The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1075: Scaletail Ankylosaurus!

"Baby Dragon, Dragon Dance."

"Mohair, get together."

Aoki said to the two little guys.

Baby Dragon's Dragon Dance skills have been well trained.

Because the Aoki team also has the old Dragon Elf of Qixi Bluebird. Although the strength at this time can not be regarded as the strongest in the Aoki team, the mastery of Dragon skills is still the most powerful.

Baby dragon and Mohai horse, both completed the increase.

After looking at each other, we walked into the Three Bee Forest.

When they noticed that the elves had invaded their territory, a group of three bees rushed towards them.

"Welcome them with dragon's breath." Aoki stood under the protection of the dull king and the dream monster, without shaking at all.

It was said that the baby dragon and the mohair horse spewed a light purple energy at the same time, banging on the faces of the three bees directly.

The three bees are a typical feminist race.

Because only three female bees can evolve into bee queens.

And the male three bees can only become the guards of worker bees or bee queens.

However, it is only the Queen Bee that can continuously produce three bees.

Compared to the big needle bee, the three bees are more like Aoki.

And the three bees are very good at making honey, which is not comparable to the big needle bee.

If possible, Aoki would be interested in catching a few good bee queens and bringing them back to their island.

The swarms of three bees and queen bees can not only continuously provide high-quality honey, use them to make energy cubes, or directly sell honey, which is a good choice.

Another point is that if unified training and a certain degree of planning are available, the three bees, which are huge in number and not weak, can become the real guards on the island.

Imagine the ubiquitous Three Bees, no wild elves dare to make trouble on the island, and no elves can enter the island at will.

Even if someone rushed into the island, the three bees everywhere could control it in the first time.

And compared with the big needle bee, the three bees have better control and get along better.

None of the three bees greeted by the first wave was strong, and they were quickly defeated by the baby dragon.

Defeating the three bees, there is no pressure for them.

But soon.

The sound of their battle ushered in another group of three bees.

And in this group of three bees, there is also a bee queen.

Surrounded by a group of three bees, they looked majestic.

Under the command of Aoki, the baby dragon and Mohai horse were not afraid, and rushed towards them.

Look at the momentum of their two elves, there is a big look that will not end the three bee community today.

When fighting, time always passes very fast.

An hour passed quickly.

There are also some scars on the baby dragons, but compared to these, the number of the three bees and the bee queen that fell under their feet is really large.

The spirit of the two elves was already very sharp at this time.

After all, after fighting for such a long time, the elves that came out would be more powerful.

Not that they can beat in a short time.

But the two elves didn't show any timidity either, which still pleased Aoki.

All the elves get along well, probably because of the influence of militants like Bangila and Boscodora and the Flaming Chicken. Invisibly, the rest of the elves have a lot to do with the battle. Longing and yearning.

Baby dragon itself is a strong elf.

Kira, who was originally similar to himself, had become such a big guy at this time. For him, this was endless motivation.

In his opinion, in the future, he might be able to become an elf comparable to Bangla.

The Mohai horse is a bit like the old mosquito coil. It doesn't have too many desires. It's time to fight, and time to train.

Life is very regular and planned.

In this way, Aoki will not force him, anyway, he has grown up to now, and there is no meaning to be pulled away.

嘭 —— 嘭 —— 嘭 ——

Just as Aoki looked down, a heavy footstep suddenly appeared in the forest.

Hearing the footsteps, the three bees and the queen bee who were rushing towards the baby dragon, they suddenly seemed to be stimulated and frightened. They turned around and fled quickly.

Seeing their actions and movements, Aoki frowned subconsciously.

The sound of this footsteps is so heavy, indicating that the things that are about to appear are huge, and they are still coming out of the three bees forest. Obviously, the three bees already know what kind of creature.

Slowly, footsteps were getting closer.

And as we approached, we could still hear some metal sounds.

It's as if some metal pieces or hard things are rubbing against each other.

There is a kind of fish scale armor of the ancient generals. When they are in action, the sound of the scales rubbing against each other.

There is another sound that seems to come from the bell shaking.

"Dark King, feel it," Aoki said to Daddy King.

From the sound, it should not be far away.

And the approaching footsteps indicate that the other party is coming towards their side.

嘭 —— 嘭 —— 嘭 —— 嘭 ——

蹭蹭 —— 蹭蹭 ——

The dull king extended his super powers, and soon found the source of that voice.

It's a pity that his super powers cannot be used now, otherwise he will be able to see the picture that the dumb king saw.

But after probing the opponent, the dull king's face changed suddenly.

Immediately, another point was lost.

Seeing that the expression of the dumb king changed, Aoki knew that it was in trouble.

The investigation of the dumb king's super powers was actually discovered, and looking at the appearance of the dumb king, it was clear that the elf approaching was a bit stronger.

"The dumb king, always ready to use teleport." Aoki said.

After hearing the words, the dumb king nodded solemnly, and the superpowers on his body were flowing again, wrapping himself and the elves.

But the baby dragon seemed to sense something, and suddenly looked at it in one direction, without approaching Aoki.

"Baby dragon ..." Aoki said half.

Bright reflections ~ ~ emerged from the forest.

It was as if someone was holding many mirrors and playing around in the forest.

噌 —— 噌 ——

The sound of scale friction was already loud, indicating that it had come close.

Aoki also looked up, and saw that in the forest at this time, a head was enlarged and her chest was very domineering. While walking, the bright scales on her body collided with each other, making a sound that I heard before.

There is also a tail with huge scales, like a war hammer, hanging behind it, shaking and swinging like a bell.

"Studtail Scale Ankylosaurus!" Aoki's pupil narrowed sharply after seeing the elf who appeared.


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