The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 926: Goal

Looking at the companies in the domestic and foreign markets, there are many excellent examples with a lifespan of more than 100 years.

Sweden's Stola Paper and Chemical Company was founded in the 13th century.

Japan's Sumitomo Group has a glorious history of more than 100 years.

DuPont in the United States is nearly 200 years old.

Britain's Peel Kington has been leading for 171 years.

Tongrentang, a century-old store in my country, is still full of vitality.

But for most modern businesses, their lifespan is rather short.

This kind of brevity is not the patent of Chinese enterprises, and foreign countries also have such worries.

About 62% of companies in the United States have a life span of less than 5 years, and only 2% of companies can survive for 50 years; the average life expectancy of small and medium-sized enterprises is less than 7 years, the average life expectancy of large enterprises is less than 40 years, and the average life expectancy of general multinational companies is 10-12 years .

However, the number of such long-lived enterprises is astonishing in island countries.

There are nearly 22,000 century-old companies in the island country, but there are only more than 10 in my country?

In ancient my country, agriculture was emphasized and business was suppressed. Until modern times, in some provinces, reading was the main way out, and the development of business and industry was not valued.

In many families, unless the children are really unable to study and have no choice, they are allowed to enter the society in advance.

Too many elites have been kidnapped to the road of imperial examinations and examinations, instead of taking the road of entrepreneurship.

This may be an important reason why there are relatively few century-old enterprises in our country.

In addition, in modern times, our country has been plagued by wars, and the damage to industry and commerce is particularly serious, so it is not surprising that there are faults.

When Yang Fei was at Harvard Business School, he consulted many mentors on the issue of corporate longevity.

However, this is a social proposition that no tutor can answer.

Yang Fei found relevant information and studied the corporate history of the island country.

He found that there are many secrets to the longevity of Japanese companies, but most companies have two things in common.

That is integrity and non-listing.

There are also many century-old companies listed on the market, but more old companies choose not to go public.

Yang Fei had a heated discussion with the bosses in the group.

In the end, everyone agreed that the following points are worth learning and vigilance.

First of all, enterprises must change with changes in the environment, and must be very sensitive and sharp, that is to say, they must be able to quickly adapt to changes in the entire environment.

Secondly, the entire enterprise must have a high degree of cohesion and identity

Again, the company's financial strategy should be more conservative. Not only is the company’s lack of credit in the early stage of entrepreneurship unable to borrow money, but more importantly, after the company matures, it will not expand blindly, because expansion is likely to become a fatal turning point and fuse for the company’s future bankruptcy. A conservative financial strategy is the primary condition for an enterprise to grow and mature.

Finally, there must be a high degree of tolerance, that is to say, the relationship between the president and employees of the company must be very inclusive.

These are the experience accumulated by everyone in the business operation.

The meeting lasted for more than an hour, and it seemed to be one o'clock in the morning.

Yang Fei looked at his watch and said: "Let me emphasize one more point. If a company wants to last for a long time, it cannot do without ingenuity. What is ingenuity? The ingenuity I understand is to spend a lot of time, energy and money to create utensils with the ultimate craftsmanship. We We operate a factory and produce products. In the final analysis, we are craftsmen, so ingenuity is an indispensable spirit for our business managers!"

"Our Meili Group has gone through the first five years. Today, we are here to discuss the secret of corporate longevity. Five years later, I hope that we can still sit here and continue to discuss this issue. The truly open-minded old man is It is not taboo to talk about life expectancy. Discuss and face up to the length of life, so that we can make the remaining life more exciting."

"It's getting late, but our meeting isn't over yet." Yang Fei said, "Let's have a cup of coffee first, and we'll continue our discussion."

The issue of corporate longevity must eventually be implemented in all aspects of operation and management, and the purpose is also for the development of the enterprise.

After everyone drank coffee, Yang Fei took advantage of everyone's good spirits and proposed a new proposition.

"We have discussed before that enterprises cannot expand blindly, but they must also expand. In particular, our Meili Group, after five years of development, has grown into the largest daily chemical enterprise in China. However, we are not satisfied with this The result, our goal, is to be number one in the world."

This is the first time Yang Fei has publicly proposed such a great goal!

Before Yang Fei went abroad, he only cared about the development of the enterprise, and did not put forward such a big goal as being number one in the world.

Now, Yang Fei has brought it up!

This shows that Yang Fei intends to move towards the global market.

"A long time ago, I told Su Tong about a small game called Snake Snake. What is Snake Snake? In a scene, there are many snakes. Each player controls one of the snakes. You only have to keep devouring and devouring. In order to grow yourself, devour food, and devour others of the same kind. In the end, there are only a few huge snakes left in the whole scene. They are cautious, looking for opportunities, and want to swallow each other, but they will not act rashly."

"Our business operation is a game of greedy snakes. Five years ago, Meili Daily Chemical Factory only owned one factory in Taohua Village. Later, it ate Nanhua Factory, Vitality Factory, and We bought the Zhonghua Toothpaste Factory, we took over the Shanghai State-run Factory, and we have achieved today’s results step by step.”

"We can't be satisfied with our existing achievements, let alone stand still. When we stop eating, others will overtake us!"

"Therefore, we will continue to annex! Next, the task I give you is to annex! Laundry powder, shampoo, toothpaste, skin care products, cosmetics, in each sub-category, any company worth acquiring You can talk!"

Yang Fei's tone gradually became serious and dignified: "I set a goal. Next year, we will annex ten companies, and we will add ten brands to our Meili Group family! As for how to operate and which brands to acquire, this is up to all of you here. I just want to see the result!"

In addition to the development of the domestic market, Yang Fei has also obtained the expansion of the international market.

However, all the people attending the meeting today are the management of domestic brands, and Yang Fei did not talk about international expansion in depth.

After the meeting ended, it was already half past two in the morning.

Yang Fei didn't go home to sleep, but returned to the residence with Su Tong.

Su Tong was tired all day today, and he wanted to have a good time with Yang Fei, but when Yang Fei came out from the shower, he saw her lying on the bed and fell asleep.

Yang Fei pulled the quilt pitifully and helped her cover it.

At this time, Su Tong's cell phone rang suddenly.

Yang Fei picked up the phone and was about to press it when he saw that the caller ID was Su Yingying, so he pressed the answer button.

"Sister Su Tong, something big happened in the village, can you hurry back?"

"Yingying, what happened?"

"Ah?" Su Yingying was taken aback, and immediately recognized that it was Yang Fei's voice, and hurriedly shouted, "Hi, boss."

She realized that at this late hour, Su Tong's cell phone was in Yang Fei's hands, and there was only one explanation, that is, they slept together overnight.

"Huh? What happened?" Yang Fei asked in a deep voice.

It's so late, if there is no serious matter, Su Yingying would not call Su Tong.

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