The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 908: Fire

"It's the house next door that caught fire." Chen Mo covered her mouth lightly, "Oh my god, it's so late, are all their family members sleeping?"

Yang Fei said, "Quickly call the police."

Chen Mo went to the living room to make a phone call.

The common emergency telephone number in the United States and Canada, the fire telephone number, the emergency telephone number, and the police telephone number are 911.

Mouse and Tieniu also heard the sound, and ran to the yard with Yang Fei, looking at the burning house next door.

"Fei Shao, the fire is getting bigger and bigger, will it spread to our side? You'd better hide for a while!" Mouse said worriedly.

Yang Fei said: "The fire alarm will come soon, let's find a way to rescue the people next door!"

Tie Niu said: "Go in from the backyard of his house and knock down the windows to save people."

After hearing this, Ning Xin said, "This is the United States, and it is illegal to enter other people's homes without authorization."

Yang Fei frowned and said: "I can't care about this much, let's save people first!"

"Young Master Fei, you don't want to go, it's fine for me and Tieniu to go." Seeing that Yang Fei was going to move, the mouse quickly grabbed his arm.

Yang Fei said: "Be careful."

Iron Bull and Mouse jumped over the wall and jumped into the backyard next door.

With an elbow, the rat shattered the rear window and shouted into it.

After being in the United States for so long, the mouse has also learned simple English conversations.

A woman's terrified scream and a child's cry were vaguely heard inside.

Yang Fei took two quilts, got wet, and threw them over the wall: "Put them on! Be careful!"

The mouse and the iron ox each took a deep breath, put on wet quilts, entered the room through the window, carefully avoided the thick smoke and flames, and dived towards the sound of people.

In a second-floor bedroom, a black woman with three young children was trapped by the fire.

The mouse rushed in and declared loudly: "I am here to save you! I am the neighbor who lives next door to you!"

Women have seen rats and iron oxen,

Shout out to them for help.

The mouse looked out of the window and said, "There is only one way, jump down!"

The woman shook her head in fear, expressing her daring, then pointed to her children, asking what should they do, how dare they jump down when they are so young?

The mouse said: "Trust me, I have a solution, you go down first!"

The woman looked downstairs and shrank back in fright, but still didn't dare to jump.

The mouse said: "This is only the second floor. You don't have to be afraid. The first floor is already on fire, and the second floor is also on fire. Thick smoke is rolling in. It won't be long before you all die."

Tie Niu held his mouth and nose, and said in a low voice: "Ma De, this woman is hopeless, she wants to die, but she didn't take the child with her!"

The mouse didn't care too much, and said to Tieniu: "You go down first, and pick up people below. I will throw the children down, so you have to follow! The children are safe, so this mother will naturally dare to jump down."

Tieniu wanted to go down a long time ago, and immediately groaned, climbed onto the window sill, and jumped down, taking advantage of the momentum to buffer the force of the fall, and landed firmly on the ground. He rushed to the top and opened his arms: "Come down! Come down!"

The window sill on the second floor is actually not high from the ground, it looks like four or five.

The mouse picked up a child, aimed at the iron bull and threw it down.

Tieniu moved left and right and easily caught the man.

The mouse threw down three children in a row, but the iron bull caught them all.

These three children are not very old, the oldest is a little girl, about six years old, and the youngest is just over two years old.

The fire quickly escalated, and thick smoke billowed from the second floor.

The mouse gave the black woman a push: "Jump off!"

The black woman was obviously extremely frightened. She held her face in her hands and shed tears, but she didn't dare to dance.

The mouse shouted: "Your children are all down there. If you don't jump, they will lose their mother!"

The black woman was startled, gritted her teeth and nodded.

The mouse asked loudly, "You four are the only ones in your family? Are there no other people?"

The black woman suddenly yelled, pointed to the next door and said, "I have an older daughter who sleeps over there!"

The mouse said: "Then you jump! I'll save her!"

The black woman closed her eyes and jumped down. She was a little fat. After landing, she rolled like a ball twice before stopping. She got up and found that she was not injured. She wept with joy and hugged her three A child looked up at the second floor at the same time.

Flames also sprang from the windows on the second floor.

Some structures began to loosen and fall down.

Tie Niu protected the black mother and child and walked to the fence.

Yang Fei responded here and brought the children over.

"Where's the mouse?" Yang Fei asked in a deep voice.

Tie Niu turned his head and pointed upstairs: "There's a girl upstairs, Brother Mouse is still up there to save someone."

Yang Fei's heart sank: "Call him down quickly, it's too dangerous!"

Tieniu went back to the window, looked up, and saw the body of the mouse appeared in the window.

The mouse hugged a seven or eight-year-old girl, and shouted down: "Tie Niu, catch it!"

Tieniu shouted: "Brother Mouse, come down quickly!"

The mouse threw the girl down.

This girl is taller and heavier, and her falling force is very strong.

Even though Tie Niu was as strong as a bull, he was also pushed back by the impact, and fell to the ground with his buttocks.

Fortunately, the girl was unharmed.

The mouse was as light as a swallow, and jumped down. The clothes behind him were on fire. He rolled a few times on the ground to put out the fire, and together with Tie Niu, he helped the girl climb over the fence.

At this time, the 911 fire alarm sounded.

The black woman hugged her eldest daughter, and when she saw that she was unconscious, she burst into tears.

Yang Fei pinched the girl's Renzhong acupoint and exerted all his strength.

The girl woke up with a bang.

The black women kept bowing to Yang Fei and others to express their gratitude.

The fire was extinguished by firefighters, and it was already past eight o'clock in the morning.

Firefighters checked the cause of the fire and initially concluded that it was caused by the aging circuit of the dryer.

The black woman was so exhausted last night that she went to bed after putting her laundry in the dryer and left the plug unplugged, which started this electrical fire.

In the United States, there are many fires caused by dryers every year.

Yang Fei temporarily accommodated the black neighbors at home.

After ten o'clock in the morning, the black husband hurried back.

His name was Martin, he was a congressman, and he had just returned from Washington.

In the United States, not all congressmen are rich, and many of them are middle class or even poor.

At the end of the 18th century, when the United States established a representative country, the Congress, as the legislative body, only met for a few months each year, and the members had no salary, and only six dollars a year in food and beverage subsidies, which is equivalent to less than two hundred dollars today. .

By 1815, after major events such as wars, turmoil, and uprisings, Congress needed to sit for a long time, and some poor people appeared among the members.

If wages are no longer paid, it is tantamount to allowing the wealthy class with money and leisure to monopolize Congress.

As a result, congressmen began to receive a salary of $1,500 a year, which is equivalent to about $20,000 today.

Today, the annual salary of congressional senators and representatives is 174,000 US dollars, which can only be regarded as the upper middle income in the capital Washington area. In a metropolis like New York, it is only enough to rent a small apartment in the luxury area of ​​Manhattan.

MPs spend more than ordinary people.

The most important of these is the need to maintain housing in the constituency, and then to have a residence in Washington.

Unless the congressman happens to represent a district near Washington and can commute.

Lawmakers meet at least four days a week, so lawmakers must stay at least three nights in Washington.

When Vice President Biden was a senator, he took the train from Delaware to the capital for more than an hour to work. For a long time, I got acquainted with the railway employees.

Those congressmen who are far away will not have this blessing. For example, former speaker Pelosi returns to San Francisco by plane several times a month, which is relatively close compared to Seattle.

Martin is a black congressman. At the age of thirty-eight, he has four children and cannot afford to buy another real estate in Washington, so he can only be exhausted.

Today, his only home has also been burned down!

Martin carried his briefcase like a sculpture, and stared at his home for a long time. The house had been ruthlessly burned to ashes by the fire, and it could no longer accommodate him and his family.

He was wearing a neat suit and tie, and if he didn't have a painful, helpless and distorted expression, he would have looked like a successful person.

Looking at his profile, Yang Fei looked very much like Denzel Washington.

Martin loosened his tie and said to himself, "This house can still be used for people if it is repaired."

At this moment, "Boom!" sounded, and the house collapsed.

The black and smelly dust hit Martin's head and face.

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