The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1073: 3 major ethnic groups

After fighting over the ape.

Bangila's level has been increased by one level to 59 levels.

Only one step away from Uranus.

After the evolution of Bangui La, the speed of chasing the level is very fast.

Before going back, it should be able to break through the Heavenly King level.

Aoki planned the same.

It then continued to explore the remaining directions.

The previous moving ape illustrates one thing, that is, the slightly larger wild elves here should be wild elves with the rank of King of Heaven.

Before dark, Aoki took his elf back to the small pond where he had been stationed.

Almost investigated the surrounding situation.

In addition to some relatively weak and directly neglected ethnic groups, there are three remaining ethnic groups that require Aoki to pay a little more attention.

There is no exception to these groups, there are Elves of the King class.

To the north, near the side of the volcano, is the lazy man group that made Aoki very interested.

In the southwest direction, about 15 kilometers from the small pond, there are a group of coconut egg trees.

Among them, the leader of the coconut tree has reached level 61. In the surrounding forest, it is already considered to be a hegemon.

In the forest where the coconut egg tree group is located, the grass is very rich in energy.

In such an environment, it is possible to give birth to a leaf stone, especially in such a situation where the living environment is relatively safe.

So in that group, there are also a lot of coconut egg trees.

This time the main participant in the battle was the Flaming Chicken. When confronted with the grass-based elves, he showed considerable combat effectiveness.

And the 56th level of the flame chicken, with the exception of the coconut tree leader, has no elves who can restrain him.

Even if the patriarch of the Coconut Egg appeared, the Flaming Chicken could rely on his own speed to deal with him and not face him.

The Flaming Chicken faced the Coconut Egg leader without any fear.

With his current level and strength, as long as he can super-evolve, he has the ability to face the leader of the coconut tree.

But now Aoki's body is limited and cannot help the flame chicken to undergo superevolution.

So this Coconut Egg leader was selectively retained by the Flaming Chicken. Wait until you have enough strength to come to trouble.

It's the same as Bangila's ability to defeat the Overlord Ape.

The Flame Chicken also hopes that he can defeat the Coconut tree of the Uranus level, so that when he breaks through the Uranus level, he will be more confident and smooth.

However, after defeating so many coconut egg trees, the flame chicken's level also improved by one level, reaching 57.

The last ethnic group to make Aoki pay attention to is a group of three bees in the southeast direction of the small pond.

Aoki doesn't know if there are any king-level leaders in this group.

Because when seeing the territory of the three bees, Aoki simply did not bring the elves near.

No need at all.

The population of the three bees is relatively large.

Although the three bees on the periphery are not very strong, they will be more harassed if they walk in.

Not entering does not mean that Aoki is afraid.

This three-bee community has other uses and plans.

After exploring all the surroundings, Aoki knew enough about the film.

There are also some bottoms in my heart.

After returning to the station, I could only sit on a sand chair and couldn't move.

However, after determining the surrounding situation, Aoki released all the elves.

Including Leo Road, which has a short incubation time.

Leo Lu wanted to jump on Aoki as soon as he came out, but luckily he was stopped by the dull king.

And told the rest of the elves, at this time Aoki's physical condition, I hope they can be conscious, but also pay attention to the usual movements when contacting Aoki.

After learning about the situation of Aoki, all the elves showed different expressions.

But the most, still distressed and concerned.

There are also some elves who want to express anger, but this injury is not caused by other elves or human beings, and even the anger is not an accurate goal.

Finally, under the comfort of Aoki, all the elves accepted this situation before him.

Fortunately, after another day, the muscles and organs on Aoki's entire head almost returned to normal.

It is okay to express something.

In addition, simple chewing can be performed, and some of the better foods can be eaten.

Then, at dinner, all the elves seemed particularly obedient.

It was originally Mrs. Huajie's job to feed Aoki, but in the end it was taken over by Chillian.

As she meant.

Dad is injured, so she should take care of her existence as a daughter.

Then she saw Kirillian hovering beside Aoki, holding a bowl in her hands, and under super-control, she took spoons to feed Aoki a little bit.

Aoki couldn't help but sigh, it seemed that one of her extra daughters had grown up.

As an old father, I am very pleased.

The petite Leo lay quietly on the arm of the sand chair, her little tongue stuck out and gently licked the back of Aoki's hand.

It seems like this can make Aoki recover faster.

Leo Road has just hatched and should not stay in the Elves for a long time.

Having determined that the surrounding environment is under his own control, Aoki decided to put it outside and staying with him might bring good luck to himself.

Now the little broken diamond has completely become a little pink diamond. It was originally an elf without gender, but at this time it looks like a little girl.

Staying quietly in place, silently digesting the rock-based energy that was absorbed from Banguira territory last time.

Speed ​​up your metamorphosis.

Now the little broken diamond has a feeling in the meditation, as if some strange things will happen after accepting the mutation.

The baby dragon lay on Aoki and took a short rest, and ran away to train alone.

Able to let the training mad baby dragon waste time to comfort Aoki, it is more important than training.

It was also Aoki who saw the restlessness in his heart, so he let him train himself.

In the pond, there are three elves, Mohai horse, Mosquito-repellent frog emperor, and giant marsh monster. At this time, the pond has become their world.

The wild elves in the water can only shrink in the corners, and dare not participate in the daily life of these three "bulls".

After the crow's head, Madara, and Dragon King Scorpion ~ ~ determined the physical condition of Aoki, they went into the deep forest to conduct their own training.

The dynamics generated by their training will be relatively large, which may affect the performance of Aoki.

And in the first echelon, there are only three of them who have not entered the official Uranus level, and there is still some pressure in their hearts.

And a little farther from here, when encountering some wild elves with good strength, they can fight for a while, which is one of the training items.

For them, Aoki is more at ease.

Here, even if they enter the territories of the three major ethnic groups, they can still ensure their own safety.

Knowing that the momentum and impulse in their hearts were still there, they were not specifically suppressed.


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