The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 941: Getting Rich

Yang Fei looked at Li Yanan and said, "We still listen to Sister Li on this matter."

Li Yanan said: "Leader, I still want to build in Taohua Village. Yongping rests in this land, and I also like the world of Taohua Village."

The leader nodded slowly: "Then it's up to you. Peach Blossom Village has now become a nationally famous economy. Since then, another tourist attraction has been added here - Li Yanan Art Museum!"

When the time came, Yang Fei took the stage to give a speech.

There are more than 3,000 representatives sent by the counties in the whole province.

Meili Primary School has moved out all the chairs used by the students, but some people still have no seats and can only sit on the cold concrete chairs in the stands to listen to the lecture.

The huge school playground, including the surrounding stands, was densely packed with people, even more crowded than a school sports meeting.

Yang Fei was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and his hair was styled with mousse so that it would not be blown by the wind.

Holding the microphone in his hand, he stood on the podium with a smile on his face.

The audience burst into warm applause.

"Leaders, seniors, folks and elders, and guests who have come from afar, good morning." Yang Fei's Mandarin is getting more and more standard, which is as good as Wen Jing's on-air. "The leader asked me to give a speech. I didn't dare not listen, so I had no choice but to rush the ducks to the shelves, and please forgive me for the bad words."

"Five and a half years ago, it was a hot summer. I just graduated from the Southern Provincial Chemical School and entered the Nanhua Plant. To be honest, I was able to become a glorious employee of the Nanhua Plant. I was very happy for several days. I couldn’t even sleep. At that time, the Nanhua Plant was a state-owned enterprise, and it was an iron rice bowl!”

Su Tong stood beside Li Yanan, and said with a low laugh, "Sister Li, don't listen to his nonsense, I never saw him smile in the days when he joined the job. , Seeing everyone seems to owe him millions."

Li Yanan pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Really? Yang Fei will also lose love?"

Su Tong said: "He is handsome, but it's a pity that he is a poor boy. He is very ambitious. He wanted to find a beautiful and gentle fairy beauty from afar, but he fell in love as soon as he graduated."

Li Yanan asked with great interest: "I don't know if that girl regrets it now? If I were her, I guess I would regret it. What a stock with potential, she lost it."

Su Tong said: "It seems that I regret it,

I heard from Yang Fei that the woman hugged him and cried bitterly, begging for reunion! "

Li Yanan said: "Then what does he mean? Surely he won't want it?"

Su Tong said: "I won't want it. Yang Fei is very proud in his bones."

Yang Fei on the stage was unaware of the discussions in the audience, and said: "Unfortunately, I missed the best era of Nanhua Plant and the era when the working class was most proud. When I entered Nanhua After working in the factory, the Nanhua Factory has fallen into a difficult situation where both production and sales are not booming. The warehouse is full of stocks, but they cannot be sold. So, I went to Shi Si, who was the director of the sales department of the Nanhua Factory at the time. In the office, I told her brazenly that I want to underwrite all the inventory of Nanhua Plant!"

Yang Fei began to talk about his road to success.

He spoke humorously and summed it up well.

"The private economy can take off thanks to the inaction of state-owned enterprises. I was able to develop Meili Group into the largest daily chemical company in China in just a few years because the state-owned daily chemical factories gave way to me. "

"Haha!" The crowd laughed when they heard this.

Yang Fei knew that most of the people present here were farmers, and they couldn't understand too advanced remarks, so he tried to speak as straightforward as possible so that everyone could understand.

"I heard someone in the front row ask me why I came to Taohua Village in the first place? I can tell you clearly that I came here because of a woman, and she is my current girlfriend Su Tong!"

The villagers of Taohua Village heard it and applauded loudly.

Li Yanan whispered: "Miss Su, you are so happy. Because of you, Yang Fei came here, and because of him, Taohua Village has changed from a poor village to the richest village in the province. Speaking of which, everyone entrusted you blessing."

Su Tong's face was filled with a happy smile, and there were crystal tears in his eyes.

She never expected that Yang Fei would admit their relationship in front of so many people!

You must know that there were media at all levels from the province, city, and county at the scene. Yang Fei said this in public, which was equivalent to announcing to the whole world: Su Tong is my Yang Fei's girlfriend!

When Wu Suying heard this, her complexion became less pretty.

She said displeasedly to her husband: "Liyuan, look at this child, talk about a girlfriend, wish the whole world would know about it! It's too high-profile."

Yang Liyuan said: "He used to be low-key, but you said he had no women around him, but now he's high-key, and you said him again."

Wu Suying sighed helplessly: "It seems that Xiao Fei has really grown up, and I can't control it anymore. It's just a pity that An Ran, what a girl! I wish I had one more son."

Yang Jun laughed beside him and said, "Mom, you are giving birth now, I don't know if it will be too late?"

Wu Suying slapped the eldest son, and said with a smile: "It's not big or young, are you kidding me?"

Yang Jundao: "I said long ago that Xiao Fei and An Ran are not the same way. Miss Su is very nice and suitable for Xiao Fei."

Wu Suying didn't say anything more, and sighed softly: "What a wonderful An Ran!"

"I've been talking about my entrepreneurial history," Yang Fei talked eloquently, "because I can't tell the truth, I can only tell my own experience, to give you some inspiration, and help everyone find their own way to make a fortune. Definitely If you want me to talk about getting rich, I can only talk about three points."

The representatives who can be sent here are more or less educated villagers. They have been prepared for a long time and took out a pen and paper to record.

Yang Fei couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw so many elders from the parents' generation and even the grandpa's generation carefully recording the content of his speech.

For him, this might just be a speech. Although he prepared it, he didn't put much effort into it. He probably made an outline, and with his eloquence, he could talk on and on for hours.

However, when he saw that everyone took his words seriously, he couldn't help but get serious.

Originally, Yang Fei just wanted to summarize three points casually, but in the end he said a lot more:

"First of all, what I want to talk about is that the difficulty of starting a business in rural areas lies in the lack of smooth information. For example, if I was in a rural area, I would never know that the warehouse of Nanhua Factory was full of goods, so I would not I went to underwrite washing powder. Therefore, information is the focus of entrepreneurship, which requires the local government to clear and guide, and it also requires everyone to go out of the countryside and go out to find more ways to get rich.”

"Secondly, you must be market-centered. Whether you are engaged in planting or other businesses, you must be market-oriented. You can't take it for granted. You can make a decision when your head is hot and your ass is slapped. The result is planted. Things can’t be sold, causing a lot of waste of manpower and material resources…”

"Boss Yang! We planted a large area of ​​apples in our county. When we first planted them, the county said that we would collect and sell them all. However, we only underwrote them for one year. This year, we will not underwrite them. They say that the apples we grow are not good enough to sell. No way! Now our farmer’s family still has a mountain of apples piled up, if they can’t be sold, they will rot, can you help us think of a way?” An old man with white hair stood up.

He was afraid that others would not be able to hear clearly, so he spoke too hard, so that his face became red and his neck was thick.

Yang Fei was in a dilemma. Today he came to give a speech, not to expose the inaction of some counties!

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