The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 907: The Principle of Force

Not long after Ning Xin started working, Chen Mo was an outsider. They didn't know that Yang Fei usually knew the formula and process of the product at work.

After the three of them talked about work, Yang Fei glanced at his watch and said with a smile, "It's half past four? Today we all have night shifts. Are you all asleep?"

Chen Mo said: "I don't feel sleepy at all."

Ning Xin also said: "I can't sleep either."

Yang Fei said: "Then let's talk again? Let me ask you something. In your impression, it is easier to climb to the top position of the company than to hold the top position?"

Chen Mo and Ning Xin looked at each other, because they didn't understand why Yang Fei raised this question, they didn't speak for a while.

Yang Fei smiled and said, "I'm just asking casually, don't think too much about it."

Chen Mo said: "A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier, but a general is always one in a thousand. I think it is more difficult to climb to the top of the company."

Ning Xin said: "I think so too."

Yang Fei nodded and said: "As expected of a talented student, the answer is correct. It is far easier to stay first than to be the first. This can be summed up in a principle of military strength. The principle of military strength is the most basic principle of war. Its essence is to fight more Less, big fish eat small fish, big companies beat small companies."

Chen Mo said: "You mean that in the United States, daily chemical companies such as Procter \u0026 Gamble are equivalent to the king of the mountain in the industry. They sit on the top of the mountain and have superior military strength. It is very difficult for us to attack them."

Yang Fei said: "Yes, that's what it means. According to the basic laws of physics, when two vehicles collide, kinetic energy is converted, and the degree of damage suffered by a large and heavy vehicle is less than that of a small and light vehicle."

Chen Mo said: "Then in a commercial war, the market will also favor companies with a large sales force. Because they have an advantage in military strength."

Yang Fei said: "That's right. Everyone knows why the Allies won World War II in Europe. On the European battlefield, the German army outnumbered the Allied forces by 1:2. Even if the German army created modern warfare, even if it had Rommel and Von Lund A general as good as Steiter, even with his vast experience in combat, cannot change the mathematical laws of engagement."

Ning Xin said: "In that case, isn't it extremely difficult for us to defeat Procter \u0026 Gamble?"

Yang Fei said: "It's hard,

But not impossible. There are also many examples in history of winning more with less. Napoleon once said that if an army with an inferior number of troops wants to win, it must outnumber the enemy at the point of attack or at the point of defense. "

Ning Xin and Chen Mo understood that Yang Fei seemed to be chatting, but he was actually discussing the layout and deployment of the group.

Yang Fei said: "After we entered the United States, we suffered the biggest failure. This is not a bad thing."

"A good thing?" Ning Xin pursed her lips and smiled, "Are you confused? Is it a good thing to lose 200 million?"

Yang Fei said: "Our failure was already expected by Procter \u0026 Gamble. In this way, they look down on us even more. There is an old saying in our country that a proud soldier must be defeated. Procter \u0026 Gamble thinks they are better than us in everything, and they think they have the best employees , have the best products and ignore our existence. This is our opportunity.”

Chen Mo brushed her hair lightly, tilted her head slightly, and looked at Yang Fei.

He is so calm, even after losing 200 million yuan, he can deal with it calmly and find favorable factors from it.

This natural optimistic personality may be the magic weapon for Yang Fei to be proud of the business world, and also the secret to his success in the daily chemical industry.

How many people have succeeded, but after encountering setbacks, they are devastated, disheartened and defeated?

Even influential figures like Shi Yuzhu and Hu Zhibiao almost fell into desperation when they failed.

If Yang Fei hadn't stretched out his hand to give them a hand, the fate of these people would have been rewritten again.

Yang Fei is still so young!

How can he be so promising?

In Yang Fei's eyes, there was a light of wisdom.

Ning Xin said: "We live next door to a black family. Both of them are black and white. If we saw them at night, we would think they were transparent people. But that little girl, who looked like five or six years old, had a lot of piercings. Little braid, very cute."

Chen Mo said: "In the United States, there are many ethnic groups."

Yang Fei said: "Speaking of ethnic groups, I thought of a way to promote it. Our laundry detergent advertisement starts with ethnic groups."

Chen Mo said: "Ethnic group? This is a red line. If you touch it badly, you will burn yourself."

Yang Feidao: "We advocate equality among ethnic groups, but respect individual differences. This sentence can be used as a guideline for advertisements."

Chen Mo said: "If you promote it like this, there should be no problem. Everyone can accept this sentence."

Yang Feidao: "We have re-shooted all of our commercials in the United States. We invited a white kid and a black kid to play the leading roles in the commercials. We filmed a film about harmonious coexistence between ethnic groups."

He is a quick-thinking person. Once inspiration is triggered, he will immediately think of a deeper level.

At this moment, Yang Fei already has a visual sense of the commercial.

He described it this way: "Black and white children wash clothes together, play with bubbles, and then shout: white, let us have the same clean."

"Good!" Chen Mo couldn't help applauding, "This idea is great! I dare not say it to white people, but black friends will definitely think our company is very friendly."

Yang Feidao: "On the screen, there are two children, one black and one white. The white child is holding black clothes, and the black child is holding white clothes, forming a strong visual contrast and impact."

Ning Xin said: "This implication is very good. Although people have different skin colors, they can all use whitening natural soap."

Chen Mo said: "Yang Fei, you also said just now that Americans don't like to wash their clothes by themselves, they use machines to wash and dry them, and the children in the advertisement wash their clothes by hand. Is this reasonable?"

Yang Fei pondered and said: "Yes, I overlooked this point, so I will only show a clip, that is, they take out clothes from the drum washing machine and laugh happily."

Ning Xin said: "Children use drum washing machines? Will they be criticized by some people?"

Yang Fei said: "It makes sense, then change it again. Delete the picture of taking clothes from the washing machine, and just put a drum washing machine next to it. The picture is more concise."

One person is short-witted, and three people are long-witted.

You speak, I speak, and constantly improve the design of the commercial.

Chen Mo said: "Shouldn't the American branch also set up an advertising department and a marketing department?"

Yang Fei said: "Everything will happen, but we have to do it step by step."

They were discussing when suddenly there was an explosion outside.

The strong fire light illuminated the windows of Yang Fei's house, as bright as day.

The three of Yang Fei were shocked. They didn't know what happened. After all, this is the United States, and this is a country with free guns. Horror incidents happen from time to time.

They got up quickly and came to the window to watch.

The richest man Yang Fei

The richest man Yang Fei

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