The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 909: A Good Man

Martin calmly patted the black ash off his suit, turned his head, and grinned at Yang Fei: "It's all right now, it's completely uninhabitable."

Yang Fei rubbed his nose, thinking that this man is really optimistic, he is already homeless, yet he can still laugh so humorously.

Martin stretched out his big hand: "Hey, I'm Martin, thank you for all the assistance you have done for my family!"

"Yang Fei."

Martin stared at Yang Fei, then tilted his head to look again, nodded his head with his left index finger, and said, "You are, you look familiar?"

Yang Fei shrugged his shoulders, saying that he was helpless, if you can remember who I am, then I am who I am. You can't remember, and I can't help you find me from your memory bank.

Martin held Yang Fei's hand tightly, as if he wouldn't let go if he couldn't think of it.

"Oh, I remembered, you are Mr. Yang, Mr. Yang Fei from China Beauty Group?"

"Yes, it's me. Have we met?"

"At Mr. Sean's house, there was a party that day. I saw you. You kept dancing with Miss Linda from Mr. Sean's house."

"Oh, yes." Yang Fei also had some impressions, and smiled, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

When he first came to the United States, all the black people he met felt the same. If he had only a short contact time, he would not have left a deep impression at all.

Martin once again expressed his gratitude to Yang Fei for his great help, and at the same time respected Yang Fei, a rich man in the East.

"If it's not you, it's the other neighbors—in fact, there are quite a few other neighbors around, some black, some white, well, they're all watching the fire over the wall and not coming to help, just you, oh, I Most respected Mr. Yang, only you, like God, saved my family, my wife, and my children from the fire."

Yang Fei waved his hand, indicating that it was a trivial matter, and asked him, "Where do you plan to live as a family?"

When mentioning this troublesome question, Martin couldn't help but feel a headache: "I don't know, I really don't know. Maybe it's a bridge hole, maybe I'm looking for the eaves of a shopping mall, who knows?"

The mouse said in a low voice: "Young Master Fei, he said he was a member of the council? A dignified councilor, just such a house? Now that the house is burned down, isn't he a poor man?"

Yang Fei said: "Look at him,

He has a lot of children, and they are so dense, it can be seen that his wife has not worked for at least ten years. Then think about it, can he make a little money by himself, is it enough for so many people? Do you think it is cheap to buy a house in the United States? "

In 1992, the US real estate investment market price was about US$1,000 per square meter, but by the end of 2014, the US real estate investment had reached US$4,000 to US$5,000 per square meter.

According to the most authoritative Case-Shiller house price index in the United States, in the 123 years from 1890 to 2013, 28 years fell, accounting for 23%, and 95 years rose, accounting for 77%.

The big bull market between 1995 and 2007 mainly occurred between 1999 and 2005, with an average annual increase of 11%, which is still 8% after deducting inflation.

This increase in excess of inflation was later proved to be a bubble. U.S. housing prices began to fall in 2006, triggering the subprime mortgage crisis. By 2011, U.S. housing prices were lower than in 1895 more than a century ago after deducting inflation, but then rose again .

This period of history is very similar to the real estate bubble in the island country.

In 1998, which was the first year of the development of the real estate bubble economy in the United States, it was not uncommon for a congressman to have only one apartment. After all, congressmen also received fixed salaries.

After listening to Martin's complaints, Yang Fei pondered: "I still have a house, which is idle now, and I can rent it out to you for a temporary stay. What do you think?"

"Oh! That's great! Mr. Yang, you are the savior of my whole family!" Martin held Yang Fei's hand again and shook it vigorously.

Yang Fei said: "Then it's settled."

Chen Mo asked, "Yang Fei, when will you have another house?"

Yang Fei blinked and said, "You can rent one now, and then lend it to Mr. Martin."

Chen Mo opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

Although she still couldn't understand Yang Fei's intentions, she knew that Yang Fei's actions must have deep meaning.

Although they have not followed Yang Fei for a short time, Chen Mo and Ning Xin have figured out Yang Fei's way, which is definitely not aimless.

Martin said: "Mr. Yang, how are your products selling in the United States?"

Yang Fei said helplessly: "It's not that good. Americans are not friendly to foreign products."

Martin said: "No way? Americans like Chinese products very much. The price is low and the quality is good."

Yang Fei said: "Americans also like to buy cheap things?"

Martin laughed and said: "Of course, the United States is a paradise for the rich, but not everyone in the United States has money. Most of them have no money. Just like our family, we have to save money to spend. I The clothes my son and daughter wear are all made by Chinese."

Yang Fei laughed: "Interesting."

Martin said: "Mr. Yang, as long as your product is cheap and good, it will definitely sell well."

Yang Fei said: "Mr. Martin, do you think it's possible to make a cheap and good product? The cost of raw materials and processing is extremely high for a really good product."

Martin said: "So we hope to buy such products. Chinese wages are much cheaper than in the United States, and your products are very cheap."

Yang Fei is also concerned about this point. He has not built a factory in the United States for a long time because the labor here is too expensive.

Many products are produced domestically and exported to the United States, which is still cheaper than locally produced products in the United States.

The most famous example is that almost all of Apple’s foundries in later generations are located abroad, and anyone who is cheap can find someone. Later, because of the relocation of the factory, there was a conflict between the company and the government.

What Martin said made Yang Fei hesitate again. Is it really a wise move to build a factory in the United States?

Ning Xin likes the second daughter of Martin's family very much and is playing with her.

The little girl is five and a half years old, as beautiful as a black pearl.

With a thought, Yang Fei said: "Mr. Martin, my company is preparing to shoot a commercial, and I want to invite a white girl and a black girl as the protagonists. Your second daughter fits my ideal image. I want to invite her to participate in the commercial." film, what do you think? Well, of course it is paid, based on the market price."

Before Martin said anything, his wife immediately agreed, "Yes, yes, yes, yes."

Martin shrugged helplessly: "In the past, I would not have allowed such a young daughter to make money in commercials, but in the current situation, I am also very sad and helpless."

Martin's wife said: "I know a white girl who is a classmate of Winnie. She is very cheerful and lively, and she can also play with my Winnie. If I introduce her, can you also give me an introduction? fee?"

Martin frowned and said, "Dinah, how could you do this?"

Yang Fei smiled slightly: "It's nothing. Of course, as long as the person you introduced is hired, then I will pay you."

Chen Mo rented a flat and came over to hand over the keys to Yang Fei.

Yang Fei invited Martin's family to stay.

Back home, Chen Mo asked Yang Fei, "Is it worth making friends like this for a congressman?"

Yang Fei said: "We are in a foreign country, and we also need friends. I think Martin will be our good friend in the future. The power of the congressman is not great, but he is still a congressman anyway. For some things, he is better than the local administrative agency. Do it better."

After a slight pause, Yang Fei said again: "Parliamentaries are also influential, especially when it comes to appeals from ethnic groups, black congressmen are very appealing. Perhaps, after our new advertisement is launched, Martin can help us. There are tens of millions of black friends, if they all buy our products, then we will be able to gain a foothold in the United States.”

Chen Mo said: "I knew it, you are playing a game of chess, and everyone is your pawn."

Yang Fei smiled and said: "That's true! I don't like to hear it. If you say it like that, I am also my own pawn and play the biggest role."

Chen Mo smiled sweetly: "However, I have to admire that you are really thoughtful and quick-witted."

Yang Fei said: "Then I have to make it clear first. Before saving people in the fire, I didn't know the identity of his family. I only came up with this idea after seeing Martin."

Chen Mo said: "I know, you are a kind and good person."

Yang Fei shook his head: "Sometimes, I don't want to be a good person. Because it is rare for a good person to run a business for a long time. Business is very cruel. We can't rely on our kindness to fight against others. Just like in a war, the kind side , often die faster. During the Vietnam War, many soldiers in our army were assassinated by disguised Vietnamese farmers and even children because of their kindness.”

Chen Mo said, "Is it so scary?"

Yang Fei said solemnly: "So, I will be appropriately unkind in the future. You are also responsible for reminding me."

Chen Mo and Ning Xin looked at each other, reminding the boss that he is not kind? Remind him to do something bad?

They couldn't imagine that when Yang Fei wanted to do good things, they had to remind them in time: Yang Fei, it's time for you to do evil!

Yang Fei's expression was normal, and he smiled.

Ning Xin whispered: "He lied to us! Seeing how proud he is, he must be playing tricks on us!"

Chen Mo pursed her lips and smiled, "I think so too."

Ning Xin said: "Yes, next time he does something good, we will deliberately remind him and see how he chooses!"

Chen Mo said: "Based on what I know about him, he will definitely scold us, and then do good deeds in his own way. Because he is a good person in his bones."

Ning Xin said: "However, in my impression, the former Yang Fei was very domineering and cruel! Once, he broke many people's legs in order to save me."

Chen Mo looked at her: "Really? Tell me quickly, what's going on? Why did he beat others for you?"

Ning Xin said embarrassedly: "It's nothing, it's the past. I feel that Yang Fei has changed a lot in the past two years."

Chen Mo said: "Could it be that you have a poetry and book spirit in your belly?"

Ning Xin chuckled: "I think he's probably stupid in reading."

At this time, Yang Fei suddenly turned around and glanced at them.

Ning Xin stuck out her tongue and laughed secretly with Chen Mo: "You must trick him once! See if he has really changed!"

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