The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 942 I am not the God of Wealth descending to earth

However, when Yang Fei saw the silver hair on the old man's head, and two muddy tears hanging on the other's wrinkled old face, Yang Fei couldn't ignore it!

"Old man, I understand your matter. After I finish my speech, we will discuss it alone. Don't worry, I will help you solve this problem." Yang Fei did not ask the other party which county he is from in public, so as not to give the local leaders It's annoying, so it's wise to save the question for the speech.

The old man got Yang Fei's promise and nodded his approval again and again.

Yang Fei was about to continue talking, when someone stood up again, this time it was a middle-aged woman with a tanned face, and said: "Boss Yang, please help our village, our village is in a high mountain, let alone make money Well, it’s very difficult for children to go to school, and the nearest school has to be walked for more than 20 miles! If there is a school like Meili Primary School in our village, how great would it be?”

Before Yang Fei could answer, someone stood up to speak again.

Everyone scrambled to be the first, afraid that if they stood up too late, Yang Fei would help them.

The venue was completely chaotic. At most, more than a dozen people stood up at the same time to speak and complain.

As a result, the leaders from the province couldn't sit still.

The purpose of holding this lecture in the province is very simple, it is to let Yang Fei share his experience of getting rich, so that other villagers in the province can learn from it.

However, everyone is studying, but they regard this meeting as a complaint meeting, as a begging meeting for Yang Fei to ask for help, help, and money!

Such a result is obviously contrary to the original intention of the leader.

Yang Fei was stunned, and also shocked by the scene.

Although he was crowned the richest man in the province, it was just a false name.

Meili Group is in a period of rapid expansion, and it needs money everywhere!

Helping one or two, Yang Fei may have the strength.

But to help the province's rural areas get rid of poverty and become rich?

What are you kidding?

Even if Yang Fei is the God of Wealth, he will be scared away!

Looking at the faces crushed by the weight of life,

Yang Fei couldn't say no to it, but he also deeply understood that his ability was limited, and it was absolutely impossible to help so many regions.

It took him five years to manage Taohua Village into what it is now. Moreover, Taohua Village has unique advantages. It is close to the provincial capital and the urban area, adjacent to the highway, and has an excellent tourist project of hot springs. Attract tourists.

Not to mention other counties in the province, even other villages and towns in Yilin County, Yang Fei can't guarantee that they can be developed.

The leader got up in a timely manner and said with a smile: "Everyone, don't be impatient. We organized you to listen to Mr. Yang's experience in getting rich. You can learn from it. After you have learned it, you can apply it to real life. As for the questions you raised, After the speech is over, you can consult Mr. Yang in a unified way. Now, Mr. Yang is welcome to continue his speech!"

He took the lead in applauding, followed by a group of other people who applauded, and the peasant representatives were also mobilized and applauded.

Discipline at the venue finally returned to normal.

Yang Fei said: "I'm ashamed, my ability is limited, and I can't help you solve these urgent problems immediately. Today, I hope that my speech can help you. Today's society is a society of information, technology, and the rule of law. Our entrepreneurship and prosperity should also revolve around these three points.”

"Science and technology are primary productive forces, and what is most lacking in rural areas is technology. Information is the key to success in entrepreneurship, and information in rural areas is the most blocked."

"Publication of law, popularization of technology, and popularization of information is the top priority to solve the problem of rural prosperity. There are surplus labor forces and vast land resources in rural areas. These resources are also the advantages of rural areas, and they can be used to start a business and become rich."

"Proper use of labor force can create huge value. If land resources are well used, it is gold!"

"The contribution of science and technology to agriculture has already exceeded 60%. Good seeds, good agricultural machinery, good fertilizers, and good pesticides are all created by science and technology."

"Farmers want to get rich, I advocate precision agriculture, information agriculture, facility agriculture, and soilless cultivation."

"I would like to talk about a few specific pieces of rural entrepreneurship information: such as the leasing service of agricultural machinery and tools, the market of technological services, and helping farmers master scientific planting and scientific breeding techniques."

"In addition, the countryside is a vast market. Weddings and funerals require the purchase of various supplies. Everyone can find a way to start a business in this area."

"In addition, there are seedling markets, agricultural machinery markets, talent intermediary markets, labor markets, and agricultural product buying and selling markets, selling various products from village to village..."

Yang Fei really wanted to do his best to help everyone, so he searched his brains and tried every means to give everyone advice.

The master leads the door, and the practice is in the individual.

What Yang Fei taught everyone was just the way to start a business.

But how much you can comprehend and how much you can practice depends on personal efforts and good luck.

Too many people, when they listen to the speech, their blood boils, and they swear that they must do something, but after three minutes of heat, when they wake up, they should be geeks, lazy or lazy, and become full of ideals, but succumbed to reality. people.

The speech was originally scheduled to end before twelve o'clock, but because of the enthusiasm of the representatives, Yang Fei did not finish his speech until one o'clock.

After stepping off the stage, everyone's enthusiasm remained undiminished. They surrounded Yang Fei and repeated their requests.

Every face is full of anticipation.

It seems that Yang Fei, the richest man, is omnipotent and can turn stones into gold!

Yang Fei called Su Tong and Su Yingying and arranged for them to collect everyone's requests and difficulties first.

Su Tong and Su Yingying spread out their notebooks and carefully recorded everyone's demands.

The leader held Yang Fei's hand and said with a smile: "The speech will be a success. Congratulations, Mr. Yang. Your speech is so good, and it has provided a lot of useful reference for our rulers."

Yang Fei said: "The transformation of the countryside requires the efforts of many parties, and it cannot be achieved overnight."

The leader nodded and said, "I don't want all the villages to develop into Peach Blossom Villages. As long as the total rural economy improves, then I'm satisfied."

In the afternoon, the leaders and representatives visited Taohua Village.

From the beautiful primary school to the mineral water factory, and then to the beautiful park, hot spring hotel, and flying water rafting scenic spot.

Everywhere they went, the village representatives sighed: "It's great, it's great!"

It is hard for everyone to imagine that five years ago, this place was as poor and in the same farming era as their village.

In just five years, Taohua Village has become a tidy, beautiful, and wealthy village for the richest man. The houses here are built according to the plan, just like county towns and market towns, but more orderly and beautiful. There are villas with three or four floors high. It's hot to see.

The schools here are more technological and modern than any school the representatives have seen.

In a small world, there are many industries such as industry, planting industry, tourism, etc., and each industry is so developed that it makes people envious!

Everyone sighed: It turns out that the countryside can be so beautiful! Rural people can still live like this!

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