The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2283 I don’t raise foreign uncles here!

It was difficult to find out the specific losses during Yang Fei's trip.

In a factory, there are too many places where losses may occur.

Machine losses, losses during operation, and various human-caused losses.

Whether the factory can be saved and whether it can turn a loss into a profit depends on subsequent reforms.

Cost control is an inevitable hurdle in business operations.

Yang Fei is right. National conditions at home and abroad are different, which means our domestic companies must control costs, otherwise they will not be competitive.

He had just finished his instructions and was about to leave when he saw two British managers coming over.

"BOSS!" the British shouted, "please stay."

"Is there anything else?" Yang Fei asked, stamping his feet.

"Why lay off three-quarters of our workers? We will be severely understaffed."

"Because I found that many positions are overstaffed. The most important thing is that our company has been losing money. If costs can no longer be controlled, this factory will have no choice but to close down."

The British said: "No! You can't do this. The number of our workers has been precisely designed through computer programs. Every position is inseparable from their work. I can't imagine that the production line will be missing so many workers." How does it work? It’s impossible!”

"Nothing is impossible!" Yang Fei said, "You know nothing about the hard work of us Chinese! Let me give you an example. It's the same as moving bricks. To move a brick from here to there, you need ten people. Because there is a distance of ten meters, each of you can only move one meter, but one of our people can move it faster than you."

"Ah?" The British man raised his thick eyebrows, "This is unscientific! Work efficiency is not guaranteed like this."

Yang Fei said: "The goal I give you is to make a profit within three months, and the waste rate must be controlled within three percentage points. If you cannot meet the target, then I will consider replacing all management, including your British management. Inside!”

"We were not appointed by you!" the British shouted, "our British boss also has equity!"

"I'm the big boss! Don't mention equity to me! If you can't make money, your British boss will have no choice but to get out! Will he keep letting you lose money here?" Yang Fei said in a deep voice, "Go back to work, or , leave the company! Choose one, yours, understand?”

The British man shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands helplessly: "OK, I'm going to work. I still have to say, what you're doing is so crazy! Two hundred people have to do what eight hundred people do? We will all be exhausted. of!"

Yang Fei ignored his complaints and left directly.

He has already said what needs to be said. Now, he only cares about the results.

Hu Zhibiao smiled and said: "Boss, you are the only one who dares to treat these foreigners like this."

Yang Fei sneered: "What foreigners are not foreigners? Here, I only have employees! If he is really tough, go back to work in China and don't come here to look for trouble! Since you work for me, you have to listen to me. Otherwise, he will be called Get out! I don’t care for you here!”

Hu Zhibiao said: "Foreigners have always had a sense of superiority in our country."

Yang Fei said: "It's not always the case.

There were many foreigners in the Tang Dynasty, but they only received general national treatment. Those who could serve in politics in the court had special skills. In the Ming Dynasty, there was no need to fight against Japanese pirates. That was called ruthlessness. It was not until the middle and late Qing Dynasty that the Qing government was weak and incompetent and closed itself off to the country, and was beaten to the point of losing its temper by foreigners. "

Hu Zhibiao said: "You really can't tolerate them! Everything is controlled by computers, and they think they are very high-tech!"

Yang Fei said: "There is nothing wrong with computer control, but it must be in line with the national conditions and actual conditions. They are still using the British method, and copying it will not work."

Hu Zhibiao nodded and said: "The boss is wise."

"It's getting late, let's go back to eat." Yang Fei said, "Please follow up on this factory. After three months, I want to see the results."

"Okay, boss, I understand. I will definitely follow up." Hu Zhibiao responded.

In the evening, Yang Fei entertained Hu Zhibiao and others at the villa.

What we cooked today was hot pot. Everyone cooked the hot pot and chatted at the same time. More than an hour passed before we knew it.

After eating, Yang Fei looked at the time and said, "Chen Mo, please go to the shopping mall we went to in the morning and see if their fresh section is sold out."

Chen Mo pursed his lips and smiled: "Okay."

Take a drive to check it out and you'll be back soon.

Chen Mo came back and reported to Yang Feihui: "Almost all are sold out. They have a promotion at night. They package the fresh products that are not sold out and sell them together for a few yuan a bag. Many people rush to buy them. When I went, there were only a few packages of not-so-fresh fruit left that had not been sold.”

"Oh?" Yang Fei nodded, "This is a good move. Mr. Jiang, what do you think?"

Jiang Wanxia said: "This shows that the manager is indeed a good manager. However, did he come up with the idea? Or did he have an expert's advice? This needs to be investigated."

Yang Fei said: "This is easy. Chen Mo, call the manager and ask him to come to my place."

"Now?" Chen Mo asked.



Chen Mo called and said, "He said he would be here right away."

Yang Fei said: "Whether he has real talent or knowledge, you can tell by asking him a few questions."

The manager will arrive soon.

"Hello, boss!" The manager stood in the living room and kept saying hello to Yang Fei and the others, "Hello, Mr. Jiang, hello Mr. Hu, and hello Secretary Chen."

Yang Fei nodded and said, "Sit down."

"I don't dare to sit down. What's wrong with the boss, but please give me your orders. I'll just stand and listen." The manager smiled.

Yang Fei discovered that this man loved to laugh. Whenever he saw him, he always had a smile on his face.

As the saying goes, being friendly makes you rich, and don't hit the smiling person. From this point of view, this manager should be very understanding of people and the world.

Who doesn’t have bad things?

Knowing that the world is very difficult, but still facing it with a smile, this is the master, this is the wise man.

Yang Fei asked: "What's your name?"

"My surname is Yi, Yi from Yi, and my name is Yi Ren, Ren from Renyi."

"Yi Ren, okay." Yang Fei said, "Do you have any ideas for managing the mall? Or is it experience?"

Yi Rendao: "I don't have any special management philosophy. If I do, it all comes from my name."

Yang Fei said: "Oh? What do you say?"

Yi Ren said: "The six-character formula I use to manage the shopping mall can be summed up as Liuyi."

"Six Yis?" Yang Fei said with a smile, "I have only heard of Zhou Yi and Three Yis. What is Six Yis?"

Hu Zhibiao asked with a smile: "I only know the Zhouyi, not even the Three Yis."

Yang Feidao: "The "Lianshan" of the Xia Dynasty, the "Gui Zang" of the Shang Dynasty, and the "Book of Changes" of the Zhou Dynasty are collectively called the Three Changes. Huan Tan, a scholar of the Eastern Han Dynasty, said in "New Lun Zhengjing": "Lianshan" has 80,000 books. It is said that "Gui Zang" has 4,300 words. "Lianshan" is hidden in Lantai, and "Gui Zang" is hidden in Taibu. It is a pity that the two books "Lianshan" and "Gui Zang" were in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. After that, his whereabouts are unknown. In other words, he was absorbed into Buddhism and became a sutra, or he disappeared and became an eternal mystery in the field of Chinese culture."

Hu Zhibiao exclaimed: "I see. Yi Ren, please tell me quickly what your Six Yis are?"

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