The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 962: Takagawa family

Leaving Sakagi's office.

According to Sakagi, Aoki needs to find shadows and darkness first.

However, when I saw myself before, the rare shadow and dark were not present.

It seems that even if the two of them are tasked, they must be fully prepared.

After a little hesitation, Aoki decided to find the two people first, and after knowing the specific situation, he made the next plan.

Sakagi's last meaningful look made Aoki always feel that something needs attention.

It was just that Sakagi didn't say it explicitly, and Aoki had to explore and guess by himself.

Directly took out the communicator and dialed Ying's communication number.

After getting the location of the two of them from him, Aoki went straight to it.

It was originally in the Rockets base, but the two were discussing the details of the mission, so they did not see Aoki with Sakagi.

For this time Aoki became a cadre, Yingxin had long been ready.

Although the speed is a bit faster, it did not exceed his expectations.

In a year, from a little guy who struggled to survive on a trial island to a high-profile Rocket cadre now, it's not surprising that it was deceiving.

However, my investment was inadvertent at first, and the results can be achieved so quickly.

Although Aoki may only be entering the Heavenly Kings level now, it will not help them much.

But after all, it is already Heavenly King.

At the most basic level, the two are already on the same level.

And now Aoki is no longer the one who can manipulate at will.

How to deal with each other again is a key issue.

If they are not handled well, they will not be used to the changes in attitude and status brought about by the change of status, and they may even face the opposite.

This is not impossible.

Directly came to the office where Shadow and Darkness were.

I saw them sitting on the sofa.

The map was spread out in front of them, and circles were drawn on the map, apparently to make some plans for the mission of capturing the three divine birds.

The arrival of Aoki let the two let go of their affairs.

Ying saw Aoki with a smile.

"Master Shadow, Master Dark." Aoki screamed twice.

Although the words were not as respectful as before, they made the smile on the shadow face more natural and nodded quietly.

Now Aoki is already a cadre of the Rockets. In terms of position, he is at the same level as the two.

Even if they are not called by adults, they can't say anything.

But this will make Shadow and Dark feel a little uncomfortable.

They don't say it, but it doesn't mean they don't think so.

Now Aoki lowered his posture all at once, but made them look at him.

All of a sudden, the relationship between the three people was drawn closer.

Even closer than before, at least now, on the surface, the three belong to the same level, and there is no relationship between them.

The shadow waved and said, "Don't use an adult in the future. Now we are already cadres of the Rockets. Just call your name."

Anm also nodded in agreement.

Aoki's attitude was manifested, and of course they could not always be so self-righteous.

His growth rate is so fast. I believe that the three may be almost in the near future. By then, they will take advantage. Then, will Aoki surpass them?

Spit everything out.

Might as well simply be now.

Aoki, sitting on the sofa, groaned for a while, and nodded, and nodded in agreement.

"Is the mission leader supposed to have told you something about this?" The three of them talked about the mission again.

Aoki nodded. "I said a little bit, but I've come to ask you any questions. The specific details are not clear."

After hearing Aoki's words, Shadow and Dark glanced at each other.

"Then you don't know about the Jinchuan family yet?" Ying asked.

"Jinchuan family?" Aoki's brow gradually frowned.

He's heard the name of this family. It's not a small family in the Kanto region, but he hasn't met.

"Have heard it, but haven't touched it." Aoki said.

Ying slowly shook his head, and said with a smile, "No, you have touched it."

Aoki froze slightly.


Then remember things and messages about the family in your head.

It shouldn't have happened before.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in Aoki's mind.

With a hint of hesitation and uncertainty, "Regis?"

When he heard the name, Ying smiled, "It seems that you are thinking about something coming, yes, Regis' full name is Jinchuan Regis, who is the first heir of the Jinchuan family.

The last thing you did, although everyone did n’t say it, it does n’t mean that you do n’t know. "

Aoki frowned, and he seemed to understand a little what Sakaki's eyes looked like at that time.

"Is the old guy from the Jinchuan family involved?" Aoki was not sure.

This time, the film did not speak, and nodded directly and surely, "Yes, the person who shot this time was Jinchuan Locks, the uncle of Regis, the brother of the current Jinchuan family chief, Jinchuan family Currently ranked third master.

The specific assignment of the task is three of us, one of them is responsible for a three divine bird. "

If this is the arrangement, Aoki will understand what he really does this time.

I do n’t know what the Jinchuan family did to make Sakagi so unhappy. I still have to find someone to specifically target them, and I am the sharpest weapon Sakagi now has in his hands.

The last look should also remind myself.

"This is also Regis," Aoki asked a little hesitantly.

"Should participate, but they don't know that you will participate. The leader of your affairs has only explained to us for the time being." Ying said, and gave Aoki a puzzling look.

Silent for a while.

Finally, Aoki asked, "What does this Jinchuan family ~ have to do with the Rockets?"

If there is no answer to this question, Aoki will not have a specific dimension this time.

I don't know to what extent.

However, if Regis participates, then Aoki will definitely choose to make a break with him. This person's potential is good, and if allowed to develop, he will definitely become a thorn in his heart in the future.

"The Jinchuan family is dark. Come on, you are better than me." Ying said.

He glanced angrily at the shadow, hesitated a little, or said, "The Jinchuan family is the family of the leader ’s father, but the leader ’s father has actually severed his ties with this family, but because the Rockets have developed rapidly They still found the door by themselves.

And provided a lot of talent for the Rockets, it can be considered to have made a certain contribution.

The leader slowly accepted their existence.

But human desire is infinite. "At this point, the secret did not continue to talk, but everyone who understands understands.

Some things, so far.


Second more! begging!

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