The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 894 I bought this stock!

Yang Fei walked over and asked Qian Weihao, "What's going on?"

Seeing that it was Yang Fei, Qian Weihao couldn't help being surprised, and showed a look of joy: "Mr. Yang, why are you here?"

Yang Fei smiled and said, "What's wrong? Can't I come?"

Qian Weihao said: "Why didn't you inform me before you came? I'll welcome you."

Yang Fei said: "The school organizes activities, come here to study. What's the trouble with you?"

Qian Weihao said: "This boss asked me to buy a certain stock. I thought this stock would definitely fall, so I didn't buy it for him..."

This is really a taboo for a trader.

The trader was serving the financial owners, but Qian Weihao went against the wishes of the financial owners and made his own claims.

In a brokerage, the position of a trader is actually an order loser, also called an order clerk, that is, when someone else gives an order, you type it into the computer according to the order.

This position is very low-tech, requires quick hands and feet, and has a low error rate.

There is also a type of trader, the so-called free trader, who actually makes decisions and trades by himself, also called a trader.

But there is no such position in a brokerage, and the focus of a free trader is not trading but decision-making.

A low-level intern like Qian Weihao is not free enough to make decisions for the donors.

No wonder the funder is so angry.

Yang Fei asked, "Which stock?"

Qian Weihao pointed to two stocks that flashed on the big screen in the trading hall.

White plutocrats have designated a bull stock, at least for now.

However, the stocks that Qian Weihao bought at his own discretion were clearly bear stocks.

The white rich man obviously hasn't scolded enough, and he doesn't want to let things go. Seeing that Qian Weihao left him talking to someone else, he was furious and slapped Qian Weihao hard: "Hey, I'm talking to you! You didn't listen Are you there?"

Qian Weihao said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Booth,

Please trust my judgment. "

Booth said angrily: "You are not my stockbroker, you are just a trader! What are you? Do you think you understand the stock market? I don't need your judgment! You just need to be responsible for placing orders! You are Didn't you take money from that company? Did you do it on purpose?"

The stock market has such operations.

Some stockbrokers will cooperate with a certain company to speculate on the company's stock, and sometimes deliberately recommend bear stocks that obviously cannot appreciate in value, and earn high handling fees from it.

Traders, on the other hand, are not as powerful in analysis and judgment as stockbrokers, and wealthy patrons seldom listen to traders

Qian Weihao said: "Mr. Booth, please believe me, I have done research on these two stocks."

Booth sneered: "You are a little trader, do you understand the stock market? You just need to know how to place an order! Let me tell you, sell it to me right away! You will compensate me for my loss!"

Qian Weihao said with a wry smile: "Mr. Booth, if you sell now, you will really lose money."

Booth waved his big hairy hand: "I don't want to listen! You must throw it out to me immediately and compensate me for the loss, otherwise, I will tell your company and make you lose this job! I will sue you! I really don't understand why the NYSE would hire someone from the East like you to do something? It's so unreliable!"

Qian Weihao had a look of grievance and helplessness.

Yang Fei was looking up at the big screen, turned his head when he heard the words, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. All the stocks held are transferred to me. I will take over."

Booth looked at Yang Fei in amazement, showing a sneer: "Do you know how many stocks I bought?"

Yang Fei asked indifferently: "How much, I want it!"

Booth took a deep breath: "Five million dollars! Can you afford it?"

Yang Fei showed a slight smile: "How much do I think! Isn't it just five million dollars?"

He said to Qian Weihao: "How to open an account here? I don't know very well, please help me to do it, and then transfer his stock to my account according to your purchase price."

Qian Weihao was shocked and said: "Mr. Yang? This? Isn't it appropriate?"

Yang Fei said: "What's wrong? Can't you do this?"

"That's not true." Qian Weihao said, "It's just that you have also seen that this stock has been falling. If I get it wrong, you will lose a lot."

Yang Fei smiled and said: "So, you don't have confidence in yourself? You can cheat foreigners' money, but you don't want to cheat my money?"

Qian Weihao scratched his head in embarrassment: "Mr. Yang, I'm afraid I'll cost you money."

Yang Fei said: "That's it! I'm also very optimistic about this stock. It hasn't fallen much now. I bought it at the original price and didn't lose much. Go and help me handle it!"

A strong heat surged in Qian Weihao's body, and he bowed to Yang Fei gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Yang!"

If it wasn't for Yang Fei to help him, he would most likely lose this hard-won job.

After the transaction was over, Booth looked at Yang Fei in surprise and asked, "You bought this junk stock just to help your friend?"

Yang Fei said: "No, I just bought this stock because I was optimistic about it. Not only did I buy the shares you held, I also bought an additional 10 million US dollars of shares."

Booth gasped, and kept waving his hands: "You're crazy! This is obviously a junk stock!"

Yang Fei said: "In this world, there are no so-called junk stocks, only stocks that dealers don't want to speculate in."

Booth looked at Yang Fei in a daze, and asked, "Who are you? I have been trading stocks in the New York Stock Exchange for more than ten years. This is the first time I have seen such a young rich Chinese man."

Yang Fei did not answer, but said to Qian Weihao: "The time is bad, I have to keep up with the school team. I entrust you to help me operate this stock. After I return to Boston, I will continue to pay attention to the stock market. When the time comes, I will ask you to sell it for me."

Qian Weihao said: "Mr. Yang, thank you for your trust in me. But, I'm just a trader who hasn't had an internship yet, not a trader. How about I help you find a professional stockbroker?"

Yang Fei said: "Everyone grows up step by step, Weihao, please. Remember, don't make the mistakes before, because next time, no one will help you out like me. Before placing an order, you must You have to communicate with customers first.”

Qian Weihao said with shame: "I know."

Yang Fei went to look for the school team.

Mr. Booth grabbed Qian Weihao and asked, "Qian, who is he?"

Qian Weihao said: "Yang Fei."

Booth said, "How is he so rich?"

Qian Weihao said: "He is the boss of Meili Group, worth tens of billions of dollars!"

He deliberately praised Yang Fei, and then looked at Booth proudly.

Booth said, "Money, buy me another stock."

Qian Weihao said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Booth, I don't understand anything. Let me introduce you to another trader. He is a veteran trader. He is very well-behaved and obedient. He will never make a wrong order."

Booth: "..."

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