The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 906 Top commercial secret!

Facing the research results, Yang Fei thought hard for a day and a night, and with the discussion with Chen Mo just now, he already had calculations in his mind.

"Number one, we're going to build our own factory."

When Chen Mo heard Yang Fei say this, he couldn't help but smile.

She is really happy to be recognized by Yang Fei for her words.

Ning Xin recorded it rustlingly, and looked up at Yang Fei.

Yang Fei said: "Second, we need to change the positioning of the product. We can no longer focus on not hurting hands and the taste of the sun. This is not attractive to the American people."

Ning Xin and Chen Mo burst out laughing.

Yang Fei said: "How to locate it specifically? I have comprehensively studied these survey results and came to a conclusion. I don't know whether it is accurate yet. You can refer to it. Americans like machine washing, especially high-end washing machines. The requirements for washing powder It will be higher, therefore, our positioning should never hurt hands, become suitable for machine washing, easy to rinse, low foam and environmentally friendly."

Ning Xin quickly recorded it.

She records extremely fast. Although she has never taken a professional shorthand class, she has already practiced the handwriting speed of taking notes in class for many years.

Ning Xin's handwriting is fast and beautiful.

Yang Fei is very familiar with her handwriting.

He continued: "The drum washing machine consumes very little water. If the detergent foam is too rich, the foam will spread from the inside of the drum laundry tank to the circuit control board circuit outside the laundry tank, causing circuit failure and damage to the drum washing machine. This, Our manufacturers must pay attention and must indicate on the packaging that our washing powder is suitable for use in high-end drum washing machines."

Ning Xin asked: "Advanced front-loading washing machine? Can the low-end front-loading washing machine be used?"

Yang Fei was stunned, and laughed and said, "My slip of the tongue, I mean, the drum washing machine is more advanced than the ordinary washing machine."

Ning Xin pursed her lips, expressing her understanding.

Yang Feidao: "The third point is packaging. Bag packaging is reserved, but we want to promote barrel packaging. Americans prefer barrel packaging."

Ning Xin said, "The kind that puts spoons?"

Yang Fei said: "Yes,

In this way, the dosage of washing powder can be precisely controlled, which is in line with the rigorous spirit of Westerners. "

He thought for a while and said, "Also, the most important point is that our main product in the future will no longer be washing powder, but laundry detergent! Compared with washing powder, laundry detergent is more suitable for machine washing."

Chen Mo said: "Yang Fei, the main laundry detergent?"

Yang Fei said: "Yes."

Chen Modao: "The Beauty Group was the first to launch laundry detergent. Procter \u0026 Gamble has also learned to launch similar styles. They also launched a laundry detergent brand in the United States, but they were not successful. Should we try again?"

Yang Feidao: "Procter \u0026 Gamble has launched a laundry detergent brand in the United States, I know. But they didn't promote it as a main product."

Chen Mo said: "It's because of the market. If no one buys it, they won't sell it."

Yang Fei said: "Habits are very scary, especially for Westerners. If you want to change their habit of using laundry detergent, you need an opportunity or the promotion of the industry."

Chen Mo said: "Then we mainly promote laundry detergent, isn't it too risky?"

Yang Feidao: "In the washing powder market, Procter \u0026 Gamble and local brands have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is quite difficult for us to shake their dominance. Therefore, we can only win by surprise!"

Chen Mo said: "Then bet on the laundry detergent?"

Yang Feidao: "It is a fact that Americans are richer. We are going to launch a brand new high-grade laundry detergent, temporarily named Natural Soap."

"Natural soap?"

"Yes! For the formula, I have thought of so much for the time being, so you should remember it first."

Ning Xin thought in surprise, Yang Fei is so good? Even figured out the recipe?

"67% water, 5% sodium alpha sulfonate, oh, that's AOS, just remember AOS. The cost is 60 cents."

"Well, I know."

Yang Fei glanced at her beautiful handwriting, and sure enough, she saw that she wrote AOS.

Chen Mo smiled slightly: "As expected of a chemistry student, you two have the same heart."

Ning Xin thought about it, and blushed, hearing Yang Fei continue, she quickly calmed down.

Yang Feidao: "The cost of 13% AES is 1.1 yuan; the cost of 4% AOE-9 is 5 cents; the cost of 2% 6501 is 3 cents; the cost of 2% sodium citrate is 8 cents; 2% 445N, the cost is 2 wool; 2% CAB-35, the cost is 1 wool; 2% softener, the cost is 4 wool; 0.1% EDTA-2Na, the cost is 1 wool; 0.1% Kasong K15, The cost is 1 cent; 1% salt costs 4 cents; 0.3% essence costs 4 cents.”

Chen Mo was very surprised.

Yang Fei not only casually mentioned the ingredients in the recipe, but also the cost of this product!

If it wasn't for his special love for this industry and his proficiency in this industry, how could he remember it so clearly?

Yang Fei said: "The total cost is 3.56 yuan."

Ning Xin also calculated in her head, nodded and said, "Yes. Isn't the cost a bit high?"

Yang Fei said: "It's okay, it can be sold at a higher price, um, let's price it at $3.56."

Ning Xin and Chen Mo looked at each other silently.

The price calculated before is all in RMB, the same 3.56 yuan, but the difference between US dollars and RMB is eight times!

Eightfold profit!

This time, Ning Xin was going to be surprised again: "Is it a little bit too expensive?"

Yang Fei laughed and said, "If it's not expensive enough, how will people know it's a good thing? American money, if you don't earn it, you don't earn it for nothing, and if you earn it, you don't earn it for nothing."

Chen Mo said: "I think it's feasible. When a new product comes to the market, the price will of course be higher. When everyone follows suit and produces it, the price will naturally drop. And we also have enough room for price reduction. We won't be afraid to start a price war."

Yang Fei said: "That's the reason."

He pondered for a while, and said again: "Ning Xin, you should also memorize the production process."

Ning Xin's eyes lit up.

Production technology ah!

Yang Fei is amazing!

Not only can you tell the raw materials and quotations of a brand new product, but you can also tell the production process!

Play daily chemical, Yang Fei is omnipotent!

"Choose an emulsification pot with a suitable capacity, clean and disinfect all tools required for production. The supervisor and QC, check whether all production tools have been cleaned and disinfected."

Ning Xin took notes seriously.

Every word is a group secret!

"Prepare to weigh cold water, AES, AOS, AOE-9, 6501, EDTA-2Na, sodium citrate, heat to 80 degrees Celsius, homogenize for 10 minutes, and stir until completely dissolved."

"Reduce the temperature to 50 degrees Celsius, add 445N, CAB-35, softener, essence, Casson, and stir well."

Ning Xin listened with sharp ears, for fear of hearing the wrong sequence or temperature value.

Even if it is only a little bit off, or the order is wrong, the chemical reaction will be different, and the resulting product will be completely different!

"Use salt to adjust the viscosity to pass, and stir well."

"Send samples for testing, and discharge after passing..."

"Did you remember everything?"

"Write it down."

Yang Fei glanced at the two of them: "This is the formula and process of our new product, which is listed as the top commercial secret. For the time being, only you, you, and me know about it. Understand?"

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