The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2121 The rules are made by the strong!

The gymnasium was packed with people.

It’s fun when there are many people!

People in the venue were dominated by an inexplicable emotion, and they discussed each other enthusiastically.

I don't know who shouted: "Yang Fei is here!"

Everyone in the venue looked towards the entrance.

Yang Fei walked in surrounded by a group of people and greeted the audience frequently.

The crowd burst into enthusiastic shouts: "Yang Fei! Yang Fei!"

When people outside the venue heard such a loud noise, they thought it was some big star holding a concert here!

Yang Fei walked to the center of the stage with a smile.

Professional speech equipment has been set up here, which is no less than the scale of a celebrity concert.

Yang Fei adjusted the sound, and then said: "Everyone who has come from afar, good morning! I am Yang Fei, and on behalf of the 200,000 employees of Beauty Group around the world, I would like to warmly welcome you all!"

"Okay! Hello, Boss Yang!"

The audience responded enthusiastically.

Yang Feidao: "As we all know, the last time our Meili Group held a national investment conference was in 1993. After that, we held dealer conferences every year, but never held a large-scale investment conference again! Today is a rare Good day! We gather together to hold the ten-year investment conference! I hereby wish the conference a complete success!"

The audience burst into warm applause.

Yang Feidao: "Someone has asked me more than once, doesn't Meili Group have thousands of dealers now? Why does it still hold such a large-scale business investment conference? Here, I will give you a unified reply! Because, it has been too long! Almost It’s been ten years! Friends! Things have changed a lot in ten years! You were unmarried when we left, and your children suddenly came together, friends! People and things change, and the exchanges become the past and the present! This is a very normal change!"

Everyone commented: "Yes, yes! It's been almost ten years! The world situation has undergone great changes, let alone a dealer of a company? It must also be updated."

"It would be best if all of these dealers leave now. If they don't leave, how can we take over? Meili Group's products are so easy to sell, whoever can become a dealer will make a fortune! This is a sure-profit business!"

“It’s great to enjoy the shade under the big tree!”

Yang Fei said: "I believe,

Friends who can sit here today are full of confidence in our Meili Group, and they are also full of confidence in the sales of our group's products! "

"That's right! People who don't have confidence won't come here!" Someone laughed loudly.

Yang Fei said: "Okay, I won't waste everyone's precious time. Next, I will formally explain our group's dealer policy. If you think you can agree with each point, you can stay and listen. If you think you can't agree, you can stay and listen. The door over there is always open, and you can leave at any time! If you stay here after I talk to the end, then I will assume that you have fully agreed to our policies, and you will not have any objections in the future. Do you understand? "

"Understood!" The response from the audience was like thunder.

Yang Fei decided to end it first and not to mess up later.

There are too many people today!

If too many people have objections by then, Yang Fei will not be able to explain it and will be too busy.

It's better than this. If you think the rules I set are okay and you can abide by them, then you stay. If you can't abide by them, or you don't agree, then you leave!

There is no need to discuss, and there is no need to discuss.

It's just like buying goods in a supermarket. The price is marked. If you think you can buy it, you put it in the shopping cart. If you think it's expensive, you don't have to buy it.

There are so many people. If everyone came to bargain for something and argued for a long time, wouldn’t the supermarket be busy to death?

Another advantage of Yang Fei's doing this is to drive away those who are just pretending to be fake and some who are just joining in the fun.

He has made it very clear. If you stay until the end, you agree to all his policies, that is, you are willing to become a dealer or reserve dealer of the Beauty Group.

The word "reserve dealer" is Yang Fei's written word.

Just like a company recruiting and training a group of reserve cadres, it may seem useless, but it can play a big role at critical moments.

The dealer terms this time have been significantly changed compared to the previous ones.

Yang Fei increased the rights and interests of dealers and also increased the obligations that dealers must comply with.

Yang Fei had never thought about Gao Yi's instigation to rebel against the dealers before, but others just did it!

This is where Yang Fei made a mistake.

Therefore, Yang Fei must take this into consideration in the new dealer policy and take preventive measures.

The newly added regulations increase the restrictions on dealers and the penalties for active breach of contract.

In the past, Yang Fei was people-oriented and integrity-based, and did not impose corresponding restrictions on dealers.

But now it's different, he has to make such a decision.

He believes that human nature is inherently good, but he also believes that the abilities and methods of evil people often exceed your expectations!

Sure enough, when Yang Fei mentioned these terms, there was a lot of discussion on the court.

Then someone got up and left.

Yang Fei had long ago ordered that the door be open, and anyone who comes can come and go as he pleases. There is no need to stop or hold back.

The twisted melon is not sweet, and Yang Fei doesn't need so many dealers.

Even if nine-tenths are gone and only one-tenth is left, it is still enough for Yang Fei!

Of course, he doesn't mind keeping a few more people to act as reserve dealers.

For those who are familiar with Meili Group’s previous dealer rules, it is not difficult to find that the biggest change in this dealer policy is the number of years of the contract.

In the past, there was no time limit. As long as you were willing, you could take priority in inheriting your regional dealer status.

After the introduction of the new regulations, dealers need to be reviewed and signed every year. Those whose sales do not meet the standards, or those who have obvious violations, or those who have slandered the group and its products in public will not be hired.

What qualifications do those people have to be dealers if they eat your bread and still accuse you of not being human?

Those businessmen who sell your goods and disparage your products every time you meet, what’s the point of keeping them?

This is also a change Yang Fei made after learning from the pain.

At the same time, this also sends a strong message: you have repeatedly violated Yang Fei’s rules, and you will never be able to become Yang Fei’s dealer again!

These words are also meant for those who have left: Once you leave, don’t think about looking back!

Those who have not yet left will also be warned: should they leave or not? If you leave, you will never come back!

There were more than 10,000 people in the audience, and while Yang Fei was speaking, people left one after another.

Even if there were more than a thousand people walking around, it would not be conspicuous in a huge venue.

Yang Fei spoke for about forty minutes before he finished.

He scanned the whole place and was quite satisfied with the result.

Under such harsh policies, Yang Fei is deeply gratified that nine out of ten people can still stay and be willing to cooperate with him!

This situation once again illustrates a truth: rules are made by the strong!

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