The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1995: You didn’t kill anyone? Why are you running away?

"Who is outside? Who is outside?" Wang Lei used his last strength to knock on the iron coffin.

The people outside were startled.

An equally weak voice came over: "Who?"

When Wang Lei heard that the voice seemed familiar, he couldn't help shouting: "I am Wang Lei! I am Wang Lei! Save me! Save me quickly!"

"Brother Lei?"

"Who are you?"

Across the coffin, he couldn't hear clearly what the people outside were saying.

"Yes, I am Wang Lei! I am Wang Lei! Who are you?"

"I'm Xiaozhi."

"Xiao Zhi?" An idea flashed in Wang Lei's mind, and the images before the accident came to mind.

"Yes. Brother Lei, why are you here?"

"Why are you here?" Wang Lei asked suspiciously and warily.

"I don't know. When I woke up, I found that I was sleeping in a big water tank. Fortunately, there was no water in the water tank."

"Ah? Where is this?"

"I don't know, this is a mountain with trees everywhere."


"Get me out quickly!"

"This is an iron box with a padlock. Let me see-"

"Xiao Zhi, please, hurry up and hit me with a rock!"

"The lock wasn't locked, it was just hanging on."

"Open it quickly!"

Xiaozhi opened the lock and opened the lid of the iron box with force.

The strong sunlight shone in, and Wang Lei quickly closed his eyes and breathed in fresh air.

"Brother Lei, it's really you!"

"Damn it! Who did it?"

Wang Lei climbed out of the iron box and saw a large tank next to it. There was also a lid on the tank, but it was just a wooden lid. Xiaozhi probably climbed out of it.

"I don't know, Brother Lei." Xiao Zhizhi asked, "Is it someone who is playing a prank? You see, even though he abandoned us in this barren mountain, he has no intention of killing us. I can push open the lid of the water tank. The iron box that shuts you up can also be opened."

"Are you okay? I was just a little bit close to death!" Wang Lei gasped for air and said, "What the hell, tell me to find out who did it. I can't spare him!"

Xiao Zhizhi said: "I have no money and no power, so who would have trouble with me like this? Brother Lei, is this for you? I'm also suffering!"

"Where did your bottle of wine come from?"

"The company wins prizes."

"When did this happen?"

"On May Day."

"It won't be long! Could it be that someone has really planned to harm me a long time ago?" Wang Lei stared at Xiaozhi intently, trying to see through her heart.

Xiaozhi said calmly: "Brother Lei, you won't doubt me, will you? You watched me open the bottle. I have suffered along with you! Besides, I'm just a working girl, how can I have such great ability?" Ah! If it really has anything to do with me, why don’t I run away quickly?”

Wang Lei was convinced by her words: "You are right,

It can't be you. "

Xiaozhi looked around and said, "Let's find a way to leave quickly! This place is deserted, and I don't know if there are any wild animals!"

Wang Lei's whole body was agitated, and he stood up and said: "Quickly go!"

The two went down the mountain and found that they were penniless. They finally stopped a car on the highway. When they asked the driver, they found that it was a hundred miles away from Shanghai!

And one day and two nights have passed since the night they drank red wine together!

Wang Lei persuaded the driver to take them back to the city after persuading them with a lot of money.

After driving around for a long time, they finally returned to Shanghai.

Wang Lei's secretary left him and joined Yang Fei, and he hired a new secretary.

The secretary received his call and hurried over to pick him up. When they met, he looked at him with a strange expression.

"What for? Have you never seen me in such a miserable state?"

"No, Mr. Wang, you, you..."

"What's wrong with me? It's my mother-in-law's fault, please bring me the money! I haven't paid the fare yet!"

The secretary handed over the money, paid the fare, and said, "Mr. Wang, how dare you come back at this time."

"What? Why can't I come back?" Wang Lei looked confused. He felt that this secretary was really a stick, and he didn't like it when he looked at it from left to right.

The secretary whispered: "Mr. Wang, you killed someone! Didn't you escape? Why did you come back?"

"I killed someone?" Wang Lei jumped up in anger, "Who said that?"

"The police said it! Newspapers and TV reported it. My wife cried every day, and her eyes were swollen from crying."

"I'll torture you!" Wang Lei said angrily, "Who started this rumor!"

"It's not a rumor. There are your fingerprints at the scene, as well as the evidence you left behind, including shoe prints and hair. There is surveillance at the place where the accident occurred. I can clearly see you going in and coming out."

"Ah?" Wang Lei was confused.

Some people's perceptions can really be changed by the outside world.

Just like The Truman Show, when everyone around you is acting, you can't tell the difference between drama and reality.

"Mr. Wang, please leave quickly. If you run away, don't come back!" the secretary said anxiously, "The police are arresting you everywhere!"

"I didn't kill anyone! How could I kill anyone?"

"You didn't kill anyone, why did you run away?"

"I, I, I'm drunk, I've been drunk for two days!"

"Yes, you were the one who killed people when they were drunk. There was still your vomit at the murder scene! You were so drunk!"

"Ah?" Wang Lei doubted his memory again.

He kept banging his head with both hands: "Let me think about it! Impossible! I didn't kill anyone! I didn't kill anyone! I was drunk and then fell unconscious. How could I kill someone?"

The secretary said: "If you are drunk, do you know that you have killed someone?"

"How is that possible! I have killed someone, how can I not remember such a big thing? - No, I mean, I didn't kill anyone! I didn't kill anyone! I'll go find the police and explain!"

"Mr. Wang! Don't go, you are throwing yourself into a trap!"

"How many times do I have to say this? I didn't kill anyone!"

"You didn't kill anyone, why did you run away? You ran away for two days! You can't be found anywhere!"


This is an endless loop!

Yes, you didn't kill anyone, why did you escape for two days?

Wang Lei was speechless for the first time in his life.

"Ask Xiaozhi, I've been with her all the time! I didn't kill anyone!" Wang Lei grasped the life-saving straw.

Xiaozhi shook his head and said: "Brother Lei, don't say that. I came back with you, but I was with you only two days ago. We drank together, and then I fell unconscious. Then, I woke up and was on the mountain. Although you were there, I can't prove what you did in the past two days!"

Her imagination suddenly opened up and she exclaimed: "Oh, you didn't direct and act in this scene, did you? You killed someone, deliberately came to my house to get drunk, and then tied me up to the mountain so that I could As a witness who was not present? Are you calling for a thief?"

"Fuck your stinky bitch!" Wang Lei lost all composure and flew into a rage, "Get out!"

Xiaozhi wanted to leave quickly, turned around and ran away quickly.

The secretary blinked: "Mr. Wang, what should you do?"

Wang Lei waved his hand angrily: "What can I do? Let's go home! If the police come to the door, I will explain it clearly to them! I really didn't kill anyone! I'm crazy. I have such a good life, let go If I can only live a good life, I will kill someone?"

The secretary said: "However, the police have solved the case and found out that you and Gao Yi instigated Zhuang Qiang to kidnap people. The victim also provided a recording of threats of extortion and violence."


Wang Lei was completely stunned.

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