The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2120: Answering reporter’s questions with witty words

"I'm coming!"

People near the stadium spotted Yang Fei's motorcade, and someone shouted: "That's Yang Fei's car! The one in the middle is the longest Rolls-Royce!"

The reporters, who had been waiting extremely impatiently, suddenly cheered up, adjusted their machines, and aimed at Yang Fei's car.

Some reporters even ran forward and followed Yang Fei's car, fearing that they would miss the wonderful moment when Yang Niu got out of the car.

"Why are there so many reporters?" Yang Fei asked, "Did any of you call here?"

Chen Mo said: "No, we didn't call the reporters. They all came spontaneously!"

Yang Fei said: "Really? I didn't expect the reporters to love me so much? Haha!"

Chen Mo said: "You are the richest man! Who do you love if you don't love me kindly?"

Yang Fei said: "Although we are not invited, everyone who comes is a guest. Every reporter friend present will receive a big red envelope."

"Aren't you afraid that others will say you bribed reporters?"

"I'm afraid, so I want the rain and dew to soak evenly so that they can't say anything bad."


"Get off the car."

The car stopped.

Ma Feng, dressed in a suit, ran over to open the door for Yang Fei and escorted him out of the car.

Mouse also ran over from the driving position and protected Yang Fei with Ma Feng and others.

Reporters swarmed in and surrounded Yang Fei.

Chen Mo and Ning Xin followed behind, looking at Yang Fei like stars over the moon, they couldn't help but smile at each other.

"Hello, Mr. Yang, may I ask why your Meili Group suddenly held an investment conference in the middle of the year?"

Yang Fei smiled and said: "This is a good question. You are a well-educated reporter. You just mentioned a few keywords, one is mid-year and the other is sudden. Here, I want to explain , the current season has entered early autumn, right? So, this is not the middle of the year, it should be said to be the second half of the year. Also, we released the investment information as early as half a month ago. In this half month, We have received applications from more than 10,000 businessmen across the country. We have been preparing for so long, how can this be called sudden?"

"Mr. Yang, may I ask, have many of your dealers left? Why do you want to recruit so many dealers?"

“A dealer is a free agent;

It’s not our employees. When they come, we welcome them as we do today. When they leave, we send them off politely. "

"Mr. Yang, I heard that your group has a big problem. Is it true? Please answer."

"Our Meili Group has factories and branches all over the world. We have almost 200,000 employees, and the management staff alone is as high as 20,000. A large group company with so many people has problems every day. ! If there are no problems, is it normal? Then do we still need so many managers? Managers are the ones who find and solve problems! Let alone a group as big as ours, it is just a family of three , there can be a lot of situations happening all day long, right?"

"Mr. Yang, is your dealer policy unfriendly? Is that why many dealers are forced to leave your group?"

Yang Fei laughed and said: "Please take a look at today's grand occasion. More than 10,000 dealers have come! This is because we closed the registration in time, otherwise, I'm afraid tens of thousands will come! You said, our dealers The policy is unfriendly? I would like to ask all the companies in the world, which company can get so many businessmen to sign up when it holds an investment conference?"

"Mr. Yang, we heard that your group has financial problems? Did you owe money to dealers? That's why the dealers left?"

"Fortunately, you heard about it, otherwise I would really doubt whether you are a real financial reporter. When we cooperate with dealers, they send us money and we deliver the goods to them. One hand pays the money, and the other hand delivers the goods. How can we owe money to dealers for goods? Unless we owe them goods, but this situation is absolutely impossible. Because we have six major production bases, the production capacity is absolutely sufficient! Therefore, this kind of Don’t expose the nonsense you heard from hearsay in the future. If you ask too many questions like this, it will lower your level.”

Chen Mo and Ning Xin looked at each other and smiled, silently applauding Yang Jiji's witty and humorous answer.

The reporters did not let Yang Fei go so easily. All kinds of tricky and weird questions kept popping up, repeatedly embarrassing Yang Fei.

Yang Fei is full of witty words and witty answers, and cleverly solves various problems.

This is like a master duel.

The reporters were experts from the major factions besieging Guangmingding. They had already prepared the most powerful moves to deal with Yang Fei.

Yang Fei, as for Yang Fei, was the leader Zhang who was able to fight with one against a hundred with ease. He could use his left hand to move the world and his right hand to use the Nine Sun Magic Skill to easily resolve all kinds of strange moves.

Under Yang Fei's calm response, the reporters did not benefit.

Because not only did they make preparations, Yang Fei also made preparations!

Yang Fei had already thought about the various problems raised by reporters today and figured out how to solve them.

Financial crises, public relations crises, dealers being mistreated, and all kinds of rumors were all resolved by Yang Fei.

Yang Fei took a quick look and realized that at least half of these uninvited reporters were arranged by competitors.

There are only a few people who really come to add icing on the cake.

However, Yang Fei didn't care about this.

A one-sided, one-size-fits-all press conference was not what he hoped for.

The truth cannot be understood without debate. Only when there are differences can there be similarities. Only when there are doubts can there be clarification.

On this side, Yang Fei was still arguing with the reporters. On the other side, the door of the gymnasium had been opened, and people from all walks of life were entering the venue one after another under the guidance of the staff.

A reporter asked: "Mr. Yang, does your Meili Group really need so many dealers? Is it mostly hype when you rent such a large venue to hold an investment conference?"

Yang Fei said: "The eyes of the masses are sharp! These dealers who come here are not entrusted by me! They all come spontaneously and want to become dealers of our group! I can't accept this one and refuse that one." One, right? So we have no choice but to rent such a large venue. Please come and listen to me talk about our dealer policy."

He paused for a moment and said: "As for whether we need so many dealers, I won't say it here. We will find out at the dealer meeting later!"

Chen Mo stepped forward at the right time and said: "Boss, it's almost time, please come in!"

Yang Fei nodded and said, "Okay."

He waved his hands towards the reporters: "Thank you all journalists for coming from afar. The dealer conference will begin soon. Please follow me into the meeting! I know you still have many questions to ask. After the meeting, I will Reply to everyone one by one! Please!”

Then, he whispered to Chen Mo: "Make the red envelope bigger and try to get them to write more good words!"

Chen Mo also said before that Yang Fei was suspected of bribing reporters, but Yang Fei increased his efforts to bribe reporters!

She hummed silently.

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