The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 717: Mr. Sa was deceived (asking for monthly votes)

After occupying Kuwait City, it took only three days for the Iraqi army to occupy the entire territory of Kuwait.

The Iraqi army that entered Kuwait reached 200,000 people and more than 2,000 tanks.

Even if Saddam was annoyed and angry, he held a press conference again at this time and broadcast it live nationwide.

"After our army's heroic and good fighting, it took only five days to occupy the entire territory of Kuwait. Facts have proved that we are the most powerful country in the Arab world and we are the overlord of the Persian Gulf." Saddam boasted about the strength of the Iraqi army and the strong army of Iraq, full of domineering, "I declare that we have recovered Kuwait, which belongs to our Iraq. From today, Kuwait is a province of my Iraq, and it is the 19th province of my Iraq!"

"Kuwait Province will always be an integral part of Iraq!" Saddam was full of determination.

And because of the betrayal of the angry Americans, at the press conference, Saddam told the world that Iraq's recovery of Kuwait was just and was defending its own rights and interests. After getting the support of the United States, it launched the war.

When the reporter asked Saddam what evidence he had, Saddam made public the audio and video recordings between him and the Americans.

This news quickly spread throughout Iraq, and then spread throughout the world at a very fast speed.

The whole world was shocked by Iraq's powerful military force.

Although Kuwait is a small country, it has 17,800 square kilometers of land after all.

But in just five days, the Iraqi army took it!

What's more unexpected is that the Americans actually played such a role in it.

This made the Americans lose face all of a sudden. They didn't expect that Saddam would secretly record audio and video recordings. This is simply too abominable.

The Soviet Union took this opportunity to attack, making the Americans exhausted.

But at this time, the Soviet Union was overwhelmed by a nuclear power plant and had no time to care about other things.

In order to reach a deal, the Soviet Union even had to withdraw all Soviet advisers and experts in Iraq within a month.

This undoubtedly made Saddam very angry.

Before, he was not afraid of Americans and Europeans. In addition to Iraq's powerful army and the fact that the United States and Europe were too far away from Iraq, there was another important reason, which was that there was the Soviet Union behind him.

At worst, he adopted a one-sided strategy and completely leaned towards the Soviet Union!

This was also Iraq's previous strategy, to be friendly with both sides, not to offend both sides, and to win over Iraq on both sides.

He publicly accused the United States and made public the videos and recordings between them, which was to completely offend the United States, which meant that he intended to hold on to the Soviet Union and become a firm ally of the Soviet Union.

But who would have thought that the Soviet Union would abandon Iraq at this time.

Before this, when he learned that the United States was forming a coalition, Saddam firmly believed that once the United States and Western countries sent troops, the Soviet government, which had been confronting the United States, would definitely stand firmly on his side.

Even if the Soviet Union did not send troops, at least in terms of military command and equipment supply, it would strongly support it.

Who would have thought that the Soviet Union not only did not support Iraq now, but also told Saddam to withdraw military advisers and technical experts.

Unless Iraq withdrew its troops from Kuwait.

This made Saddam feel a little sad.

Without Soviet experts and military advisers, the Iraqi army's combat strength will be greatly weakened.

Without Soviet equipment support, the equipment loss in combat will not be replenished, and Iraq will lose the war again.

As for the Panshan Group, it has already delivered the last batch of goods. The Persian Gulf has been blocked by the US military and weapons and supplies can no longer be transported to Iraq.

Saddam quickly cheered up.

Without the Soviets, he can still beat the Americans.

The Chinese can, the Vietnamese can, so why can't the Iraqis.

Persian Gulf.

The naval alliance formed by Kuwait and Saudi Arabia is cruising in the Persian Gulf, monitoring passing ships and preventing ships from transporting supplies and weapons to Iraq.

The Iraqi navy shrank in the military port and dared not come out to fight.

Now in the Persian Gulf, the most powerful naval force is not the Persians or the Americans, but the naval alliance of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

Two Type 052 destroyers, two Type 054 frigates, sixteen Type 022 missile boats, and eight Type 022A torpedo boats.

Soon, the naval alliance will become three Type 052 destroyers, three Type 054 frigates, twenty-four Type 022 missile boats, and twelve Type 022A torpedo boats.

The naval alliance now blocks the Persian Gulf 24 hours a day, prohibiting Iraqi ships from entering and leaving the Persian Gulf. Even third countries are not allowed to transport goods to the Persian Gulf or transport goods out of the Persian Gulf.

Unless it is a ship flying an Eastern flag.

The mercenaries have proven their value in Kuwait. Now there are 40,000 mercenaries in Saudi Arabia, of which 25,000 mercenaries are hired by Saudi Arabia and 15,000 mercenaries are hired by Kuwait.

Even because the navies of the two countries are short of manpower, they have hired 1,000 mercenaries as naval instructors.

Kuwait will settle the bonuses for the mercenaries' achievements on the battlefield as soon as possible, hoping that the mercenaries can continue to play a role.

At this time, two 400,000-ton tankers, flying Eastern flags with dragons embroidered on them, fluttered in the wind.

The captain of the tanker spotted the warship of the Naval Alliance and blew a loud whistle to greet them.

Now the only oil tankers flying the Eastern flag that can still transport oil from Iraq or Persia out of the Persian Gulf are these oil tankers.

Soon, we saw the Persian Gulf escort formation. A Type 054 frigate was escorting the 400,000-ton tanker out of the Persian Gulf and then out of the Arabian Sea.

According to the current oil price, the oil carried by such a 400,000-ton tanker is worth $146.6 million.

It can be said that the value is amazing!

Although oil tankers flying the Eastern flag can enter and exit the Persian Gulf, they will also face inspections. When entering the Persian Gulf, they must be inspected by the Navy Alliance and are not allowed to transport weapons, equipment, ammunition and military-related materials.

Like this time, in addition to a Type 054 frigate in the escort formation, the Navy Alliance also sent a Type 022A missile boat to escort and open the way in front to avoid being harassed by the US Navy.

At this time, there is a US cruiser and two frigates in the Persian Gulf, and two US aircraft carriers, two destroyers and six frigates in the Arabian Sea outside the Persian Gulf.

"Damn it, they just want to make this kind of money, and we Americans should be the ones to make this kind of money!" A sailor on a cruiser held a telescope and looked at the 400,000-ton tanker in the distance, complaining unhappily.

"It's better to have less trouble than more. If we make things difficult for them, Saudi Arabia will definitely be even more unhappy. Maybe they won't allow us to dock at the port to replenish supplies at that time!" said the sailor on the other side.

After Saddam made public what the Americans did, they became even more unpopular in the Middle East.

Although the fifth Middle East war has been going on for several years, the Arab countries in the Middle East have not forgotten how biased the Americans were at that time, protecting their father from being destroyed!

This time, they are even more dissatisfied.

If it weren't for the instigation and provocation of the Americans, how could the Arab brothers kill each other?

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