The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1996 Creating the murder scene


In Yang Fei's office, there was hearty laughter.

Xiaozhi stood in front of him and reported to him what happened.

"I've wronged you, Xiaozhi."

"I didn't suffer much. I just went over there today and let him go." Xiao Zhizhi said, "Wang Lei can survive quite well. I should have known I would have kept him in jail for an extra day."

Yang Fei waved his hand and said: "I, Yang Fei, am not merciful! But I always feel that to punish a person, you don't have to kill him! The dead don't know pain. Letting him suffer alive is more painful than letting him die."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

"Did he doubt you?"

"I have suspicions, but they are not profound. In fact, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I will never meet him again in the future."

"Very good. The reason why I arranged this is for your sake. It is better for him to be suspicious of you than to be resentful of you, so that he will not hurt you in the future."

"Yeah, I know. Thank you."

"You said you wanted to go to the capital. I have arranged a job for you there. I believe you will be satisfied."

"Thank you. If that's okay, I'll go out first."

"Well, go ahead. I wish you all the best in your new job."

After Xiaozhi left, Yang Fei still couldn't help but want to laugh.

Chen Mo walked in.

"I just received news that Wang Lei was summoned by the public security agency."

Yang Fei said: "Interesting! This time, I want to see how he breaks this game! This is a trap he set for himself, I just took advantage of it."

Chen Mo said: "This Wang Lei is really worse than Gao Yi, and he dares to kidnap people!"

Yang Fei sneered: "Do you think Gao Yi has never had such an idea? They are all in the same boat! Otherwise, they wouldn't come together to kidnap people!"

Chen Mo said: "It's good this time, both of them were included in the design. I still don't understand, where did the dead people come from? Why are there rumors that Wang Lei killed someone?"

Yang Fei said: "There is no dead person, it's just some blood at the crime scene!"

"Where did the blood come from?"

"The hospital has plenty of plasma. Just buy a few packs. Isn't Chen Chun a doctor in the hospital?"

"Phew!" Chen Mo laughed and said, "It's so interesting! It turns out that you created that murder scene! Then the police will interrogate him and then let him go?"

"Let him go? Hahaha! Wang Lei is charged with being a murderer, and I'm afraid he can't get away with it. Is it true that he kidnapped people? There are surveillance records of his comings and goings at the scene, and there is blood and evidence. He escaped for two more days. Come back. Everything proves that he has indeed committed a crime."

"But there are no dead people."

"The interrogators will suspect that he killed the person and dumped the body! I haven't seen anyone in the past two days, wouldn't it be a good time to dump the body?"


"Of course, as time goes by and no one reports him missing or reports the case, maybe the case will be closed. But it will definitely not be closed so quickly."

"Will he go to jail?"

“It’s hard to say.

Until there is no conclusive evidence, he is still suspected of murder. Moreover, don't forget, Wang Lei is still on probation. Everything is unknown. "

"What if the police solve the case and find out that no one died in this case?"

"That's the headless koan."

"Isn't the kidnapping of Jiang Hanying enough for him to be sentenced?"

"Wang Lei is very cunning," Yang Fei said. "He never showed his face during the whole thing. He also has evidence of alibi. So it is still difficult to defeat him with Xiaoying."

"Why are there so many rotten people!"

"That's for sure. There are good people and there are bad people."

"Yang Fei, look at it. Last year and this year, you two had a lot of troubles. You were not troublesome before. It seems that your reputation as the richest man caused the trouble!"

"Ahem, yes!" Yang Fei smiled awkwardly, "After becoming the richest man, I realized that it was different from what I thought. It's really cold at high places."

"From now on, no matter how rich you are, don't seek the false reputation of being the richest man!"

"My ancestors have never been the richest man for dozens of generations. I finally got this opportunity. I can try to be the richest man for once. Of course I have to be one. I just have to taste it. From now on, whoever wants to be can be one! I am a low-key person. It's better to keep a low profile." Yang Fei smiled bitterly.

Chen Mo was right. In the past few years, he had been doing things down-to-earth. Although there were some ups and downs, there weren't many embarrassing things like this.

Ever since the news came out last year that Yang Fei was going to become the richest man, there have been constant turmoils, one after another!

I hope Gao Yi and Wang Lei will stop after being hit by this and stop making them uncomfortable again!

Seeing that he was a little depressed, Chen Mo said: "Actually, it's okay. If you are not jealous, you are mediocre! So many big guys came to deal with you, and they were all defeated by you, which shows how smart you are!"

Yang Fei said: "I don't care about these things. How can life be satisfactory? I only seek half-satisfaction in everything. However, the personal safety of the people around me is threatened. This is very inappropriate."

Chen Mo said: "I heard before that some rich people abroad have to bring dozens of bodyguards with them when traveling. I didn't believe it, but now I believe it. The life of the rich is indeed beyond the understanding of the poor."

Yang Fei said: "Okay, let's not discuss this matter. Is Chen Chun here to report?"

"She said she wanted to have fun for a few days and go on a trip with her classmates."

"In my impression, she rarely goes out to play. She is a very well-behaved child with a rough life. If she hadn't met me, her life might have been completely different."

"It was you who changed my life's destiny!" Chen Mo's voice became softer.

She came over, stood behind Yang Fei, and massaged his shoulders.

Yang Fei leaned his head on the chair, closed his eyes, and enjoyed her techniques.

Ning Xin suddenly walked in.

Because she knew there were no outsiders inside, she didn't knock on the door. As soon as she came in, she saw Chen Mo pressing Yang Fei's head, and she pursed her lips and smiled.

Chen Mo said softly: "What's the matter? Yang Fei has been very tired these days. I want him to rest for a while."

Ning Xin said: "It's nothing, I'll report it later."

Yang Fei opened his eyes and said, "I didn't sleep. Tell me, what's the matter?"

Ning Xin said: "I just received a call saying that the SARS company has stopped producing laundry tablets."

"Huh?" Yang Fei asked, "Do you know the reason?"

"It's not clear yet."

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Isn't this exactly your goal? It has been achieved now."

Yang Fei said: "They stopped too early! I thought they could persist until the end of the year."

Chen Mo asked: "Is there any difference?"

Yang Fei said: "Of course there is a difference. How much more will it cost to let them struggle for half a year?"

"You!" Chen Mo chuckled, "Then did they find that the laundry tablets couldn't be sold at all, so they stopped their losses in time?"

Yang Fei said: "Actually, laundry tablets have never been sold. It's just that the SARS company doesn't believe in evil and must push this product. I also convinced them! So, don't believe in the future that the stolen technology must be good. Of? Maybe it’s a trap?”

Chen Mo and Ning Xin both laughed.

There was a knock on the door.

Ning Xin smiled and opened the door and said, "Oh, there's no one outside! Who's here?"

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