The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 893 That person is my friend!

The first time Yang Fei came to New York was more than two months after studying at Harvard.

He wasn't here for a tour, nor was he invited to a party.

An extracurricular research activity organized by the school brought all the students in the first class of research to New York.

The event is called "Meet the NYSE."

As a student of Harvard Business School, I want to be the CEO of a large company in the future. I have learned basic knowledge about supply and demand, economic data, macroeconomics, microeconomics, and corporate financial reports at school. How practical can it be?

The NYSE can teach you the most practical trading skills and how to communicate with others.

Yang Fei heard that many students from Harvard University will come to the New York Stock Exchange as interns during the summer vacation.

After graduation, many students are also proud to work in the NYSE.

If you can accept a full-time job at the NYSE, you will be as lucky as hitting the jackpot.

The U.S. economy is in turmoil and the unemployment rate remains high. It is difficult for many college students to find a job after graduation.

Of course, Harvard Business School students don't have to worry about work.

"In the era without the Internet, traders need to observe the performance of other traders from the trading floor to judge whether a stock or a sector has news and whether it will affect the transaction."

"Then, the trader combines the fragmented information he has seen and heard to make a judgment on a transaction."

"It's a savvy, and if someone is born with that ability, there's a good chance of success."

The lecturer for Yang Fei and the others was a veteran trader on the exchange.

His name was Jayden, who graduated from the Boston University School of Management with a major in finance. After graduating from college, he only wanted to stay in New York for three years, and then went home to live with his family. As a result, he stayed for thirty-five years.

"You are all excellent graduate students, at least better than me. I couldn't get into Harvard University. So, each of you is a mountain that I can't reach." Jie Dun's tone was humorous and expressive.

"I'm sure you've all heard the term Type A personality,

Who can tell me, what is type A personality? "

Yang Fei was about to raise his hand when he saw Thomas had already answered loudly.

"When Chinese scholars, Friedman and others study heart disease, they divide people's personalities into two types: Type A and Type B. Type A personality is more aggressive, aggressive, self-confident, and fulfilling. Easy to be nervous. Type A personalities are always willing to engage in high-intensity competitive activities, constantly driving themselves to do the most things in the shortest time, and attacking other people or other things that hinder their efforts. Type B personalities are Relatively loose, uncontested, and calm about everything."

Jie Dun smiled: "This student must have read the definition. The best thing about Harvard students is to recite the definition."

Everyone roared with laughter.

Jie Dun said: "I like Type A personality, why? Because, people with Type A personality are ambitious, competitive, and place great expectations on themselves; in addition, they will be demanding on themselves and achieve their goals at any cost; In addition, they use success in their careers as a criterion for evaluating the value of life; they fill their work schedules and try to do a lot of work in a very small amount of time; Nervous, doesn't know how to relax, and is extremely reluctant to spend time on daily chores."

He emphasized his tone and said loudly: "Only people with Type A personality are more likely to succeed! No matter what field you will work in in the future, I can say with certainty that among you, people with Type A personality will definitely be able to achieve success." Bigger achievement!"

Thomas asked, "Mr. Jayden, how do you test which personality you are?"

Jayden thought for a while and said, "Let me give you a few examples, and compare yourself. Let's see what kind of personality you belong to?"

Everyone listened carefully and wanted to test themselves.

Jayden said, "Have you made progress towards the goal you set?"

Yang Fei thought to himself, I have.

"Have you longed for the affirmation of others?"

Yang Fei hesitated for a moment, but still chose the affirmative answer.

"Are you used to rapid movement, walking, and eating habits?"

Yang Fei thought about it, and now he eats and walks faster and faster.

"Are you a realist?"

Yang Fei nodded affirmatively.

"Do you always feel pressed for time and work efficiently?"

Yang Fei chuckled and hit it again.

"Are you involved in many things, with wide-ranging concerns?"

Yang Fei touched his nose and smiled.

"Are you arrogant and monopolistic?"


Yang Fei thought that this article was not in compliance.

"Do you not know how to appreciate nature and the fragrance of birds and flowers, and when you rest, you feel uneasy and feel guilty?"

Yang Fei laughed, he felt that he had won half of the prize, of course it was the second half.

"Are you competitive?"

Yang Fei is very competitive.

"Have you ever counted your life in numbers?"

Well? This is hard to say.

Out of ten questions, Yang Fei got seven and a half hits.

Is this a type A personality?

In the southernmost part of Manhattan Island, New York City, it only takes half a minute to walk from the Trinity Church to the Washington Statue. During this process, if visitors look to the right, they will find a house numbered "11 Wall Street". This is the heart of Wall Street - the New York Stock Exchange.

Yang Fei and others, led by Jie Dun, visited the New York Stock Exchange.

In the building of the New York Stock Exchange, there is a carefully framed agreement, which is the "Sycamore Tree Agreement".

The history of the New York Stock Exchange is not as long as that of Wall Street, but it is also more than two hundred years old.

At 9:30 a.m. New York time, the opening bell rang here on time, and the three major stock indexes that affected global investors, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the Nasdaq Composite Index, and the S\u0026P 500 Index, began to fluctuate up and down.

"The opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange does not wait for anyone. Even if the president comes to ring the opening bell, if he does not come by 9:30, the opening bell will still be rung on time."

Jie Dun said humorously: "We traders are the most noble people in the world. Even if they are politicians, business tycoons, and entertainment stars, even if we pass by them, we will not give them a second look, because, In our eyes, there is only one thing, and that is the transaction!"

After hearing this, Yang Fei couldn't help but smile.

The New York Stock Exchange is not complicated. The trading floor can be divided into two parts: the trading desk and the trading booth.

The trading desk is located in the central area of ​​the hall in a horseshoe shape and is used by the designated market makers of the NYSE.

Trading booths are desks arranged along the perimeter of the hall for the use of brokers in the venue.

Designated market makers and brokers, both known as traders.

Yang Fei remembered that Qian Weihao from the Chinese Chamber of Commerce worked as a trader here, oh, no, he was an intern, and he was not an official trader yet.

Looking around, I saw a busy scene in the hall, full of people, where can I find Qian Weihao?

Just when Yang Fei turned around to keep up with the big troops, he suddenly heard someone shouting: "Are you a pig brain? You can't do such a simple thing well! I tell you to buy in! Buy in! Why don't you buy in? You How much money I lost, you can't afford it in your life!"

Yang Fei didn't want to be troublesome at first, so he glanced casually and saw that the person being trained was Qian Weihao!

Qian Weihao looked like a primary school student who had done something wrong, standing respectfully in front of a rich white man, his face flushed red, he kept apologizing and explaining.

Yang Fei said to Thomas: "I'll go over and have a look, you go first."

Thomas said: "Don't mind your own business, this is the New York Stock Exchange!"

Yang Fei said lightly: "That person is my friend!"

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