in front of you block the way for you!"

Han Yiyi chuckled and said, "Are you looking down on me? I can knock you down without our boss taking action. Do you believe it?"

Yang Fei said in a deep voice: "Wang Lei, do you really want to challenge me? You must have thought clearly!"

Wang Lei said: "Stop talking nonsense! Between men, a duel should be used to solve the problem!"

Yang Fei said: "Haha, this kind of spirit of advocating ancient times and advocating martial arts is very valuable. Well, I will help you!"

Han Yiyi shouted: "Boss!"

Yang Fei waved his hand and said: "It's okay. I let him in just to teach him a lesson. Yiyi, you just want to be a witness for us. I duel with Wang Lei today, voluntarily and fairly, and I will have no regrets even if I die! Wang Lei, how dare you? ?”

Wang Lei just wanted to have a fight with Yang Fei, but he didn't expect that Yang Fei actually wanted to fight life or death!

Wang Lei was the first to speak about the duel. At this moment, it was difficult to recover, and he had no way out, so he had to bite the bullet and said: "Okay!"

Yang Fei walked out slowly and said, "Let's do it!"

Wang Lei glanced at Han Yiyi: "You can't help him!"

Han Yiyi smiled and said: "It's funny. You are not afraid of my boss, but you are afraid of me?"

Wang Lei sneered: "It's easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows!"

Han Yiyi said: "Don't worry, you are definitely no match for the boss. I won't and don't need to take action!"

Wang Lei said in a deep voice: "Then I'm relieved! Yang Fei, are you ready?"

Yang Fei raised his fingers at him.

Wang Lei stood up and struck a pose.

Yang Fei said: "Oh, that's right, the white crane is spreading its wings! Lian Jiazi!"

Wang Lei said: "What? Are you afraid of me?"

Yang Fei said: "There is no word fear in my dictionary! Martial arts routines are just pretentious and impractical! Haven't you heard a saying? Practicing boxing without practicing kung fu will lead to nothing! Practice muscles, bones and skin externally, and practice one breath internally! I see Your muscles, bones and skin are all loose, and you can't even breathe. With you like this, I can knock down ten of you with one punch."

Wang Lei said: "I want to see if your punches and kicks are as powerful as your words!"

He had really practiced it. He rushed forward with a lunge, then ducked, feinted with a punch, quickly lowered his waist, and kicked Yang Fei in the lower body.

Yang Fei didn't feel like he was facing a formidable enemy. He just moved his steps slightly and avoided Wang Lei's blow. He chuckled and said, "You really learned it! Not bad!"

Just like performing gymnastics, Wang Lei performed a routine in front of Yang Fei.

It's a pity that he didn't even touch the corner of Yang Fei's clothes!

Fists are expensive and fast!

no speed,

If you don’t have the strength, how can you hit someone?

Yang Fei could accurately predict every punch thrown by Wang Lei and easily dodge it.

Although Wang Lei fought vigorously, he actually didn't have much power.

Human strength is limited. How many of today’s urbanites exercise every day? Practice some routines and tricks, just like dancing, you can't beat anyone!

After Wang Lei performed two sets of punches, he was out of breath and said angrily: "Why are you hiding?"

Yang Fei said: "I'm playing monkey for Yiyi! Yiyi, is it fun?"

Han Yiyi smiled sweetly and said: "Playing with a monkey is not so good, and monkeys can't box! Let him do it a few more times!"

Wang Lei was furious, mustering up all his strength, rounded his fists, and hit Yang Fei.

Yang Fei sneered and still just avoided.

Wang Lei was so tired that he put his hands on his knees, panting and sticking out his tongue, and said: "You, you should do it!"

Yang Fei said: "This is what you said!"

As he said this, he quickly kicked out a side kick!

Fast, accurate and ruthless!

It's okay if you don't take action. Once you take action, you must concentrate all your strength on one point and hit the enemy's vital points hard!

This is the way to fight!

Fight quickly and save your energy!

Yang Fei kicked out and hit Wang Lei in the chin.

Before Wang Lei could react, his vision went dark, and an overwhelming force surged over him!

He leaned back and fell to the ground.

Wang Lei opened his mouth to speak, but he didn't expect Yang Fei's big foot to kick him again!

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

Yang Fei kicked him on the ribs.

"His!" Wang Lei opened his mouth wide and pointed at Yang Fei. His face was deformed with pain. He wanted to speak but couldn't. With a "wow" sound, he spit out a mouthful of yellow bile water. He was in unspeakable pain!

Yang Fei kicked him again on the calf bone.

Ribs and calf bones are the bones where the human body easily feels pain!

It was really heartbreaking pain!

If you beat like this, you won't be able to kill or kill someone, but you can really hurt them!

Wang Lei shook his hands wildly: "No more fight! No more fight!"

Yang Fei kicked two more times in succession and said coldly: "You will fight when you say you want to? You won't fight when you say you won't? How can anything be so cheap in the world? You are satisfied with the beating, but I am not satisfied with it yet." Woolen cloth!"

Wang Lei was rolling on the ground in pain, screaming like a pig that had been stabbed by a butcher.

Yang Fei put his feet away and spat: "Why don't you get out?"

Wang Lei really left!

He was afraid that Yang Fei would make another move, so he rolled on the ground before he could get up!

He rolled until he reached the door of the office, and then he stood up holding the door.

Unexpectedly, the pain in my calf bone was unbearable. As soon as I stood up, I trembled and knelt down again.

He opened the door and walked out step by step.

The two factions outside were confronting each other. Wang Lei's bodyguards were shocked when they saw this scene.

When Mouse and the others saw it, they laughed happily.

"Mr. Wang!" The bodyguards rushed forward and supported Wang Lei.

Wang Lei coughed twice, spit out a mouthful of blood-streaked phlegm, pushed away the person who was helping him, and said angrily: "Get out of here!"

Of course the bodyguards won't go away, they still have to rely on Wang Lei's salary to survive!

"Mr. Wang!" The bodyguards stood nearby and obeyed orders.

Mouzi and the others blocked the road and looked at Wang Lei coldly.

Without Master Fei's order, of course we can't just let this person go!

Ma Feng discussed with Mo Zi last time and wanted to give Wang Lei some color!

I have never found an opportunity!

Now that the opportunity has come, how can we easily miss it?

At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind: "Wang Lei? Why are you here?"

Everyone in the audience turned their heads to look at the speaker.

Probably only Chen Mo and Zhang Chuhan in the Beauty Group knew this woman.

She is the bitter girl who was played by Wang Lei and abandoned by him!

Wang Lei stared at her: "What are you doing here?"

The woman looked at Chen Mo aside and said, "I came to see her."

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