The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1299: A new storm has appeared

The latest website: I don't know what happened to Sakagi today, and Aoki told so many things, even his final vision.

Maybe it's because Aoki is the most talented Rocket member he has ever seen, or because ...

Aoki is a bit like him.

"Too much to say, in fact calling you over this time, there is something I hope you can do." Sakagi returned to his boss chair.

Aoki raised her eyebrows. "You said."

Without knowing why, Aoki seemed to see a little embarrassment from Sakagi's face.


"Ahem, this is the case. You are a person from the trial island. You should also have a better understanding of the trial island situation, and this period of trial tasks has begun. Members enter the trial island, everything will follow the rules, but ... "

Sakagi said that at half the time, his face was even more embarrassed, but after a flash, he completely disappeared, but Aoki had a very bad hunch.

"But there are two of them. Their names are Musashi and Kojiro. I hope you can take care of them."


Aoki looked at Sakagi and felt that there might be something wrong with her ears. Who should he take care of?

"Musashi? Koujiro?" Aoki murmured the names of the two.

"Yes, Musashi and Kojiro. One of them was the daughter of my capable men, and the other was the son of my old friend. Although this incident really made you a little overkill, I think it should only be You can scare them.

If you can, of course, let them go through a complete trial mission. If not, you can terminate them. Take them to your rich area. The current level is not quite right. The IQ of the two of them may be Can't survive this big change. "

Aoki feels that her three views today are completely refreshed.

Did you see three Sakagi yourself today?

One is the face of a group of senior Rocket cadres, the Rocket leader calmly calm, everyone respected.

The second is aspiring middle-aged people who talk about ideas and ideals! Aimed to change the situation of the entire elven world and overthrow the inherent alliance rule.

The third is the most surprising and shocking Aoki, this is ... the parent-type Sakagi?

Boss, are you a split personality?

And it is still such a terrible topic to ask yourself to take care of Musashi and Kojiro?

If those Pokémon fans on Earth once heard this, they might be laughing to death. Musashi and Kojiro still need other people's care. With their luck, there is no other way to die except old death. ?

It's just two people now. When they make up the trio, it really takes shape, almost equal to immortality.

Anyway, even if the elven world is destroyed, they shout at most, "It's annoying!"

Then the end of the show!

Although this topic opened the soul of Aoki, it was not too important, and Aoki just wanted to go to the trial island again.

As for Musashi and Kojiro, did you not hear Sakagi say that you can stop the trial at any time? At that time, I took it to the Fengyuan area and lost it, and followed the people to get a headache.

"When does it leave?" Aoki asked.

Hearing Aoki asking, Sakagi knew that Aoki agreed.

"Eight tomorrow morning," Sakagi said.

In fact, there is no way for Aoki to take care of Musashi and Koujiro Sakagi. The current Guandu area is indeed not very peaceful, and the Fengyuan area has become the most stable area because of the collapse of the lava team and the ocean team.

And Aoki is not only the leader of the sky team, but also the four kings of Fengyuan area, there is no better place for them than Fengyuan area.

This was the last request of Musashi's mother agreed to by Sakagi. As a man who did what he said, Sakagi broke his heart.

As for Kojiro, who was brought into the Rockets by Musashi, he went out with her too. Sakagi and Kojiro's father were indeed familiar, and they should be treated in a smooth way. Taking care of one is taking care of them.

"There was still plenty of time. Can I go and see the progress of the research on fantasy genes? After all, I am also involved." Aoki made a small request.

"You can just go by yourself, Xia Bo was still thinking about you some time ago." Ban Mu waved his hands casually.

So Aoki left Sakagi's office.

Taking care of Musashi and Kojiro is really an extremely difficult task.

He went straight to the secret laboratory at the bottom of the base, and Aoki saw Xia Bo again in a white coat.

As the chief scientist of the Rockets at this time, Xia Bo still has no status, and his strength is not weak. Aoki did not conflict with him. Even in the last incident, he calculated himself, but after all he did not. The calculation was successful.

Xia Bo was surprised that Aoki's strength has increased. For Aoki now, he is not at his disposal.

Both of them are very tacit, with very good smiles on their faces.

"Mr. Xiabo, I don't know this fantasy gene. When will it be possible to formally reproduce the real elves?" Aoki and Xiabo walked in the laboratory and looked at the bottles and cans on the surrounding walls. Inside are some very strange looking creatures, but they are all lifeless.

"Now the genes have been integrated. All we have to do is to combine these genes in a certain proportion and order. After all, the energy contained in these genes is extremely huge. A bad spirit may directly destroy the generated elves. Thinking ability. "Xia Bo's face had the pathological expression on those crazy scientist faces.

After so many days and nights of research, finally the results will appear, which makes Xia Bo unhappy.

"So Mr. Xiabo, what kind of strength and potential will this newborn elf have?" Aoki asked ~ ~ unparalleled potential and the ability to crown the entire elf world, I hope and believe , All the elves in the elven world will not be his opponent! !! When Xia Bo was introducing, it was like introducing an artwork.

Then Aoki followed Xia Bo to visit the gene integration, and saw a lot of gene culture dishes, among which many embryos were already active.

It seems that Super Dream is already possible at any time!

Then the Guandu area has become more and more interesting, the sudden appearance of the gods, the two points of the Guandu alliance, and the birth of the Rockets' secret weapon Super Dream!

I don't know how many things are still hidden, nor under what circumstances will some unexpected changes happen again.

Feeling the storm belongs to this world, officially began to spin up.


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