The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 943: The Great Wave of National Retreat and Democratic Advancement

Yang Fei sat opposite the leader in the office of the village committee.

After witnessing the shock brought by Taohua Village, the leader took a long time to recover.

This is a village?

No, this is a new industrial city and a tourist attraction!

But the stretches of fields and forests everywhere told him that this was indeed just a village.

The person who created this miracle is sitting opposite him at this moment.

The leader slightly raised his eyelids and said, "The scene of today's lecture is a little out of control, and it has brought a lot of trouble to Mr. Yang, right?"

Yang Fei smiled slightly: "It's nothing, everyone is willing to tell me the problem, which proves that they trust me."

The leader said: "Mr. Yang doesn't need to pay attention to these trivial matters. The situation in each county is different, and the local leaders can solve it themselves."

Yang Fei nodded, expressing his understanding.

The leader asked: "I heard that Mr. Yang has set foot in the mobile phone industry?"

Yang Feidao: "I cooperated with Hu Zhibiao of Aiduo and launched an Aiduo mobile phone. It is just a prototype, and there is no development."

The leader said: "Has Mr. Yang considered building a mobile phone factory in the southern province? Our province has always spared no effort to support the industry."

Yang Fei said: "I don't have this consideration for the time being. The company is small and can't afford to move the factory. Moreover, the mobile phone supporting industry in Shenzhen City is relatively more developed than the mainland. The mobile phone factory is different from other factories. industry chain."

This was clearly rejected.

The leader is also a smart person, he will not force others to make things difficult, just mentioning it.

"The province attaches great importance to the development of the private economy. If Mr. Yang has any difficulties in operating production, you can bring them up to me. I can solve them on the spot. Department concerned and resolved."

The leader said, and said emphatically: "For example, does your group have any idea of ​​listing? Or split listing? No matter what method you want to operate, the province will support it."

Yang Fei knows,

The leader's words are not polite.

Before 1998, the state relied heavily on state-owned enterprises.

Especially after seeing the big conglomerate and big group models of island countries and South Korea, the country has also consciously imitated, trying to cultivate several large groups in the country, like the Samsung Group, which is so large that it can compete with any large international company .

However, the Asian financial crisis in 1997 and 1998 gave this policy a blow.

Whether it is South Korea's Samsung or several major conglomerates in island countries, they all showed weakness and incompetence in the face of the crisis of the century and suffered serious setbacks.

A financial turmoil made our country's decision makers sober up instantly.

The so-called consortium model is actually not reliable.

In 1998, the impact of the financial turmoil gradually disappeared, and the country's economic development policies were also adjusted accordingly.

The country retreats and the people advance, this epoch-making decision is officially released.

Many scholars have criticized this, and some people have suggested that the idea of ​​retreating from the country and advancing from the people should not be raised.

In any case, the country's policy has indeed been adjusted.

In 1998, known as the "Year of Assets Restructuring", there were as many as 624 restructuring activities of listed companies, involving more than 70 transfers of state-owned shares and legal person shares. Among them, those that belong to the nature of national retreat and democratic advancement include Qianfeng Stock, ST Liaofangtian, Dingtian Technology, Shuanghu Paint, Northeast Hualian, etc.

The country retreats and the people advance, do something and not do something.

In recent years, the development of my country's non-state-owned economy, especially the private economy, has been significantly faster than that of the state-owned economy, and its proportion in the national economy has continued to increase.

The industries and fields that need to be controlled by the state-owned economy mainly include: industries related to national security, industries with natural monopoly, industries that provide important public goods and services, and important backbone enterprises in pillar industries and high-tech industries.

Narrowing the scope of control of the state-owned economy to "three industries and two types of key enterprises" and freeing up space for the development of the private economy is "retirement of the state and advancement of the private sector."

That is to say, from this year, the private economy ushered in a real wave of rapid development!

However, there is a limit to the so-called retreat of the country and the advancement of the people.

Yang Fei is well versed in the samadhi.

Professor Li Yining once said that if a state-owned enterprise loses a lawsuit, it may or may not be enforced, but it is not polite to private enterprises. When taxes are owed, state-owned enterprises are not required to pay back, but if private enterprises do not pay back, the boss will be arrested.

Mou Zhong's Rand Corporation went bankrupt in a lawsuit, and the staff dormitory was vacated for auction, while the state-owned enterprise went bankrupt in a lawsuit, and no one heard that the employees would move.

There is another most practical example.

Two thousand years ago, there were 80,000 private gas stations across the country, with a market share of more than 80%.

According to Caijing, the share of independent gas stations has dropped to 48% by the end of 2002 after the government changed the rules and PetroChina and Sinopec bought regardless of cost.

In the name of rectifying market order, the state notified: "The newly approved gas stations in various regions shall be constructed by the petroleum group and the petrochemical group. Other enterprises, units and individuals are not allowed to build new gas stations."

At the beginning of 2002, the then State Economic and Trade Commission issued a document requiring all gas stations not approved by the Economic and Trade Commission to be closed before August, and those belonging to the two major oil companies can be retained after completing the formalities.

In this way, PetroChina and Sinopec monopolized the market by personally participating in the formulation of new regulations, and all private gas stations either closed their doors or sold them to PetroChina or Sinopec.

Since then, the gas stations we see on the street are either PetroChina or Sinopec.

From this case, we can see that if any industry was only a private enterprise before, then after the intervention of state-owned enterprises, the rules are likely to become unequal, and the spirit of the rule of law will be destroyed. country

The country is both a referee and an athlete when running a business, and the conflict of roles is very obvious.

In addition, the story of Dai Guofang, a private steel tycoon, and the story of a city's forced transformation of waste recycling personnel all prove the overwhelming advantages of state-owned enterprises in the industry competition.

This is also an important reason why the majority of students from prestigious schools give priority to civil servants and state-owned enterprises after graduation.

In the past, Yang Fei developed in the southern province mostly by himself. Although the government supported him, the strength was very small.

The rapid development of Meili Group is due to Yang Fei choosing the right industry.

As Yang Fei said at the speech, it is the inaction of state-owned enterprises in the daily chemical industry that has made Meili Group what it is today.

If the state-owned enterprises exert their strength, the daily chemical industry will have nothing to do with Yang Fei and Meili Group.

Because of this, Yang Fei thanked himself for meeting the good times and choosing the right industry.

After the baptism of the financial crisis, the country finally realized that the real wealth of the country is the wealth of the people.

Regardless of whether it is a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise, it is the wealth of the country and the people.

Even a slight change and progress is tantamount to the arrival of spring for the private economy.

Now, the leader asked Yang Fei if he had plans to go public or split the listing.

After pondering, Yang Fei said, "Thank you for the kindness of the leader. I have no plans to go public for the time being. If I want to go public for financing and encounter some resistance, I will ask the leader for help."

The leader said: "Our province wants to build a pillar-type private industry and launch a benchmark-type private enterprise. This has certain requirements for the total assets of the enterprise. If the Meili Group can be listed and its market value rises, it will definitely be able to win this project. Laurel. Mr. Yang, do you think about it again?"

Yang Fei understood that this is not only the achievement of the leader, but also beneficial to the company.

He couldn't help but ponder.

Listed or not?

this is a problem.

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