The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 903 Go all out to fight the United States

Mouse inspected the taxi and said, "Master Fei, there is a special key for the trunk, which is the case for all old-fashioned cars."

Su Tong said: "The key must be on the driver's body."

Yang Fei said in a deep voice, "Pry it open!"

Mouse and Tieniu agreed, found tools, and pried open the trunk in a few clicks.

Under the light, I saw a caucasian woman curled up in the trunk!

Su Tong exclaimed: "My God! There is someone!"

Yang Fei and Mouse exchanged a glance.

Quan Xiuyan said: "Mr. Yang, call the police!"

Yang Fei nodded: "Rescue the person first, and see if he is still alive."

The woman's hands, feet, and mouth were all tightly bound with tape. Her body was bruised and bruised, and she had been severely beaten.

The person was carried out, and the mouse sniffed at her, and said, "Young Master Fei, you're not dead yet."

The police and ambulance are coming soon.

According to Su Tong's description, the police found the driver who was blind and wandering around in that area. The murderer's pistol was also found, and bullet casings were also found at the scene.

Su Tong's entry and exit procedures are complete, and the ticket certificate is also there. The whole incident process is very clear. After the police recorded the statement, they let her go home.

The woman in the trunk woke up and confessed that she was the driver's wife. After a big fight with her husband at night, she was beaten and kicked by him and tied to the trunk by him.

When Su Tong got into the car, the woman had already been hidden in the trunk, and the sound Su Tong heard was exactly when she woke up.

When Yang Fei and others returned home, it was almost dawn.

Quan Xiuyan moved out tactfully, and went to sleep with Ning Xin.

Yang Fei and Su Tong took a shower and lay down talking.

"She just stays with you like this? Doesn't she avoid sleeping?"

"Yeah, are you jealous?"


have eaten. That's why I'm here. "

"Deliberately come to catch me and her in the middle of the night?"

"I'm sorry, Yang Fei."

"Needless to say I'm sorry, I like you like this. You look so cute when you're jealous. But next time, you can't be so adventurous. A girl, in the middle of the night, you dare to go abroad to find me?"

"I'll find you. Who told you to find a woman to sleep in the room?"

"She wants to help me write a book, and she needs to understand me in all aspects. Just like a photographer, in order to take pictures of lions, she dresses up as a lion and spends ten days with lions before taking satisfactory photos."

"Really? Is there such a dedicated photographer? How awesome! What if I get eaten by a lion?"

"There were also accidents. There was a very famous photographer. He took countless award-winning photos in his life. The last one was the appearance of a lion pounced on him and bit him, showing every detail and lifelike."

"The world of these people is beyond my comprehension."

"Reporter Quan said that I should treat her as a shadow and not care about her existence. I think she is right. If you don't know a person well, how can you write about the essence of that person? Don't you think so?"

"You are a man, of course you feel comfortable. But, I still mind."

"Okay, I'll tell her tomorrow, to end this kind of days, I think she should have enough material for these few days."

"Yeah." Su Tong yawned, she was really tired, physically and mentally exhausted.

However, her spirit was extremely excited.

Everything I experienced today seemed like a dream!

She used to think that she would never see Yang Fei again!

When she bravely poured out the bottle of hot sauce, jumped into the taxi, and ran away without hesitation, there was only one thought in her mind: "I can't die, I want to see Yang Fei!"

Yang Fei couldn't sleep either, his body was very tired, but his spirit was excellent.

The two snuggled together, they had no other thoughts, they just wanted to be with each other like this.

For the first time, they realized that with each other by their side, life and life have meaning, and it has nothing to do with Zhou Gong's rituals.

The two of them seemed to have endless words to say, and after an unknown amount of time, Su Tong fell on Yang Fei's generous and warm chest, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Yang Fei gently stroked her thick and soft black hair.

A woman with black eyes, black hair, and yellow skin is really pleasing to the eye!

Su Tong stayed in the United States for half a month.

Yang Fei took her to attend lectures at Harvard University, took her to experience the busyness and prosperity of the New York Stock Exchange, took her to watch song and dance performances on Broadway, and took her to build snowmen on the snow-covered streets of the United States.

Quan Xiuyan followed Yang Fei like a shadow, but she stopped following her at night.

Su Tong said it well, even if it is a shadow, it is impossible to appear when you sleep at night.

Although it is a little inconvenient to have this shadow to follow, there is also an advantage, that is, to take a picture.

Jeon Soo-yeon was originally a reporter, and her photography skills were top-notch. She followed Yang Fei and left many excellent and precious group photos of him and Su Tong.

Yang Fei wanted to keep Su Tong, and wait for him to go back to China after the holiday.

But Su Tong couldn't play anymore, she was worried about the domestic work.

Usually busy like a spinning top, she finally made up her mind, put everything down, and came to the United States to accompany Yang Fei for half a month. During this time, she kept making phone calls every day. Yang Fei made a decision, and before Yang Fei went abroad, he handed over this power to Su Tong. She holds great power and naturally has a great responsibility.

On a whim, Quan Xiuyan asked for leave and went to Huaxia with Su Tong. She thought this was a good opportunity, an opportunity to get to know Yang Fei in depth.

To understand a person, you don't have to stay by his side every day. There is also a way to look at a mountain from a side to a peak.

Su Tong also wanted Yang Fei to publish a good book that attracted worldwide attention, so he agreed with Quan Xiuyan to follow.

Around Yang Fei, the cleanliness was restored.

Without the inseparable presence of the reporter and the clinginess of Su Tong, Yang Fei felt very uncomfortable for a while.

Soon, Yang Fei adjusted his mood and devoted himself to studying and working in the United States.

After several months of construction, the branch of Meili Group in the United States has begun to take shape.

New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Detroit, Wurzburg, Boston and other large and medium-sized cities have successively established branches and sales networks.

Note that the sales network here is not the sales channel of the Chinese Society as mentioned before, but the channel built by Meili Group itself.

Meili Group's products have just entered the United States, and consumers' acceptance, awareness, and satisfaction are not enough, so they can only be sold through various channels.

The channels provided by Procter \u0026 Gamble, the channels of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and the channels of Meili Group itself, all three roads lead to Rome.

However, the sales volume of whitening products in the United States is not as impressive as Yang Fei expected.

Yang Fei deeply understands that every country and every region has different characteristics and needs for products.

Products that are suitable for China may not necessarily sell well abroad.

Yang Fei learned from the painful experience, and after spending a large amount of ineffective advertising expenses, he decided to conduct market research first, then develop products suitable for American consumers, and then spend money to expand the market.

For the sake of the American War, Yang Fei had to temporarily put aside his studies and concentrate on doing a good job.

Yang Fei wants to use domestic brands to represent Americans, can it be realized?

Everyone is waiting to see!

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