The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 963: Eat poor

After understanding the true goal of this mission from Dark and Shadow, Aoki left.

The two people discussed mainly how to deal with the three gods. Aoki may still play a supporting role, instead of facing the three gods.

However, the three divine birds that allow the shadows and shadows to complete their goals are not the three true three divine birds, but may be some high-level wild elves.

Aoki did not participate in specific details.

Directly went to the exchange center of the Rockets base.

The share of 400 million alliance coins is not a small amount.

Make good use of it, and still be able to bring some improvement to your elves before you set off.

The first thing Aoki did was to exchange all the waveguide materials of Leo's Elven Egg.

I have to say that the Rockets' inventory is really rich, and Aoki has been searching for materials that have not been found for a long time.

After La Rulas evolved into Chillulian, and before it evolved into Xanadu, all of the masterpieces of Chillulian's qualifications were not collected.

So the second item is the main material.

After the exchange of the two rare materials, one hundred million shares were directly used.

Then Aoki exchanged a lot of skill CDs.

Rare Skills CD.

Some skill CDs are still difficult to find, but the number of these skill CDs is limited.

For example, sword dance skills, with the authority of cadres, can only be exchanged for sword dance skills at most twice a year, and some other skill CDs are also the same.

No way, even for the Rockets, these things are limited.

Aoki suddenly redeemed all the rare skill CDs he could redeem this year.

Whether it is available or not, there is absolutely no problem in exchanging it first, maybe it will be used later?

It ’s really unusable. You can earn a little money by selling it, and it wo n’t rot in your hands.

After all the exchanges are completed, Aoki still has a limit of 100 million.

I did n’t redeem anything else, I stayed for the time being, maybe there is still time to use it.

Under the bitter expressions of the exchange staff, Aoki returned home full of loads, while a group of staff were busy and sweating.

None of the Aoki exchanges are cheap, and they are all light and careful.

Coupled with the identity of the cadres, they are even more afraid that they are not doing well enough, which will lead to no evil.

Back to your room, there are still a few days before the start of the mission. During this time, everyone has to adjust their status.

After checking that there were no surveillance or monitoring equipment in the room, Aoki opened a different space directly on the wall and went in for the final trimming.

This task is a difficult task, and you need to think about what elves to bring with you.

First of all, as the Rockets ’high-secret mission, the league should not know, because all the people who shoot are cadres and their associates.

However, there is no guarantee that the league will put some deep nails in the Rockets.

Therefore, the idiot Aoki, the elven king, should bring it, but if it is not a special case, Aoki will not summon the idiot king under the condition of ensuring absolute secrecy.

Now some people in the Rockets report Aoki, but the league is too much reason, after all, Sakagi also helped Aoki to set up a Rocket base.

But if caught by a unique elf like the dull king, Aoki is more likely to be suspected.

However, the evolution of the dull king has been announced for some time now. I believe that as long as it is digested for a period of time, the number of elves like the dull king will increase.

At that time, Aoki will use the dull king more safely.

During this time, the dull king successfully raised the level to level 64. This was a rapid improvement that he had accumulated for a long time and polishing. However, after he reached level 64, what he had accumulated before, also It's all consumed.

Except for the dull king, the remaining elves did not have many problems.

Crow's head and Matara are the signs of Aoki's current status.

Both elves also broke through to the Heavenly King level.

In the previous month, through the accumulation of thick accumulation of thin hair, successfully reached level 60.

This is the result of the efforts of the two elves, and Aoki is very pleased. This task will also be the time when they take the lead.

There is also Geng Gui, level 62.

In addition, Geng Gui's qualifications successfully broke into the light blue.

It may be affected by the last strand of black energy. After Geng Gui broke through to the Uranus level, his ability to sense and control the energy of the ghost system rose straight.

This made Aoki more aware of the extraordinaryness of that energy.

If the current Geng Gui is considered to be super-evolved, he may have surpassed the dull king in strength and became the strongest card in Aoki.

After the Dragon King Scorpion broke through to the Heavenly King level, the level reached 61, and Mrs. Huajie's level reached 62.

Dragon King Scorpion is okay. After all, there are many people using poisonous elves in the Rockets, so even if they appear, they will not have a great impact.

But Mrs. Huajie couldn't do it. She and the dull king now almost represent Aoki's identity. As a last resort, Aoki will never summon Mrs. Huajie.

However, the dumb king and Mrs. Huajie cannot participate in the battle, but they have two other elves.

Tanabata Blue Bird and Dream Demon.

The strength of the two elves is still considerable. Coupled with this month's assault, they have become more familiar with Aoki's fighting style and command rhythm.

In this way, Aoki has six U-class elves who can use it.

This time, they will also be the main force.

However, the elves of the second echelon were also prepared to carry them.

After all, it seems that the location of the mission this time is not just the existence of the Three Gods. Taking them with them can also exercise, complete the evolution as soon as possible, and catch up with the strength of the first echelon.

This month, they also worked very hard.

Whether it's the giant marsh monster that has broken through to the quasi-king level, or the remaining elves who are still at the elite level.

Flaming Chicken, Shakira.

I have to say, Kodola.

At this time, Kodola's level was 41. After a month, he just upgraded the level by one level.

This is what Aoki requires ~ ~ and is the result of Kodola's own consent.

Together they suppressed the ranks.

Because of Kota's talent and potential, in this state, he has not developed his body to the extreme.

There are no problems with evolution.

But Aoki still hoped that he could lay the foundation more firmly.

Kodola's qualifications also transitioned from quasi-blue to light blue during this time, which is the limit of his state at this time.

In addition, regardless of whether Kodola or Shakira, all the diamonds that Aoki got on Neverland were completely taken short.

Consumption is much faster than Aoki imagined.

Before leaving, Aoki went to sweep the caves of small broken diamonds, and took away all the diamonds and ore they had piled up.

However, it is estimated that it will not last long. Aoki needs to find a solution to the ration problems of Kodola and Shakira.

It ’s really poor!


Third more! begging!

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