Vertical said, outside Tongguan, Chu State military camp.

When he woke up early in the morning, Xiang Ji was taken aback.

This Nima, the inertia of history, is a bit powerful?

Then Lu Bu was also betrayed by his subordinates, and this Zhang Fei was also betrayed by his subordinates like history, and cut off the head of this master.

Looking at Zhang Fei's bloody head in front of him, Xiang Ji felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

This Nima, Lao Tzu has captured you countless times, and you can escape from Lao Tzu's palm.

But I didn't think that in the end, just like history, I died at the hands of two pawns.

"What are the names of the two of you, and what are the positions of the Shu Han officials?"

Looking at the two people who bowed down to him, Xiang Ji felt an indescribable disgust in his heart.

This kind of traitor seeking glory is the most hateful!

If it weren't for the confusion in his happiness, Xiang Ji really wanted to let people directly drag these two people out and cut them down.

As for Xiang Ji's doubts, Xiang Ji

just wanted to know if these two people were the two brothers who killed Zhang Fei in history.

"Back to the overlord! villain Fan Jiang, this is Zhang Da, the two of us were originally the deputy general of Zhang Fei, but that Zhang Fei was disabled..."

These two people are really the two people in history.

But I don't know, is this inertia, or is it a coincidence?"


knowing the doubts in his heart, Xiang Ji was naturally not interested in listening to what nonsense they were talking about.

This kind of traitor seeking glory, even if there are thousands of reasons, is just a despicable villain.

"Order, the whole army will be reorganized immediately, and now the king will break through the Tong Pass!"

No longer paying attention to the two people who were dragged down and kept scolding and begging for mercy, Xiang Ji reflexively gave the order to the Chu army to prepare for a general attack.

Now that Zhang Fei has hung up, there will be chaos on the Tongguan.

Coincidentally, after an overnight installation, the giant ballista truck has now been installed.

At this moment, it is the best time to capture Tongguan!

Tongguan, under the wall.

"Overlord! The giant ballista cart has been calibrated and can be attacked at any time!" Looking at

the panicked Han army armor above Tongguan, Xia Houlan, who was in charge of supervising the assembly of the giant ballista, was excited.

This giant ballista truck has been successfully erected, and Zhang Fei has even fallen to the ground, resulting in chaos on this Tong Pass, which is a heaven-sent opportunity to break through Tong Pass and approach Chang'an!

As a general of the Chu army, Xia Houlan naturally hopes that his overlord can finally win the Ninth Five-Year Plan and dominate China.

Now, seeing that the Chu army has occupied a great advantage, how can Xiahou Lan not be excited?

"Okay! Order, order the ballista to open fire, and give this Tongguan to the lonely king and blast it open!" Tongguan

is dangerous, and the city wall has been reinforced by the frenzied Liu Bei to a height of five zhang, which is converted into modern times, that is, a height of fifteen meters.

If you rely on human lives to add it, you really don't know how many casualties you will have to kill to conquer this place.

But now, the time, the place, and the people are all on the side of the Xiangji, and the so-called Tongguan is just a joke.

Just as the Chu army was making final adjustments to the giant ballista truck and preparing to shoot, the chaos above Tongguan was gradually subsided.

You must know that Zhang Fei's personal guards, who came to change the guard at dawn, found that the guards were not there, and there was only one sentence in the house about Zhang Fei's headless corpse, which was completely shocked.


soon as the news spread, Tongguan suddenly fell into chaos.

Everyone knows that Zhang Fei is the righteous brother of Emperor Liu Bei of the Han Dynasty, and he is the second ranked general of the Five Tigers of Shu Han.

Now, Zhang Fei is hanging, and all the Tongguan guards are at a loss.

There are those who want to abandon the pass and flee, those who want to refuse to defend the pass, and Yi Youzhi who wants to return to Chang'an to report Liu Bei's funeral.

Just when Tongguan was in chaos and almost about to have infighting, Wang Ping stood up.

You must know that Wang Pingke was originally the Tongguan guard appointed by Liu Bei.

After Zhang Fei led the army to arrive, Wang Ping naturally had to hand over power and give way.

Now, Zhang Fei is hanging, Tongguan is in chaos, if there is no one who can be the master of the house at this time, then even this Tongguan does not need to be guarded.

Finally, with the efforts of Wang Ping and his personal guards, the chaotic Tongguan gradually subsided, and the guards returned to normal again.

But just as Wang Ping put down the worries in his heart and was about to concentrate on defending the Chu army, two loud noises suddenly came from the pass.


!" "Bang!"

two loud bangs rang out almost at the same time.

Immediately, I saw two huge crossbow arrows ejecting from the Chu army's position.



Suddenly, with these two loud sounds, the defenders above Tongguan only felt that the ground was shaking, and the entire Tongguan began to shake.

"What's going on!?what's going on!?"

The violent shaking stunned Wang Ping.

Looking at the frightened defenders, Wang Ping had a bad premonition in his heart.

This Nima, could it be the two giant crossbow arrows just now? How could it be?

Although he couldn't believe it, Wang Ping still looked down at the city wall.

At this look, Wang Ping was completely cold from the head to the soles of his feet.

I saw that two giant crossbow arrows were firmly inserted in the wall of the pass, and huge cracks continued to spread from the wall.


! What

is this? How is it possible!?

The crossbow Wang Ping knows, and the crossbow Wang Ping also knows, after all, it is not a secret that Chu has this thing.


All this at the moment completely broke Wang Ping's cognition.

This Nima is also a

crossbow? Oh my God! This is Tongguan! This is the most dangerous pass in the world!

With just two crossbow arrows, the Tongguan ground shook and the city wall cracked.

If this is a few shots, will Tongguan still be able to stand on this land?

Wang Ping has no confidence in this.

Of course, this is not the most frightening thing for Wang Ping.

Now that the Chu State has such an artifact, what other cities are there in the world? What dangers can stop the pace of the Chu State's attack?

"Bang!" "Bang!"

Obviously, the Chu army will not give Wang Ping a chance to continue to think more.

Two giant bolts were shot out again.

"Oh my

God, run!" "The gods are angry! Run!" Tongguan is about to collapse

!" "Oh my God! This King of Chu is the real dragon, the true son of heaven! Your Majesty is against the real dragon, and God is angry!"

This time, Wang Ping was powerless to stop it.

In ancient times, people believed in ghosts and gods.

Now seeing what they can't understand at all, everyone has lost the same nationality and the mind of fighting against the Chu State.

On the contrary, the armor of the Chu army under Tongguan fell to their knees after seeing the giant ballista cart so powerful.

"Long live the overlord, long live, long live!" "

The overlord is the son of heaven! The gods descend to earth

!" "We will swear to go to the soup for the overlord!" "

Seeing all this in front of him, the Chu army was crazy.

This is a miracle!

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