Night, outside Tongguan, Chu State military camp.

Due to the fact that the giant ballista cart brought by the Xiang Ji was too heavy and cumbersome, the assembly was not as expected by the Xiang Ji, and it could be completed immediately.

In this regard, Xiang Ji can only choose to wait patiently.

Anyway, Tongguan is here, and it won't run with long legs, but sooner or later.

Xiang Ji was not in a hurry, and the Chu army was naturally not in a hurry, but Zhang Fei, who was guarding in Tongguan, was in a hurry.

"Waste! It's all waste! Let you find out what the Chu army is doing, you can't find out, what use do I want you to do!?"

After a leather whip service, Zhang Fei felt that the depression in his heart was slightly soothed.

Today, there are only 100,000 Han troops left in Tongguan, which is half less than the previous 200,000 troops.

This made Zhang Fei's sense of security lose nearly half.

Although Tongguan has been built into the world's most dangerous pass, in the face of Xiang's Chu army, Zhang Fei still does not have any confidence to completely block it.

If, if the Chu army frantically used human lives to add it, would Tongguan be able to hold it?

This was the question in Zhang Fei's heart.

It's just that Zhang Fei didn't know that the deputy general who was beaten by him no longer had any doubts in his heart.

"Fan Jiang, Lao Tzu agreed

, let's do it! Ma De, this special Zhang Fei is not a person at all, he is afraid of the king of Chu, let's get angry.

What a barren play!"

Because he was beaten hard by Zhang Fei, Zhang Da, who was also his deputy general, was also full of hatred for Zhang Fei.

Previously, after Fan Jiang was kicked by Zhang Fei, he had the heart to join Chu, but because he was more cautious about this goods, he did not abandon Han and run away, but instead contacted his friend Zhang Da and wanted to return to Chu with him.

However, it was Fan Jiang who was abused, and Zhang Dada did not have his heart of abandoning Han.

No matter how you say it, it is not easy to be able to mix in Shu and Han to get to the current position, if it is not necessary, who is willing to give up?

After Zhang Da's persuasion, Fan Jiang can only temporarily bury the heart of abandoning Han and returning to Chu.

I never thought that it was just night, and Zhang Da, who advised Fan Jiang during the day, was jerked by Zhang Fei.

This really made Zhang Da disheartened.

Moreover, looking at the current situation, it is still unclear whether the Chu State will win the throne or the Han State will dominate in the end, and of course he cannot hang himself from a tree.

Under the trend of anger, Zhang Da agreed with his friend Fan Jiang and abandoned Han and returned to Chu.

"I'll tell you during the day, don't you believe it, and now it's comfortable to be smoked?"

Seeing his friend's tragic situation, Fan Jiang was gloating.

Why don't you listen to what I say during the day, and now you're being smoked?

Of course, Fan Jiang would not say these words directly, otherwise wouldn't he be resentful by this Zhang Da?

For his friend, Fan Jiang is still clear.

This product is a real villain, and revenge is a must.

"Alright, don't gloat over there.

In my opinion, let's just go to the Chu country empty-handed, I'm afraid that we will just send our brothers away.

I have an idea, as long as we can succeed, our brothers will definitely be rewarded by the king of Chu!" Of

course, Zhang Da knew his friend's thoughts, but at the moment he was not in the mood to argue about this.

Now, the most important thing for Zhang Da is to fool his friends and make a big deal with himself!

"What idea?"

Sure enough, Fan Jiang was interested in a word.

If it is possible, who would not want to?"

That Zhang Fei is unkind to me, so don't blame us for being unjust to him

! In my opinion, why don't we brothers take advantage of that Zhang Fei to get drunk and directly cut off his head and take it to

the king of Chu to ask for merit! I believe that if the people in this Tongguan know that Zhang Fei is dead, there will be chaos, then the king of Chu can easily break through the Tongguan and approach the Han capital Chang'an!

With such a great achievement, the King of Chu will not treat our brothers badly no matter what, right?"

Seeing Fan Jiang Shangtao, Zhang Da hurriedly told him about the plan in his heart.

After all, that Zhang Fei is a fierce general, and he really doesn't have the courage to let him kill him alone.

However, with Hao Meng and their Zhu Yu in front of them before, Zhang Da was still sure in his heart.

Hao Meng and Lu Bu can all take it, and it's not impossible for our brothers to take a Zhang Fei, right?


hearing Zhang Da's words, Fan Jiang almost screamed in fright.

This Nima, kill Zhang Fei? Do you really dare to think about it.


Savor it carefully, it seems that there is no opportunity!"

"Fan Jiang, if the situation is decided today, if you and I want to get a chance to get ahead, we must take risks.

In my opinion, it is safer to kill that Zhang Fei than to fight on the battlefield.

Seeing that his friend was already moved, Zhang Da hurriedly encouraged him.

"Okay! Then when will you do it? I don't drink less when I see that Zhang Fei today!" In

the face of this great temptation, Fan Jiang finally abandoned the timidity in his heart.

As long as Zhang Fei can be killed, then Lao Tzu's glory and wealth in the second half of his life will

not be able to escape!" "Then it is needless to say, this matter should be done sooner rather than later, we will do it tonight!" Now

that the Chu army has surrounded Tongguan, if the Chu army really launches an attack, then Zhang Fei may not have the kung fu to get drunk like he is now.

If Zhang Fei didn't drink too much, Zhang Da and Fan Jiang really wouldn't have the courage to move him.

At midnight, Zhang Fei's mansion.

After assassinating several of Zhang Fei's personal guards, Zhang Da and Fan Jiang infiltrated Zhang Fei's temporary residence in Tongguan.

Coincidentally, Lu Bu was once cut off by his subordinates Hao Meng and Cheng Lian here.

After some searching, Fan Jiang and Zhang Da finally saw Zhang Fei, who was already drunk, in the side room.

"Dang Chang!"

Zhang Da, who stepped forward quickly, was about to swing the big knife in his hand at Zhang Fei, but he never thought that he was almost scared away.


this, Zhang Da is reflexive strength to run away has been lost.

If Zhang Fei hadn't slept, the two of them would have been hammered to death if he had been punched one by one.

"Purr, purr!" At

this moment, Zhang Fei let out a earth-shattering snoring sound.


it! This Nima!?Sleep with your

eyes open? At this point, Fan Jiang and Zhang Da realized that this thing was sleeping with their eyes open.

This, what else is there to say.

Glancing at each other, picking up the weapon that fell to the ground from scratch, Fan Jiang and Zhang Da showed a cruel smile at the sleeping Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei, you can die, you can become the two of us brothers Fei Huang Tengda!

With the knife in hand, Zhang Fei, who is famous all over the world, died in his sleep.

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