The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1074: Baby dragon and mohair

Aoki's body hasn't recovered, and he doesn't even have basic mobility.

So it is a bit dangerous to enter other unfamiliar areas.

Now that we have surveyed about 20 kilometers around here, and we are not in a hurry, it is better to slow down and come a little bit.

Anyway, even in the elven world, this time is Aoki with the elves to settle their time.

This can also be arranged in this unknown space.

At this time, the three bee groups that Aoki discovered at the beginning can exert a good effect.

After all, it was Bangila and Geng Gui who needed to settle, but the little ones didn't need to be like them.

Baby Dragon, Mohaima and Chillian, but have not participated in the battle for a long time.

In particular, militants like Baby Dragon have long been unable to hold back their desire to fight.

And the level of the three elves is also in a more critical position.

The baby dragon is at level 29 at this time, and if you raise it one more level, you can evolve into a crustacean.

Mohair's level has reached level 30, and a further two levels can evolve into a sea spike dragon.

And Qi Lulian's level is 26, and the next four levels can evolve into Xanadu and complete the final evolution.

The evolution frequency of this kind of elves is relatively fast.

So if conditions permit, Aoki will still suppress her.

But the baby dragon is not the same as the Mohai horse.

The first is that their rank Aoki has been suppressed, and has been suppressed since the last battle.

It's pretty much until now.

Being able to develop their bodies to the extreme that they can develop at this time will not bring any loss to their growth.

That's why Aoki hopes to cultivate these two elves first, and strive to let them complete evolution within this time.

Of course, it cannot be forced.

For the training of baby dragons, Aoki's heart already had a relatively perfect plan at this time.

This is what he learned from Genji.

After all, Yuanzhi's understanding of the elf like the baby dragon can be said to be the top group in the elf world.

The knowledge and experience of active governance can also make Aoki and Baby Dragon less detours.

When the baby dragon was young, both the mind and the body suffered considerable trauma. Now the physical trauma is restored, and the lost qualifications have been made up. Even because of the guidance of Genji, Aoki upgraded the baby dragon's qualification slightly Some more.

Although it is also a teal, it is mixed with a ray of light blue or two.

Obviously it is already starting to touch light blue.

There is also the effect of Aoki's subtle energy block.

But Baby Dragon's trauma has always been a problem.

Originally, I wanted to stay on Yuanji's ship for a while after finishing my trip to Sheraby Space.

Trying to recover the trauma in Baby Dragon's heart, it seems that it can only be postponed.

Fortunately, evolved into a crustacean, like Shakira, at a stage of accumulating strength, the time interval for re-evolution should not be short.

After the Mohair has evolved into a sea thorn dragon, it needs the scales of the dragon to be able to evolve into the thorn dragon king.

This dragon scale, Aoki, is ready for a long time. As long as you become a sea spinosaurus and develop yourself to the extreme, Aoki will let it evolve.

The main reason why Mohai horse has not been evolved is because of the excellent nature of Youyou.

After the Mohai horse evolved into a sea spinosaurus, the characteristics will change. Only after it evolves into the spinosaurus king, the characteristics can become the Youyouzi again.

But now Aoki's timely demand for the rainy team is not so great, and you can slowly combine this team.

The sandstorm team, because of the existence of core Bangila, has a tendency to come later.

So after dawn, Aoki took the dull king and dream demon as guardians, and then took three little guys, Baby Dragon, Mohaima and Chillian, and left the station.

The dumb king's teleportation came directly to the periphery of the Three Bee Forest.

Three tank skunks also came along.

After seeing the strength of the Aoki Elves in training, it is now extremely fragile, that is, to pull the car obediently, and do nothing else and don't want to.

At this time, I knew that the baby dragon who was going out this time was the most excited.

He has been waiting for the fight for a long time.

Mohaima is a gesture of no desire, Aoki let him fight, he will not have any violations, complete perfectly, the same is true if he is allowed to train or rest.

By the way, there was Leo Road sticking to Aoki together.

I don't know if Leo Lu is lying on the side of Aoki's hand, occasionally licking the back of his hand.

After almost all the muscles on the head recovered, the next one to recover first was the finger of his right hand licked by Leo Lu.

At this point, Aoki was able to move his fingers a little and stroke the smooth hair on Leo's body for a while.

There are dull kings and dream monsters beside you, so don't worry about your safety.

When the elves are fighting, if they encounter a powerful enemy, the dull king will be able to rescue it in the first place.

This is the guarantee of Aoki dare to come to the three bees forest.

Qi Lulian will not participate in the battle today, mainly Mo Haima and Baby Dragon.

Pokemon: Baby Dragon (Teal)

Gender: Male

Level: 29

Attribute: Dragon

Characteristics: Hard head

Carry Item: Dragon Scale

Genetic skills: Water Cannon, Dragon Dance, Flamefang, Dragon Dive

Basic skills: Anger, Spark, Stare, Bite, Dragon Breath, Head Hammer, Gathering, Bite Shatter, Dragon Claw

Teaching Skills: Dragon Wave, Snoring

Skill Learner: None

This is the data of the baby dragon at this time.

Before the dragon's scales are used in the Mohai Horse, it is most suitable to carry the baby dragon.

According to Genji, as a pure-breed dragon elf, if he wants to develop the dragon attributes better and understand more, the best way is to carry something that contains dragon energy.

Dragon scales are the best thing.

This dragon scale was auctioned at the auction by Aoki.

According to the moderator of the auction, this is a Kanto quasi-god, the fastest dragon with the highest strength of the king, and the inverse scales falling off his body.

Regardless of the quality of the dragon scales, only dragon spirits can reverse the scales.

Therefore, the dragon attributes on this dragon scale are still very strong.

If in the wild, the appearance of dragon scales of this quality will definitely cause a lot of dragon spirits to compete.

After all, its strong dragon energy ~ ~ For dragon spirits, it is the light in the night, which is very easy to find and very easy to identify.

However, when worn by elves, especially dragon dragon elves, this energy will be covered up to a certain extent.

You can also sense that you only need to be particularly powerful.

The Dragon Elves with this strength will not have much interest in Dragon Scales.

Under the command of Aoki, the baby dragon and Mohai horse went to challenge the three bees.

According to Aoki, as long as the three bees below the 35th level or the bee queen, no matter how much they come out, they must solve it by themselves. Only when they meet an opponent above the 35th level can they ask for help.

In this way, there is pressure on the two elves.


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