The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1994 Sealed Iron Coffin!

Yang Fei really knows people like Wang Lei very well!

Not only eating the food from the bowl, but also staring at the food in the pot, you have to reach out and pinch a handful of the food from other people’s homes!

What's more, Xiaozhi is Wang Lei's yacht steward?

For a person who can be a yacht steward, proficiency in business is second, and good looks and gentle temperament are the most important.

Just like airlines choose flight attendants, yacht clubs choose stewards more strictly than flight attendants.

Xiaozhi can become a private yacht housekeeper, so her conditions in all aspects are beyond doubt.

Wang Lei must be coveting her!

However, someone who can be a yacht butler is probably not that gullible.

Wise people all understand the truth, if it is too easy to get, it will be easy to throw it away.

Of course Xiaozhi would not be easily succeeded by Wang Lei.

Now, Xiao Zhi suddenly called Wang Lei in the middle of the night, and the other party must have felt that there was an opportunity.

as expected!

Half an hour later, Wang Lei arrived at the yacht club.

Xiaozhi is single and has a dormitory in the club.

She invited Wang Lei to her single dormitory.

Wang Lei touched his chin, then looked at the cute and charming Xiaozhi, and said with a smile: "Xiaozhi, why are you so sensible today? You knew Brother Lei had no one to accompany you, so you called me over!"

"Brother Lei, are you kidding? Are you going to have no one to accompany you? When did you go to a yacht to play, didn't you bring a dozen beauties with you?"

"Hahaha, how can they compare with you!"

Wang Lei said, reaching out his hand to touch her face.

Xiaozhi chuckled and dodged lightly, but Wang Lei only touched her hair.

Xiaozhi walked to the table, picked up a bottle of red wine, and said with a smile: "How about a drink first?"

"Okay!" Wang Lei was confused by the word "first" when he heard her words.

Since there is a first, there is a last.

Drink first, then what?

If wine is not intoxicating, everyone will get drunk; if sex is not charming, people will be obsessed!

In front of him, Xiaozhi opened the plastic seal of the wine bottle, unscrewed the cork of the red wine, poured half a glass and handed it to him: "This bottle of wine was the prize I won at the company's annual meeting! I haven't been willing to open it. "

"Really? Xiaozhi is so kind to me? How can I repay you?" Wang Lei twirled the wine glass and looked at her with a smile.

"Brother Lei, don't look at me."

"You are more beautiful than wine."

"Brother Lei, I'm short of money recently, can you lend me 100,000 yuan?" Xiaozhi suddenly asked.

"One hundred thousand yuan?" Wang Lei repeated.

"Yes. You won't be reluctant, right?"

"Haha, one hundred thousand means nothing to me? It's just," he looked her up and down and said, "is this price for one year?"

"What year?" Xiaozhi pretended to be stupid.

"Haha, of course we will be together for one year. You stay with me for one year."

"What do you mean? I'm just asking you to borrow money.

Why are you accompanying me? "

"You don't understand? Hey, you are my Xiaomi for a year! I will give you one hundred thousand."


"You have seen it countless times. The girls I brought on board are all third- and fourth-tier young artists! Their prices are not as expensive as yours. One hundred thousand is enough for me to play dozens of them."


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, come on, Brother Lei, let's drink first, I respect you."

"Have a drink?"

"Oh, that's so embarrassing."

"Haha, I just like your shyness!"

While drinking, Xiaozhi raised her beautiful eyebrows and glanced at him through the rim of the cup.

This Wang Lei is indeed a scoundrel, and he is very hateful!

Xiaozhi said this just because he wanted to give Wang Lei a chance.

After all, the man in front of her was the boss she had served before!

She sighed softly. Compared with Yang Fei, this Wang Lei could only be thrown away, it was unsightly!

Wang Lei drank the wine in one gulp, wiped his mouth, and reached out to hold her hand: "Okay, okay, just have one drink. Don't waste your good time with beautiful scenery."

Xiaozhi just looked at him and smiled: "Wang Lei."

"Huh?" Wang Lei shook his head, thinking he heard wrongly, "What did you call me?"

Since they met, Xiaozhi has either called him boss or brother Lei. When did he call him Wang Lei?

This title is wrong!

"Aren't you Wang Lei? Is it wrong for me to call you by your name?"

"Huh? Hahaha - yes, calling her by a friendly name!" Wang Lei misunderstood, thinking that she was knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and said with a smile, "The name is just for people to call her."

As he spoke, his head suddenly felt a little heavy.

"What kind of wine do you have? Why is it so intoxicating?"

"Huh? No, you're not drunk. Were you drunk before you came here?"

"I drank some wine, but I drink a lot and rarely get drunk - I feel dizzy..."

Wang Lei reached out to catch Xiao Zhi, but he tripped and fell to the ground.

Xiaozhi's white calves and burgundy high heels gradually became blurry in front of his eyes.

Slowly, Wang Lei lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he found darkness all around him.

Wang Lei touched his head and couldn't remember anything. He didn't know why he was here.

He frowned and shouted, "Is anyone there?"

No one said yes.

Wang Lei smelled a strong and pungent smell.

This strange smell made the pampered man feel extremely uncomfortable.

He groped in the dark, trying to find a place to turn on the light.


His head hit the top.

That's an iron top!

Wang Lei screamed loudly and shed tears in pain.

He looked around and realized to his horror that he was in a closed and narrow space!

This space is surrounded by iron!

And there is no door!

No windows!

No rooftop!

If you look carefully, there are only a few gaps, letting in a little air from time to time!

Wang Lei's hands and feet suddenly felt cold!

Is this an iron coffin?

Is he already dead?

The unknown and darkness brought him endless fear!

He was overwhelmed and at a loss as to what to do.

He shouted hoarsely, but no one answered even though his throat was broken.

"Help! Is there anyone? Help!"

"Whoever comes to save me, I'll give you 10,000 yuan!"

"Whoever gives me a glass of water, I'll give you 100,000 yuan!"

"Whoever saves me, I will give you one million..."

Finally, Wang Lei could no longer shout.

He tilted his ears and listened carefully, but he heard nothing.

He could guess that he was in an iron coffin, but where was the iron coffin?

He knew nothing.

In this kind of environment, even if you only stay for an hour, it is so uncomfortable and painful!

He is deprived of oxygen!

He is short of water!

He is short of food!

He's hot.

He is thirsty.

He is hungry.

To him, money is just a piece of blank paper, like the paper money torn off by a dead person at a funeral!

No matter how much money you have, you can't buy him a glass of water!

He was so uncomfortable that he tore his hair, and in pain he wanted to scratch his throat, which was smoking with thirst.

I don’t know how long it took.

Wang Lei gradually became confused.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps outside!

So clear!

Wang Lei sat up in shock as he was dying -

Uh, bumped my head again!

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