The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 925: The Law of the Jungle

Such a high-level personnel change, logically speaking, Yang Fei is powerless.

It is estimated that Jiang Ziqiang was also concerned about this, so even though he came to look for Yang Fei, he did not speak out.

Yang Fei pondered for a moment, feeling that this was Jiang Ziqiang's most critical step, and he had to help him.

But how to help?

Yang Fei has not thought of it yet.

More and more people knew that Yang Fei was returning to China, and people from all walks of life rushed to visit him.

Friends from the Southern Chamber of Commerce, Liang Yonggen from Sany Heavy Industry, all came one after another.

Wei Xinyuan and the others lived in the provincial capital for the time being. They received the latest notice from Su Tong that there was a meeting at 11:30 in the evening. After discussing it, they made an appointment to come to Yang Fei's house and meet the boss first.

On this day, the villa of Yang Fei's family was full of traffic, and there was an endless stream of people coming, it is difficult to describe in detail.

At 11:30 in the evening, Yang Fei held a meeting on the fifth floor of the Meili Building.

Yang Fei went to the United States for half a year. This is the first high-level meeting above the general manager level he held after returning to China.

Although he only studied at Harvard for half a year, Yang Fei's vision and mind have been greatly expanded, and his knowledge level has also improved a lot.

"Thank you for welcoming me." Yang Fei propped his hands on the edge of the table and looked around at his subordinates. "In the past six months, I know that everyone has worked hard. Here, I want to remind everyone that now is not the time to relax. Come down, we will be more tense and work harder."

"I have not been to many countries. Among the countries I have visited in the past two years, the island countries and the United States have left a deep impression on me."

"In our country, the average life expectancy of an enterprise is only 7 to 8 years, and the average life expectancy of a small enterprise is even shorter," Yang Fei stretched out three fingers, "Three years, only three years! I am very fortunate that our Meili Group has crossed the Three years is the hurdle!"

Everyone laughed.

Yang Feidao: "In our country, nearly 1 million companies go bankrupt in their birthdays. For Chinese companies, how to survive, live well, and live long is a big question."

Everyone listened and nodded frequently.

Yang Fei said: "And the small island country,

It is actually the country with the most longevity companies in the world, do you believe it? According to a survey report published by the Tokyo Shoko Research Company, there are as many as 21,000 companies with a history of more than 150 years in the island country, 4,800 companies will reach their 150th birthday, and 7,500 companies will reach their 150th birthday next Birthday. "

Everyone listened and whispered to each other.

Listening to the boss's speech, everyone can probably imagine that the theme of today's meeting is the sustainable development of the enterprise.

Meili Group, after five years of development, has grown into a leader in the domestic daily chemical industry.

But we can learn from the past, how can we develop for a long time?

Will it be short-lived like other companies?

Yang Fei paused for a while, and asked in a deep voice: "All of you here are smart people, people with high education, high IQ, and high EQ, and they are the best business managers in China. So, let me ask you, the company What is the secret of longevity?"

In the conference room, there was a sudden silence.

This is the topic that Yang Fei will talk about today. Everyone does not want to speak casually, but to meditate.

Yang Fei gave everyone three minutes to think, and then started the roll call:

"Boss Wei, tell me your opinion first!"

Wei Xinyuan straightened his body: "Quality! No matter what kind of enterprise, if it wants to gain a foothold in the market, it must have excellent product quality."

Yang Fei said: "Quality is of course important, but I think that those companies that have closed down, do they have problems with the quality of their products? Take Vitality 28 as an example, the quality of their products is consistent, and there are not too many fluctuations , but they fell anyway."

Wei Xinyuan came from the Vitality Factory, and of course he has the right to speak on this issue, saying: "The closure of the Vitality Factory has nothing to do with the quality. However, there are too many problems in the Vitality Factory, and this is not a problem that can be explained clearly. Yes. But I think that quality is always the foundation of establishing a factory, without the support of quality, the enterprise will collapse sooner or later.”

Yang Fei said: "Very good, quality! Mr. Zhu, what do you think?"

Zhu Zhongnan put his hands down on the table and said: "Integrity. Since ancient times, business has been based on integrity, and integrity wins the world. The integrity I mean is not only the integrity of enterprises to consumers, but also the integrity of enterprises. Integrity between people. It is impossible for any company to survive alone in the world. It must have upstream companies, chain companies, supporting companies, and downstream companies that rely on it to survive. A good company wants to survive. The efforts and coordination of the entire circle are indispensable. Therefore, the integrity between enterprises is also extremely important."

Yang Fei nodded slowly, and said: "Mr. Zhu said very well, Mr. Xie, what do you think?"

Xie Guiyan said: "Talent. Enterprises are people-oriented. If talents cannot be retained, or new and old talents are not accepted, there will be a crisis. A truly long-term enterprise must have strong R\u0026D and innovation capabilities. And R\u0026D and innovation, if Without the support of talents, it is empty talk.”

Yang Fei said: "Quality, integrity, talent! Mr. Ji, do you have anything to add?"

Ji Shaokang said: "Management. An enterprise is a small society and a large community. If it lacks a strict management system, it will not go far. Management is a broad concept. In layman's terms, management refers to , people-centered, effective decision-making, planning, organization, leadership, and control of human, material, financial, information and other resources owned by the organization through planning, organization, command, coordination, control, and innovation, in order to achieve efficient The process of achieving the established organizational goals. It can be seen that enterprise management is the most important thing. If there is a problem with management, the enterprise will get sick and go bankrupt.”

Yang Fei looked at Ruan Yuling: "President Ruan, tell me."

Ruan Yuling said: "Finance means money. After all, a business is to make money. If there is a financial problem, everything else is useless! There are countless examples like this."

Yang Fei wrung his fingers and counted: "Several bosses have talked about it. Quality, integrity, talent, management, and finance are the five major elements, which can be said to cover all aspects of business operations."

He said in a deep voice: "Boss Zhu was right just now. A company does not exist alone. In addition to our alliance companies, there are also our competitors. Therefore, the competitiveness of a company determines the lifespan of a company."

When everyone heard it, their eyes lit up.

Yang Fei summed it up so thoughtfully!

Whether it is quality, integrity, talent, management or finance, the ultimate goal is to enhance the competitiveness of the enterprise.

The law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, survival of the strong!

Only by defeating competitors can a company continue to survive.

Yang Fei talked eloquently: "The competitiveness of an enterprise is inseparable from the evolution and adjustment of specific objective conditions such as the policy environment and market environment. But more is based on its own premise, whether it can effectively grasp the trend of the market. At the same time, under the premise of assessing the situation, integrating resources and making breakthroughs and innovations as the wings to give itself an accurate positioning is the key to testing the real life of the enterprise."

He raised his voice and said, "So, the theme of our meeting today is to discuss how to maintain the sustainable development of the enterprise and how to enhance the competitiveness of the enterprise. I will give you five minutes to think about it, and the meeting will continue in five minutes."

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