The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 447 Capital is bloody (please subscribe)

In addition to digging deep into the domestic market, increasing sales in the domestic market, and investing overseas, Takeshita Toshiba also thought of other ways.

For example, lowering interest rates and releasing corporate loans to the real estate and stock markets.

In this way, the people will start to consume and buy real estate and stocks because of the appreciation of the yen and the increase in wealth.

The real estate and stock markets will become Japan's reservoir.

Thinking of this, Takeshita Toshiba quickly wrote down his flash of inspiration.

Of course, whether it can be done or not, it needs to be verified by experts.

But at least these ideas can extend his life for at least one month.

At the same time, on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, US Treasury Secretary James Baker did not have the slightest joy.

The depreciation of the US dollar/yen this time was beyond their expectations.

The US government hopes that the US dollar will fall faster, but it is definitely not like now, with a daily decline of more than 10% and a weekly decline of 30.24%, because that means that the wealth of the American people has directly shrunk by 30.24%, which is difficult for anyone to accept.

In the past few days, the US media has criticized them thoroughly.

In the latest polls, the approval rating has fallen to the bottom.

They must find a way to deal with it, otherwise they will definitely not have a good ending.

To be honest, the Plaza Accord was led by the United States, and the five governments jointly intervened in the foreign exchange market to make the US dollar orderly decline against major currencies in order to solve the huge US trade deficit.

The agreement stipulates that the yen and the mark should appreciate significantly to recover the overvalued US dollar price.

In their imagination, after the signing of the Plaza Accord, countries began to sell off the US dollar, which then formed a selling frenzy among market investors, causing the US dollar to depreciate significantly.

In this way, the huge trade deficit problem of the United States can be solved.

But the dollar depreciated so quickly and significantly, and the problem is also very troublesome.

The huge trade deficit problem is no longer a problem, but a new problem has emerged. If this new problem is not solved well, they will all have a bad ending.

"Then print another batch of US dollars!" James Baker gritted his teeth and made a suggestion with a fierce look in his eyes.

Others frowned slightly at this suggestion, but still nodded in agreement.

The United States surpassed Britain and became the world's economic hegemon, which was not glorious in itself.

In fact, this is normal, after all, capital has always been bloody!

Unknowingly, three months have passed since the first launch of a small carrier rocket.

Xichang Satellite Launch Center, this is the Chinese Satellite Launch Base, established in 1970, is one of the three major space launch centers in China, and the Xichang Launch Center was put into use in 1982.

The Xichang Launch Site is located in the mountainous area, in Mianning County, LSYZ Prefecture, Sichuan Province. It is one of the launch sites with the most complex local climate conditions among the top ten launch sites in the world.

At this time, the Xichang Launch Site, the carrier rocket has been set up, and the "Beidou Test 2 Satellite" is on the carrier rocket.

This new type of carrier rocket, named "Long March 3B carrier rocket" by Liu Tao, is 56.3 meters long, with a diameter of 3.35 meters for the first and second stages, a diameter of 2.25 meters for the booster, a diameter of 3.0 meters for the third stage, a maximum diameter of 4.2 meters for the satellite fairing, a takeoff mass of 458.97 tons, and a synchronous orbit carrying capacity of 5.5 tons.

This time, many experts in the field of aerospace came.

This launch mission is indeed of great significance!

And the "Beidou Test 3 Satellite" just weighs 5 tons.

Prior to this, Liu Tao launched two carrier rockets and launched two Beidou test satellites into space.

This time, the "Beidou Test 3 Satellite" is larger and heavier. Once the launch is successful, it will serve in space for 10 years!

As the launch entered the countdown, the sound of the countdown of "10, 9, 8, 7" came into everyone's ears, and the reporters became nervous.

As a very meaningful milestone in aerospace, there will naturally be reporters to shoot and record.

".3, 2, 1!"


Tongues of fire burst out from the bottom of the rocket, and the Long March 3B rocket flew straight into the sky.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, the rocket was safe and sound, and no accidents happened.

The rocket was so dazzling in the night sky.

In the command center, everyone's face eased a little. During the rocket launch, the first ten seconds are crucial.

Most launch accidents happen at this time!

But now they can't take it lightly, because the satellite launch is only successful if the satellite is sent into orbit.

The rocket is rising in height and flying farther and farther.

The ground is tracking and observing, and constantly reporting to the launch center.

When the launch is 140 seconds, the booster begins to separate in the first stage of the flight.

The four boosters successfully separated from the rocket. At this time, the rocket was located at 102°94' east longitude, 28°13' north latitude, 61.75 kilometers in altitude, and 2.49 kilometers in speed. At 160 seconds, the second-stage engine was shut down, and then at 343 seconds, the second and third stages separated.

At 1540 seconds, the instrument cabin took off.

At 1630 seconds, the solar wing unfolded.

It can be said that at this point, the launch mission was a complete success.

There was warm applause in the launch center.

All the astronauts were very excited. Whether it was a navigation satellite or because of its carrying capacity of 5.5 tons, it was of great significance to China Aerospace.

Mr. Qian came to the Xichang Launch Center from Beijing. When it was announced that it was a complete success, he was so excited that he couldn't help but applaud.

He did not expect that Liu Tao would actually develop such a launch vehicle in just over four months after meeting Liu Tao last time.

With this launch vehicle, many heavier satellites can be launched.

Liu Tao was also very excited at this time. There are already three "Beidou test satellites", so as long as there are one more "Beidou test satellite", four "Beidou test satellites" can initially form a regional navigation system.

Moreover, Liu Tao has installed electronic thrusters on these "Beidou test satellites", which can change orbits in space orbit as needed.

The next step is to conduct a series of tests, pass the ground, and then make corrections.

It is estimated that it will take almost two years to actually form the regional navigation system.

There is still a lot to do in the next two years.

In this regard, Panshan Group is cooperating with the Aerospace Corporation to carry out a series of tests, as well as subsequent navigation satellite launches, navigation system development, etc.

However, there was no report on the successful launch of the Beidou Test Satellite 3, and even the successful launch of the Long March 3B carrier rocket was not reported.

The United States or the Soviet Union cannot obtain accurate information in a short period of time. They will only think that China has launched a satellite without knowing the specific situation.

The global satellite navigation system must be kept highly confidential and cannot be known to the Soviet Union or the United States. Otherwise, with the aerospace capabilities of the Soviet Union and the United States, it will be easy to build a global satellite navigation system. By that time, China will not have any advantage. In other words, it may even become unsustainable because there is no market.

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