Of course, while the United States was busy forming a coalition force and negotiating the amount of funding from various countries, the fighting on the border between Iraq and Kuwait did not stop.

Facing Iraq's absolute strength and military superiority, Kuwait's defense line is already in danger.

As darkness fell, the two fighting parties temporarily stopped fighting to eat and rest.

"Prince Fahd, it is meaningless to continue fighting now. Withdraw. The battle has been going on for one day, and the performance of the Kuwaiti army has been commendable. It can be fully explained to the people of Kuwait!" Mercenary commander 'Pang Hu' appeared in Kuwait to command. Center, said to Prince Fahd.

The war has been fought to this point, and it is useless to continue fighting!

Kuwait lost all its fighter jets, 200 tanks and 400 armored vehicles. More than 6,000 Kuwaiti soldiers died and many more were injured. It can be said that the Kuwaiti regular army has lost its combat effectiveness.

There was no collapse, but the Iraqi army was caught off guard by the advanced weapons and the mercenaries threatened the flanks of the Iraqi army, forcing the Iraqi army to make adjustments.

But no matter what, at most tomorrow or another day, Kuwait's defense line will be completely torn apart.

Looking at Kuwait before, the situation was clearly tense, but not many defenses were built.

This battle is impossible to fight.

Some lines of defense have been breached by the Iraqi army, and the Iraqi army's special forces are attacking Kuwait's transportation lines from behind.

If we don't retreat now at night and wait until the fighting starts tomorrow, we may face two sides or even three sides. The surviving Kuwaiti army will be completely annihilated and either surrender or die in battle.

"Pang, you have done a great job. We will definitely pay you your bonus. Now that you have completed your mission, you can evacuate to Saudi Arabia!" Prince Fahd showed a decisive look: "I am responsible for the Kuwaiti army He is a member of the Kuwaiti royal family and the prince of Kuwait. I have decided to die for my country!”

Prince Fahd has already begun to die!

He wants to use his actions to prove to Iraq and Saddam that Kuwait can never be conquered by Iraq through force, and Kuwait will not succumb to Iraq's force!

Pang Hu frowned.

He thought that he still had another mission, which was to take Prince Fahd away from the battlefield.

"Take His Royal Highness Prince Fahd away!" Pang Hu said to the guards.

Two guards came forward, one of them grabbed Prince Fahd's hand and took him outside.

"Let me go~~bastard~~let me go~~This is an order!" Prince Fahd was furious.

Subsequently, Pang Hu temporarily took over the command and issued a retreat order. During the retreat, he also laid minefields.

This is not only to stop the Iraqi army's advance speed, but also to dig holes for the coalition forces.

It can be said that as the minefields are well laid out, other places except for transportation lines are unsafe. The minefields are not laid with many mines, but they are uneven, with long lengths and wide widths.

When it was getting dark, Pang Hu made a satellite phone call.

The Iraqi army, which originally discovered that the Kuwaiti army was withdrawing and was about to launch an attack, abruptly changed its battle formation and had to enter Iraq through transportation lines.

This kind of weirdness made the Iraqi army appear cautious. The aircraft conducted reconnaissance in the air for fear of falling into the trap of the Kuwaitis.

But along the way, I met no one.

Arrive in Kuwait City at noon.

The capital of Kuwait still flies the Kuwaiti flag.

The Iraqi army did not launch an siege immediately. Instead, they rested, ate, and rested before launching their attack after three o'clock in the afternoon. However, they encountered no obstacles along the way.

The entire Kuwait City has become an empty city!

To say it is an empty city does not mean that there is no one there. There are also homeless people and mentally ill people.

Everyone else is gone!

Within a week, Kuwait had been asked to evacuate its citizens to Saudi Arabia.

The Iraqis were left with no one at all.

What makes the Iraqis even more angry is that the banks are empty and the vaults have long been emptied.

In fact, there are no products in the store.

Iraq, Baghdad, in the luxurious palace.

When Saddam received the news that the troops had taken Kuwait City, he couldn't help laughing.

Although it was one day later than planned and although the losses were considerable, winning Kuwait City made everything worthwhile.

Taking Kuwait City, the wealth there would be enough to make up for the losses, and even bring a wave of blood back to Iraq.

Saddam knows how rich Kuwait is.

It is no exaggeration to say that Kuwait is much richer than Iraq.

The oil production of the two countries is almost the same, but there are more people in Iraq than in Kuwait. This makes Kuwait export more oil than Kuwait. In addition, Iraqi oil was previously handed over to middlemen, and a large price difference was made, so Iraq's Oil revenue is not comparable to that of Kuwait.

Kuwait is a small country with a small population, and its social welfare investment is far less than that of Iraq.

Iraq is different. A large part of Iraq's annual oil revenue is used to purchase weapons and equipment and strengthen its military.

In the past, the Iraqi army was not so strong. It was also very weak and not much stronger than Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

It is precisely because of nearly two decades of huge investment in the military that the Iraqi army has its current equipment and military strength.

Although the military quality of the Iraqi army is not comparable to that of the Soviet Union and the United States, it is definitely very strong in the Middle East.

It can be said that as long as Kuwait is recaptured this time, the wealth accumulated by Kuwait over the past two decades will belong to Iraq.

But when he was told that the king and royal family of Kuwait had evacuated to Saudi Arabia with their Kuwaiti nationals, and that now there were no people or wealth in Kuwait, Saddam was shocked.

Kuwait and Saudi Arabia actually did this and played tricks on him!

"Asshole!" Saddam said angrily.

"Saudi Arabia!" Saddam said with red eyes and angrily: "I will settle the score with you after I digest Kuwait!"

Saddam has decided that after regaining Kuwait and digesting it, he will send troops to attack Saudi Arabia and settle the war with Saudi Arabia during this period.

He wants Saudi Arabia to realize that times have changed and Iraq is the leader of the Arab world.

What makes Saddam feel even worse is that overseas news comes one after another.

The United States and its Western allies have condemned Iraq. You must know that they were brothers of Iraq before, and they all needed Iraqi oil.

Now everyone has turned their backs on each other.

Saddam felt huge external pressure, but this huge external pressure aroused his ruthlessness. In the future, after he takes control of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, these countries will no longer be able to use cheap oil, and international crude oil prices will definitely maintain At a high level, it would be best if it could reach US$100/barrel!

Yes, Saddam’s ideal international crude oil price is US$100/barrel. After all, oil is indispensable in the world, and the key oil is non-renewable oil.

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