The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 374 Millions of Railway Workers

In August, the sun was blazing.

Liu Tao and the head of the Ministry of Railways inspected the construction of the "Beijing-Kowloon Railway" project.

A large number of railway engineering troops were involved in the construction.

The troops that had been streamlined were organized and put into the construction of the "Beijing-Kowloon Railway".

A huge construction site was formed along the entire "Beijing-Kowloon Railway".

Railway station construction, bridge and tunnel construction, railway construction

According to the schedule, the entire "Beijing-Kowloon Railway" must be completed before January 28, 1987, that is, before New Year's Eve, leaving enough time for follow-up work to ensure that it will be put into operation on or before June 30, 1987.

After all, before the official operation, there are still a series of work to be done, including trial operation.

The "Beijing-Kowloon Railway" can be said to have a heavy task and a tight time.

So far, there are less than three years left.

Personally involved, Liu Tao admired the organizational ability of the iron boss.

So far, the number of people involved in the construction has exceeded 700,000.

By next year, the peak number of construction workers will exceed one million!

Construction on a scale of one million people is incredible.

At least if Panshan Group were to organize it, it would definitely not be organized.

The entire construction adopts military management and unified command, exuding a strong military style.

During his inspection, Liu Tao also inspected the sections that had been constructed.

Only after he checked and confirmed that there were no problems, the completed sections were considered completed and put into use.

After all, this is a high-speed railway, and there is no room for any trouble.

The technical content of building this kind of high-speed railway is much higher than that of the Shenhai Expressway.

In the construction of the Shenhai Expressway, as long as the construction quality is ensured, that is, the quality of bridge and tunnel construction, the quality of roadbed construction, and the quality of concrete pavement, there will actually be no major problems.

The "Beijing-Kowloon Railway" is different. This is a high-speed railway, which contains a lot of technology and involves many fields. The construction requirements must be very high.

Even the quality of the rails is not comparable to the rails of traditional railways in the past.

There are also various substations, power grids, etc., which cannot be sloppy.

Otherwise, if the train is running at high speed, it may cause serious consequences because of such carelessness.

In 1987, the leader was going to take the high-speed rail to Hong Kong. Who dared to be careless about such a thing?

Once something happened, no one would be able to escape.

Back to Beijing for vacation.

In the yard, the children were playing.

It was summer vacation at this time, and Liu Ziyu was the king of the children, responsible for watching the children play.

Liu Qing'an and Liu Manhua, the two little guys, were already one and a half years old, playing happily behind their brothers and sisters.

Liu Tao's eldest child, Liu Jingming, is now almost 4 years old and is preparing to send him to kindergarten in September next year to start attending kindergarten.

Liu Tao's eldest daughter, Liu Yingqing, is also two and a half years old. The little girl has two braids and is very cute.

The four children are handsome and cute, and the girls are beautiful like porcelain dolls.

The more Liu Tao looked at it, the more he liked it. Every time he came back here, he enjoyed the feeling of home, like a warm harbor, where his tired body and heart could be relaxed and cultivated, allowing him to work in a better state.

Also because of his children, Liu Tao was more determined to build China into a prosperous and strong China, work hard for the rejuvenation of China, and let China stand on the top of the world.

If his generation suffered, the next generation would not have to suffer.

The next generation can live in a peaceful and prosperous era, can look at countries around the world at eye level, and will not look up to any country. They can stand up straight in front of white people, instead of being second-class or third-class people, and do not need to let white people be superior.

He wants his next generation to have the confidence to say "no" to any country!

Liu Tao did not disturb the children playing. He stood on the other side of the lake, watching the children playing across the willow trees. The joyful laughter washed away his physical and mental fatigue and cheered him up.

At the stone bridge, there is a conspicuous wooden sign that reads: Private place, please do not enter.

Zhu Lin and others have started their business and have opened a flower shop, bookstore, coffee shop, and tea shop.

In addition to Zhu Lin and Liu Hongying, there are three relatives, and then they hired ten students to work in turn.

Business is okay, but it is not profitable at present.

For example, in a coffee shop, the price of a cup of coffee is too high for ordinary people to drink, and only a few people are willing to spend money.

After watching the children play for a while, Liu Tao walked over with the guards.

"Dad~~~" The children saw Liu Tao and ran towards him excitedly.

Even if their hands were covered in mud, they rushed towards Liu Tao.

Liu Tao picked up his eldest son and lifted him up high, causing other children to shout: "I want it too, I want it too."

Liu Tao took turns to lift the children up high, each taking two turns. There were too many children, and Liu Tao was a little overwhelmed.

"Brother, you didn't call when you came back." Liu Ziyu said.

Liu Ziyu has grown into a beautiful lady, and at the age of 20, she is in her prime.

Last year, Liu Ziyu was admitted to Tsinghua University’s computer science department, and will be a sophomore starting next semester.

Liu Tao smiled and said, “Ziyu, how are you doing in school?”

Liu Ziyu is about 165cm tall, which is tall among girls in this era. Because of her wealthy family life, Liu Ziyu is not malnourished like other students.

"Brother, I am thinking whether I should graduate early after finishing my sophomore year, take the postgraduate entrance examination or study abroad." Liu Ziyu hesitated.

Liu Tao was a little curious, "Why do you want to graduate early?"

"I think the teachers in our school have limited teaching. When I ask them about something I don't understand, they can't answer it. I know when our classmates ask questions, but our teachers don't know." Liu Ziyu complained, "Our teachers read from the textbook."

Liu Tao pondered for a moment.

He was not surprised by this phenomenon.

Because there are too few real computer experts in China now.

Reading from the textbook is a normal thing.

It all depends on the students' talents. If the students are talented, they can learn more from the textbooks. It is impossible to expect to learn a lot of knowledge from the teachers.

After all, there are many teachers here, and some even have college degrees.

"So, if you can finish your sophomore year, finish the required courses in your school, and pass the exams in your school, I will give you a chance to apply for my graduate program." Liu Tao smiled faintly, "You can study for a master's and doctoral degree here, maybe you can learn more."

"Really?!" Liu Ziyu showed a surprised look, "Brother, when did you recruit graduate students?"

Liu Ziyu knew that her brother was very powerful. He was an honorary professor in thirteen schools and a top expert in computers, because the famous Golden Dragon Computer was developed by Liu Tao, which allowed China to have the core technology of computers.

But she knew that Liu Tao was very busy. Even if he returned to Beijing every month for vacation, he still often worked in the office.

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