The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1298: The Rainbow Rockets Idea

Latest website: Then everyone reported to Sakaki what happened during this time and the progress of their respective responsibilities.

Aoki had been listening to him all the way, and didn't speak, because it really didn't have much to do with him.

When everyone left, Aoki was still in position.

In fact, to be honest, this conference generally has not much to do with Aoki. After all, the Rockets' main energy is still in the Guandu area. Although the sky team of Fengyuan League is small, it is relatively small compared to the Rockets. That said, it's just an insignificant part.

Unless one day Sakagi decides to settle in Fengyuan area, the sky team will let Aoki play, and Sakagi will not interfere more.

And the original messy Fengyuan area was finally cleared by the alliance. The foreign forces like the Rockets wanted to enter, and it was not so simple.

And the Rockets haven't focused on this matter yet.

"Is it surprising that I called you back?" Sakigi looked at Aoki sitting silently and asked with a smile.

Aoki nodded slightly, some doubts in her mind.

"I know that the people of the Jinchuan family may have been deceived by the gods. The patriarch of Jinchuan also disappeared in the Guandu area for a long time. I didn't expect to run to Fengyuan to find you.

But it seems that his appearance hasn't caused you much trouble, and the speed of your improvement has surprised me.

But ... good! Sakagi talked a lot, explaining to Aoki a little bit why the Jinchuan patriarch suddenly launched an attack on him, and the Rockets did not give a reminder.

Although Aoki may not care, now Aoki is no longer the one who was able to deal with it casually by a junior cadre. Did n’t he see Aozu who was the strongest among the waves just now?

The battle scenes of Aoki and Shinto Black Angel were posted on the Internet. Although there is no detailed fighting situation, it is only that when you see the sky full of red sand and the broken island, you can roughly guess his strength.

The most obvious thing was that the Black Angel was killed. It was the third man's hand after the Black Angel escaped, but that was also because the Black Angel lost his basic self-protection ability after fighting Aoki.

The Rockets and the black and white messengers were not without them. Azu admitted that there was no certainty in fighting the black messengers, but Aoki had won.

Moreover, Sakagi's style of behavior is the same, it looks very framed, but it is a humane leader.

To know the situation of the future Rockets trio, Musashi and Kojiro, Sakagi can endure what they have done, and even help them.

Hearing Sakagi's explanatory words, Aoki immediately said, "Fortunately, he came to the door by himself, otherwise I would go to his troubles, I am a courageous person, so ..."

Then, Aoki also spread his hands, signaled that he didn't care.

"However, the leader, this theological religion appears so abruptly, and it is menacing, and it covers so many areas at once. Doesn't the league and the Rockets show any signs?" Aoki asked the question that had troubled him for a long time.

Hearing Aoki's question, Sakagi's face became slightly dignified.

"It's not without signs, in fact, they started to be active very early, but at that time, it was just an unknown superpower organization. Although the members were valued because they were superpowers, they later found that they were just superficial. It was forgotten aside.

I did not expect that when it appeared again, it would be a little unpredictable, and it seemed that the superpower of each of them was not weak, which was a tricky situation.

That's why the league immediately launched the Guandu two-point plan. "

Speaking of half of Sakagi, he paused a bit, "In fact, this plan alliance has been set a long time ago, but I have never found the right time to implement it. You know that there are too many geniuses in the Guandu area, more than you think More, but because there are too few positions, many people are pregnant.

It's like a black messenger fighting with you this time, isn't it a legionnaire? Too many people like this can easily be deceived by the gods, and the gods will indeed find the weakness of the heart.

Therefore, this time the two points are two points, which is to give these people who have never encountered a chance a chance, but also the alliance to give out those who have been deceived by the theology.

I have to say that the old guys in the league have good abilities.

It's a pity that they are too narrow-minded, and their management methods are not suitable for this era, but they are still stubborn. A group of old stubborn ... "

In the end, it became Sakaki's spit to the high level of the Elf League.

Aoki looked at Sakagi's appearance, and knew that Sakaki had contacted this group of people, and was very dissatisfied with their management methods and policies.

I don't know if this has anything to do with the Rockets ...

While Aoki was thinking, Sakagi suddenly turned his head to look at Aoki, "You have grown all the way in the league, but as a member of the Rockets, you should actually see more than them. Now that you are the four heavenly kings, do n’t you feel the alliance? Pedantic? "

Suddenly speaking of himself was a bit surprising, but Sakaki's words made Aoki resonate. As a civilian, he has been in contact with both the bottom of the society and the top of the alliance. He has to say that in some These local alliances are indeed not doing well enough.

Otherwise, there will not be a situation where Tian Haoyu, who was born as a member of the alliance, chose to abandon the alliance because of the collapse of his three views.


Sakagi suddenly stood up and patted Aoki's shoulder and said, "You have now become the Four Kings of the Alliance. I believe there are many things you are in contact with, or in other words, I hope you can continue to climb up and see if you can Can't let the alliance make some changes. If you can make Fengyuan Alliance make changes in Fengyuan area, then it means that the alliance is not bad.

If you can't change the league if you climb to that position, then I ... overthrow it! Establish a new order! !! "

Looking at the emergence of ~ ~ from Sakagi's body, Aoki never felt the pressure from the moment, but was very surprised and found a confidant.

Sakagi suddenly smiled and said, "Who hasn't been a frivolous young man, I know that you are a person with your own ideas and ambitions. There is no one in our Rockets without ambitions. Fengyuan area can be used as an experimental area. That's why I have kept you secret since then.

If the Rockets can't overthrow the league now, then I will build a stronger force, and one day will come true!

The sun is always after the storm, so as the most beautiful rainbow after the rain, it is called ... the Rainbow Rockets! "

Rainbow Rockets!

Aoki was shocked. It turned out that Sakagi's idea of ​​the Rainbow Rockets had already appeared at this time!


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