The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 416 Listing in the United States?

Many people looked at Huo Yingdong, who was so radiant and chatting and laughing, with envy.

In the past few years, Huo Yingdong's business has snowballed.

Even if Huo Yingdong never announced the money he earned every year, as long as they heard some rumors, it would make them envious and jealous.

In just a few years, the Huo family's assets soared into the sky like a rocket.

Moreover, Huo Yingdong's status in the world has skyrocketed. He is very popular in the mainland and has a huge reputation among Chinese and overseas Chinese.

Everyone knows that Huo Yingdong is a red-top businessman.

In the past, everyone avoided red-top businessmen like the plague, for fear of encountering them.

Huo Yingdong was fully suppressed at that time and paid a heavy price.

Now, everyone has a longing for the red-top businessman.

It’s just that it’s not that easy to become a red-top businessman now.

"Huo Sheng, why did your Golden Dragon Technology Group choose to list in the United States instead of listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange?" Li Ka-shing was a little confused.

At this time, all of them present were wealthy businessmen from Hong Kong.

There are good people who have ranked the top ten richest people in Hong Kong, and they are among them.

Li Ka-shing is in the real estate business. He has always been very cautious about the technology and electronics industries. He has tried to invest in several game companies in recent years. Although he has made a lot of profits, compared with real estate, it is still far behind. .

In addition to developing existing land in Xiangjiang, Li Ka-shing's main focus is to develop real estate in the mainland.

Although there are many restrictions, as long as it can be successful, the profits are still considerable.

Commercial housing in the Mainland is in its infancy, and the per capita living area is less than 4 square meters, which is simply a blue ocean.

This time they came to attend the Huo family banquet, not only to give Liu Tao a break, but also because they got the news that Golden Dragon Technology Group was going to go public in the United States.

In everyone's opinion, King Long Technology Group is a big company. The world's largest personal computer is produced by King Long Technology Group, with annual sales of several billion dollars.

"This was also decided after discussion by the shareholders." Huo Yingdong smiled.

My family knows their own affairs, and everyone thinks that King Long Computer belongs to King Long Technology Group, but in fact, King Long Technology Group belongs to King Long Technology Group, and King Long Computer Group belongs to King Long Computer Group.

Golden Dragon Technology Group does not own even 1% of the shares of Golden Dragon Computer Group, nor does it own any computer-related technology. It is just a seller of Golden Dragon Computer Group, but outsiders do not know it.

King Long Computer Group owns 30% of King Long Technology Group.

Of course, even if Golden Dragon Technology Group gets its share, the annual amount will be very large.

As for the listing of Golden Dragon Technology Group in the United States, it was Liu Tao who took the initiative.

Because the Hong Kong government cannot give King Long Technology Group enough support now, once competitors really use some special means to exclude them from the Japanese market, European market or North American market, they now have no effective countermeasures at all.

But if King Long Technology Group is listed in the United States, then any unfair competition behavior against King Long Technology Group will be an infringement on the interests of American shareholders. They have enough reasons to persuade the US government to come forward and help them retaliate against relevant companies. .

Now for King Long Computer, the US market is the largest overseas market, the European market is the second largest overseas market, and Japan is the third largest overseas market.

As for the Chinese market, the sales volume is several thousand units a year, which is still far behind.

Liu Tao made this decision because he was inspired by the "US-Japan Semiconductor Agreement."

This is not only to attract more people and form a community of interests, but also to serve as a letter of nomination.

After all, competition in this market is fierce now.

In addition to King Long computers, there are also Japanese computers and American computers, and everyone competes with each other.

The U.S. government has always been willing to stand up for its own companies. Whether it was the television industry in the 1960s or 1970s, or the current semiconductor industry, the U.S. government has stepped forward to put pressure on the Japanese government.

For example, the "U.S.-Japan Relocation Reminder Agreement" is the latest achievement of the U.S. government.

Liu Tao also wanted to avoid the same method used by his American counterparts to attack King Long Computer.

But once Golden Dragon Technology Group is listed in the United States, it will be different. The interests involved will be much greater. Do those stock gods on Capitol Hill really think that they are stock gods?

It's nothing more than an exchange of benefits.

King Long Computer's competitors include not only Japanese computer brands such as Sony, but also American companies such as Apple and IBM.

IBM, for example, is the company with the highest market value in history. Its market value reached a peak of US$192.8 billion in 1967, but you must know that the GDP of the United States at that time was only US$830 billion. The number of computers produced by 1 is 4 times that of all other computer manufacturers in the world, making it an absolute monopoly in the computer industry.

After King Long Technology Group goes public in the United States, King Long Computer Group can also gradually sell its shares to have more funds.

Liu Tao actually also discovered the crisis of King Long Computer. Firstly, in the Japanese market, Sony, Toshiba and other companies are trying to squeeze out King Long Computer through government means, and the squeeze is getting stronger; secondly, in the US market, IBM, Toshiba and other companies are trying to squeeze out King Long Computer through government means. Apple and other companies are also trying to take some actions to restrict King Long Computers.

On the Japanese side, because the relationship between the two parties is developing in a good direction, companies such as Sony and Toshiba have not succeeded.

As for the United States, China and the United States are in the honeymoon period. The two sides have political and economic issues, and their exchanges are becoming more frequent. The United States can make a lot of money from China every year, and it will not easily do anything to harm the relationship between the two parties.

If China's position wavers, it may have a subversive impact on the current United States. It is estimated that under the general situation of the Soviet Union attacking and the United States defending, the United States will become more passive, and even cause a domino effect.

But Liu Tao also has some worries, that is, he has been eating alone, lacks a grasp in the US market, and is easily targeted.

This time, these wealthy businessmen are here because they want them to get on the ship together and tie them up through benefits.

The energy of these wealthy businessmen is still extremely considerable.

However, facing a valuation of US$15 billion, these wealthy businessmen frowned.

None of them expected that the valuation of Golden Dragon Technology Group would be so high.

This means that with their financial resources, they simply cannot acquire many shares.

Liu Tao watched the changes in the expressions of these wealthy businessmen and sighed secretly in his heart. These people are definitely like heroes in traditional business, but when it comes to technology companies, they are the real killers and they are completely clueless.

They have no idea about the power of technology.

Back when Apple went public, in 1980, its market value reached US$1.8 billion.

The revenue and profits of Golden Dragon Technology Group are more than ten times that of the United States, and its valuation of US$15 billion is not much at all.

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